Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prayer is absolutely vital to a robust Christian life. Prayer is something God's last-day people need to cultivate in a very stirring and committed manner. The more we pray the closer we are drawn to God and the greater our faith grows.
My father was a great believer that God answered prayer. He often told how God answered his prayer when as a young man he tried desperately to overcome his drinking habit before he became an Adventist. He was a plasterer by trade, working in the Los Angeles area. Each night, as he returned to his home after his work day, he had a habit of spending time at a saloon located at the corner where he got off the street car.
As the days went by he realized he was well on the road to becoming an alcoholic. Listening to his mother's prayers convinced him that God could help him. One day he asked God to help him not to stop at the saloon that night when he got off the street car. He even decided to help himself by riding the street car one block further to avoid walking by the saloon where he always stopped. He did not realize that the devil had a saloon on the next corner also.
Those were the days when the entrance door to the saloon was composed of two half-doors, allowing the liquor aroma to pass over and under the door and out to the sidewalk. As he started to walk by he was compelled by the smell to enter. He didn't want to, he had determined not to, but his feet took him to the door automatically. His hands pushed the door in. Suddenly he remembered his morning prayer for help and again he cried out within his heart, "God, help me!"
Instantly God opened his eyes. What he saw he never forgot to his dying day. For over the bar he saw an evil angel hovering in the air above, controlling a dozen or more men who were drinking at the bar. He was captivated by this magnificent creature about 15 feet in length as it lay in the air above the bar. For a moment he was spell bound, until this evil angel turned from the men and looked him square in the eyes. He became terrified as he beheld such an evil face, and especially the devilish look in his evil eyes. Dad realized that if he joined the men at the bar this devil would completely control him as he was controlling all the other men. Quickly he turned around and walked away, never again to enter any saloon; never again to take another drink.
How often I have heard my father praise God for answering his prayer. In just a few months he became a baptized Seventh-day Adventist – ever faithful to the message with the hope that he would live to see Jesus come. Beloved, I know that he will, although he is now asleep in Jesus, for God has told us that all who die faithful to the Three Angels' Messages will rise in that special resurrection to see Jesus come.
Let us pray. Oh loving Father, in this study we need Thy divine help to teach us how to earnestly pray in such a way that Deity can supply our every need in this final battle with Satan. Help us, Father, to follow Thy divine guidelines in temperate living that we may form characters worthy of Thy approval. In Jesus' name we ask, Amen.
Faith and prayer are a part of each other, for faith gives birth to prayer and grows stronger, strikes deeper, rises higher in the struggles and the wrestling of a mighty petitioning. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for." It is the one great condition of prayer. The lack of it lies at the root of all poor, feeble praying and unanswered prayer.
What a glorious achievement would come to God's people if only they would be mighty in faith and prayer – especially now in these darkening hours of earth's closing history. We need men of great faith and men who know how to pray. "Men of faith and prayer will be constrained to go forth with holy zeal, declaring the words which God gives them." Great Controversy p. 606.
Faith needs to be cultivated. We need to keep praying, "Lord, increase our faith," for faith is increased by exercise, nourished by sore trials. Faith also grows by reading and meditating upon the Word of God. And best of all, faith thrives in an atmosphere of prayer. Christ clearly taught that faith was the condition on which prayer was answered.
When we pray do we really believe that, without a single doubt, God hears our petitions? "By your fervent prayer of faith you can move the arm that moves the world." Adventist Home p. 264. What a promise! But this is not easy – it is reached only after much praying and much waiting. Our faith must so increase until we realize and receive all the fullness there is in that Name which is guaranteed to do so much. Many a failure in a revival effort for others has been traceable to a lack of faith. To be much on our knees in private communion with God is the only surety that we shall have Him with us in our personal struggles and in our efforts to convert sinners.
God wants to be represented by a people that are on fire for Him. There are two things that are intolerable to God – insincerity and lukewarmness. Lack of heart and lack of heed are two things that He loathes. To the Laodiceans He said in condemnation, "I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot., I will spue thee out of my mouth." Revelation 3:15, 16. This was God's expressed judgment on the lack of fire in the Laodicean church, and it is His indictment against individual Christians for the fatal want of sacred zeal. In prayer, nothing short of being red-hot for God can keep the glow of heaven in our hearts while living in this cold, sinful world.
Nothing distinguishes the children of God so clearly and strongly as prayer. It is the one infallible mark and test of being a Christian. But most Christians have not cultivated continual prayer in their lives. Prayer must be habitual – a yearning for divine communion. Prayer has everything to do with molding the soul into the image of God, for it has to do with enhancing and enlarging the measure of divine grace. It brings the child of God into complete communion with Him. The people of God cannot possibly be called Christians if they do not have daily prayer with their Maker.
In our prayers God must be approached in humbleness, for God is the Creator; we are the created. God is holy; we are sinful. God is the Giver; we are the receivers. God is immortal; we are mortal. God is perfect; we are imperfect. God is all-powerful; we are weak. God is self-sustaining; we are dependent. So, when we glimpse, even partially, the wisdom, justice, mercy and greatness of the eternal God we will approach Him with awe and humbleness. Whether we are kneeling or standing, or walking and offering our silent petitions to God we should feel solemn and humble in His presence. With the angels, who veil their faces at the very mention of His name, we will be filled with wonder that the One so great in majesty and power has invited us to commune with Him. Sensing our inadequacy, our sinfulness, and our dependence, we will approach our heavenly Father reverently in Jesus' name.
The Bible writers had a clear view of God's greatness, and as a result bowed down as they prayed. No one can examine carefully the reference of Bible writers to prayer without being impressed that the "spiritual greats" of ancient times considered it both a privilege and an obligation to kneel as they approached the Eternal in prayer. Even Solomon, who was king during the peak of Israel's national glory and prestige, when he offered his magnificent prayer at the dedication of the temple kneeled down upon his knees before all the congregation of Israel and spread forth his hands toward heaven. (2 Chronicles 6:13). Jesus, who is our example, kneeled down and prayed. (Luke 22:41).
"Where have our brethren obtained the idea that they should stand upon their feet when praying to God? …To bow down when in prayer to God is the proper attitude to occupy. …Both in public and in private worship it is our duty to bow down upon our knees before God when we offer our petitions to Him. This act shows our dependence upon God. …When you assemble to worship God, be sure and bow your knees before Him. Let this act testify that the whole soul, body, and spirit are in subjection to the Spirit of truth. …Man must come on bended knee as a subject of grace, a supplicant at the footstool of mercy." Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 311 – 314.
However, let us keep in mind that prayer is appropriate anywhere and at any time. "Wherever we are, whatever our employment, our hearts are to be uplifted to God in prayer. …We need not wait until we can bow upon our knees, before we pray." Bible Commentaries, Volume 3, p. 1136. We have also been instructed, "When engaged in our daily labor, we may breathe out our heart's desire, inaudible to any human ear; but that word cannot die away into silence, nor can it be lost. Nothing can drown the soul's desire. …It is God to whom we are speaking, and our prayer is heard." Gospel Workers p. 258. Don't you just feel like praising God for such an assurance!
Notwithstanding the fact that God is pleased to hear our prayers, whatever might be our situation or posture, it is indeed unfortunate that congregations stand instead of kneeling to prayer. Such behavior implies that they have a limited understanding of God's character, His power, majesty and authority. But, as God's people, let us remember that we are to have compassion and understanding of others and not be condemning of the posture that they may exercise when praying to God.
There is a wonderful song about prayer that is titled "When I Kneel Down to Pray." I think the words go like this, "Somehow the Savior seems a little nearer, when I kneel down to pray; And fellowship with Him a little dearer, when I kneel down to pray. I know that He will always hear me, for He is never far away, And yet He seems a little closer to me, when I kneel down to pray." Don't you like that?
Part of praying is confessing our sins to God, but afterwards it means forsaking these sins. The prayer of repentance is acceptable to God. He delights in hearing the cries of a penitent sinner, but repentance involves not only sorrow for sin, but also the turning away from wrongdoing and living the Christ-centered life. A repentance which does not produce a change in character and conduct is a mere sham. Old things must pass away and all things must become new. Praying which does not result in right thinking and right living is a lie. We have missed the whole office of prayer if we fail to purge our character and rectify our conduct in keeping with our prayer.
Consider with me the Christian soldier. Take the word "war." This is one word that makes most of us recoil even at the sound of it – except of course Satan. Satan has a strange infatuation with war. He is the author of war. You and I are now engaged in the last great war - the last great controversy between Christ and Satan. In this war two sides are now forming – God's army and Satan's army. Almost the entire world is marching to the drumbeat of Satan, but God is also preparing an army which is composed of His children - a few in each nation around the world. They are prepared to be Christian soldiers.
But a soldier for Christ, if he is to have courage for what lies ahead of him, must pray unceasingly. Listen, "The Christian life is a battle and a march. In this warfare there is no release; the effort must be continuous and persevering. It is by unceasing endeavor that we maintain the victory over the temptations of Satan. Christian integrity must be sought with resistless energy and maintained with a resolute fixedness of purpose. No one will be borne upward (and may I pause here to add, that means "taken to heaven") without stern, persevering effort in his own behalf. All must engage in this warfare for themselves; no one else can fight our battle." Ministry of Healing p. 453.
Many of today's Christians are lacking the discipline of self-denial, a spirit of hardship and determination so prominently found in the military life. Yet, the Christian life is a warfare all the way. Prayer and more prayer increases our fighting qualities against sin and the assurance of more certain victories for God's people. The power of prayer is most forceful on the battlefield amid the din and the strife of the conflict.
Paul was preeminently a soldier of the cross. For him, life was no flowerbed of ease; he was not what you call a dress-parade-, holiday- soldier whose only business was to don a uniform on set occasions. His was a life of intense conflict, of constant effort, and at his close we hear his final song of victory, "I have fought a good fight."
The Christian soldier is to pray in all seasons and under all circumstances - in times of peace as well as in his hour of active conflict. Prayer must be offered up during his marching and during his fighting. The Christian soldier must be as intense in his praying as he is in his fighting, for his victories will depend much more on his praying than on his fighting. Prayer is the Christian's weapon. The Christian soldier must always be on his guard for he is faced by a foe that never sleeps, who is always alert and ever prepared to take advantage of the fortunes of war. Watchfulness is a cardinal principle with Christ's warriors. "Watch and pray" must forever be sounding in his ears.
One of the greatest soldiers for Christ was John the Baptist. Because of his prayer life and temperate diet he became so in tune with God that he was able to do a mighty work in preparation for the Messiah. Inspiration tells us, "In this age, just prior to the Second Coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven, such a work as that of John is to be done. God calls for men who will prepare a people to stand in the great day of the Lord. The message preceding the public ministry of Christ was: 'Repent, publicans and sinners; repent, Pharisees and Sadducees; repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' As a people who believe in Christ's soon appearing, we have a message to bear--'Prepare to meet thy God.' Amos 4:12. Our message must be as direct as was the message of John. He rebuked kings for their iniquity. Notwithstanding that his life was imperiled, he did not hesitate to declare God's word. And our work in this age must be done as faithfully. In order to give such a message as John gave, we must have a spiritual experience like his." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 8, p. 332, 333.
Such counsel demands that we must be temperate people, for God is interested in our health and happiness here on this earth as well as in our character development for eternity. The health message is a wonderful gift to the remnant church. It is a great privilege to have the instruction which God has revealed to us concerning the relationship between health habits and character development. In order to gain the victory we must be temperate. It is through the knowledge of God that we become partakers of the divine nature and temperance absolutely is necessary for the achievement of this experience. "Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible." 1 Corinthians 9:25.
You may ask, "How does health reform aid us in perfecting Christian characters?" – By temperate living - the way we eat - we do by faith according to the Word of God that says, "Whatsoever ye eat or drink, do all to the glory of God." But, because of indulgence of appetite all of mankind has become confused with a clouded vision so they cannot discern the truths of God's Word or see the folly of trusting to the institutions and frailties of man. This is Satan's design. He knows that the mind, which is to be the temple of the Holy Spirit, will become defiled through the mistreatment of the physical frame and is less likely to acknowledge the claims of the Creator.
Health reform is one of our greatest blessings for it promotes a sound body and mind. It is not a hindrance of an unpleasant yoke. "Its purpose is to secure the highest development of body and mind and soul." Counsels on Diet and Food p. 457. God has given the health message to this remnant church not merely to help us to feel better, but to give us clear minds with which to discern truth from error and to develop character. When we overeat we experience a mind-benumbing effect, and a lessening of desire that accompanies it, to appreciate spiritual truths. By eating improperly we can become easily irritated and impatient. If we have consulted our taste buds but not our intellect, and have eaten things that we know are harmful and become sick, then we need to accept responsibility and admit where the cause lies.
What we put into our mouths can mean either health or sickness. God has commanded us to eat only that which is good. Christians must eat and drink in a way that will please God. In order to do this we must govern our eating and drinking according to the principles laid down in the Word of God and not merely by our preferences. In addition, Seventh-day Adventists are even more obliged, as a remnant people, to put in practice the health principles which God has given to us in the Spirit of Prophecy.
The Creator who made us knows what is best for us to eat. God is love. He never deprives us of anything that is for our own good. Therefore, it is for our own good to obey Him. Intemperance always leads to moral weakness. "When men and women are truly converted, they will conscientiously regard the laws of life that God has established in their being, thus seeking to avoid physical, mental, and moral feebleness. …We must answer to God for our habits and practices. Therefore, the question for us is not, 'What will the world say?' but, 'How shall I, claiming to be a Christian, treat the habitation God has given me?'" Testimonies for the Church, Volume 6, p. 369, 370.
Now let me speak frankly. Let's examine one of the eight laws of proper diet more closely. Some Seventh-day Adventists in particular disregard this one for they are still eating the flesh of animals. Those who eat flesh foods do not realize the importance of eating and drinking to the glory of God as we read in 1 Corinthians 10:31. Let me make an observation. Seventh-day Adventists do not refrain from eating flesh foods merely from the standpoint of health or because one runs a risk of eating diseased flesh foods and because it is not the best source of protein. They do this mainly because the eating of flesh foods makes it much more difficult for them to develop a Christ-like character.
Let me present some facts. Flesh foods make it more difficult to be patient and sweet, loving and Christ-like. Many Seventh-day Adventists do not realize that the eating of flesh foods has the same influence upon the disposition of human beings as it has upon the disposition of animals. Flesh eating can make man impatient, irritable, cantankerous and even vicious. This has been proven over and over again. "There are few who realize as they should how much their habits of diet have to do with their health, their character, their usefulness in this world, and their eternal destiny." Patriarchs and Prophets p. 562.
The eating of flesh foods will:
Rob people of sympathy.
Animalize their nature.
Poison the bloodstream.
Inflame the passions.
Destroy sympathy and affection for one another.
Dampen the spiritual perception and ardor.
Make one impatient and ill-tempered.
Pervert the appetite.
Where do such facts come from? – "By the use of flesh meat the animal nature is strengthened and the spiritual nature weakened." Counsels on Diet and Food p. 383. "I have been instructed that flesh food has a tendency to animalize the nature, to rob men and women of that love and sympathy which they should feel for every one and to give the lower passions control over the high powers of the being. If meat eating were ever healthful, it is not safe now. Cancers, tumors, and pulmonary diseases are largely caused by meat eating." Counsels and Diet and Foods p. 404. Maybe this is one of the reasons why there is not more agape love among many members in our church. Maybe this is why some Seventh-day Adventists have stopped growing spiritually and are cold and indifferent, proud and covetous, and even cantankerous. Maybe this is why so many are still only babes in Christ, worldly minded, materialistic, disgruntled. Could this offer a clue as to why so many of our churches are made up of lukewarm even indifferent and hostile members?
Could the Lord be withholding the Latter Rain from the church for this reason? What happened to the children of Israel who lusted for the fleshpots of Egypt? "It has been clearly presented to me that God's people are to take a firm stand against meat eating. Would God for thirty years give His people the message that if they desire to have pure blood and clear minds, they must give up the use of flesh meat, if He did not want them to heed this message?" Evangelism p. 663.
God has plainly told us that those who are preparing for translation will give up the eating of flesh foods. "Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet." Counsels on Diet and Food p. 380, 381. The alarming truth is that many Seventh-day Adventists who persist in eating flesh will be lost. Are you listening? "Many who are now only half converted on the question of meat eating will go from God's people to walk no more with them." Counsels on Diet and Food p. 382. How sad; what a tragedy.
Now, let me give you a word of encouragement. If you seek help from God, "His power working in you will bring to naught all opposing powers and you will become sanctified through the truth." Review and Herald, June 16, 1891. Here is another gem. "What can Deity do with us? Everything, if we are willing to surrender all." Our High Calling p. 19. Beloved, we can have total victory over appetite. Why then do we find so few Christians who have attained the goal of completely overcoming appetite? If we examine our appetites more closely many of us would probably discover that we are still slaves to our taste buds. Many of us still have perverted appetites, eat far too much and much too often, or partake of foods that are prepared in ways that do not offer much nutrition.
Today's Christians especially need to adapt habits of self-control over appetite and begin practicing self-denial. We need to remember that Adam and Eve lost Eden because they did not exercise self-control in denying themselves the forbidden fruit. On the other hand, Daniel and his three Hebrew friends offered a positive reminder of self-denial, standing true as they did while tested upon the point of appetite. "The highest evidence of nobility in a Christian life is self-control." Desire of Ages p. 301. "We need to learn that indulged appetite is the greatest hindrance to mental improvement and soul sanctification." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9, p. 156.
Why is the appetite issue so important?
Indulgence of appetite was the first sin committed.
Without the conquest of appetite the development of character cannot be completed.
Appetite plays a major role in end-time events. It can mean the difference between eternal life or eternal death.
Our Lord allowed Himself to be sorely tempted in the wilderness for forty days so that He might overcome the sin of indulgence of appetite on our behalf.
Consider this: When one is in the military there are certain regulations that must be met. One of the regulations that the inductee must pass is the physical. If the inductee does not meet the health and physical standards he is rejected. What about Christ's army? Should Christian soldiers be any less healthy than the world's standard for their soldiers? Should Christ's standards be lower than earthly military standards? – God forbid. Yet, when we look around we see so many sick Christians who, in the majority of their cases, their diseases were brought about because the eight laws of health were not practiced.
But praise the Lord, our Commander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ, can give us the victory. Let us rejoice in God who recruited us to be soldiers for the King. We can no longer afford to compromise God's principles including that of healthful living. God is putting an army together of men and women that have courage of conviction, who cannot be bought or sold and cannot be intimidated. Such a people will stand like a rock for principle and will be true to their duty. What an army this is going to be! God's last-day people will be a spectacle to the entire world – mentally, physically and spiritually.
It matters not what the church in former generations has been permitted to do. We are living in an altogether different age. These somber times call for a much higher standard than any Christian in the past has ever been called upon to do. There have always been a few souls who have conformed willingly to God's standards, but never in history has there been a whole group at one time practicing these worthy principles. We have passed into a new day. We need to become committed and overcome appetite, accept eating a more restricted diet without murmuring and complaining, until we are assured of victory.
When we have finally conquered, through Christ, we can be assured of victory. "The controlling power of appetite will prove the ruin of thousands, when, if they had conquered on this point, they would have had moral power to gain the victory over every other temptation of Satan. But those who are slaves to appetite will fail in perfecting Christian character. The continual transgression of man for six thousand years has brought sickness, pain and death as its fruits. And as we near the close of time, Satan's temptation to indulge appetite will be more powerful and more difficult to overcome." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 3, p. 491, 492.
The Word of God states, "The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God that your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Remember, to receive the Latter Rain God's last-day people will be a praying and a temperate people.
Let us pray. Dear God, many who have read this sermon will need Thy divine help as my father did when he struggled with temptation. May the Holy Spirit lead us to plead for victory over every besetment, ready to receive the Latter Rain. May we never forget that it is "not by might, nor by power, but by [Thy] Spirit, saith the Lord.' Zechariah 4:6. This we ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Let me begin with a true story told by Pastor Kenneth Oster who was in charge of our mission work in Ethiopia during the time when the communists invaded and overthrew the government. They were determined to destroy Christianity. Elder Oster tells how the native pastor of the church in Addis Ababa was faced with tremendous problems as he tried to shepherd his flock. Little did he realize the hatred of the communist invaders toward Christianity and their determination to crush every person's belief in God. One day, as the pastor prepared to visit his members, he heard a loud knock. As he opened the door he faced two Soviet police who commanded him to go with them to the KGB headquarters.
When they reached the building he was locked in a room for some four hours. Then a KGB officer, together with a medical doctor who carried a small bag and was leading a dog, entered the room. The doctor opened the bag and took out a Bible. Then he asked the pastor, "Do you believe this to be God's Book?"
The pastor answered, "I surely do."
Then he commanded him to read the sixteenth chapter of Saint Mark out loud. When he got to verse nine which reads, "Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week," the doctor said, "Stop!" And then asked him, "Do you really believe that Jesus who was crucified, who died and was buried, was resurrected and is alive today?"
The pastor answered, "Most assuredly I do." Then he was commanded to read on. When he read verse seventeen and eighteen, which reads, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them."
"Stop!" cried the doctor. "Do you actually believe what you just read?"
"Yes, I do," he replied.
Then the doctor opened the bag again and took out a small vial. Calling the dog to him he then sprinkled several drops of the fluid from the bottle on the dog's tongue. Then he opened the door and told the dog to get out. But before the dog reached the door, it fell over dead.
Now the doctor turned to the pastor and continued, "Tell me, do you actually believe that your God can save you from this deadly poison that I just gave the dog?"
"Yes," the pastor replied, "if God wills."
Now the doctor took a teaspoon and filled it to the brim and commanded the pastor to open his mouth and he thrust the spoon filled with the deadly poison into the pastor's mouth. Both the doctor and the KGB officer watched to see the pastor die immediately. Five seconds passed. Ten seconds. And then the doctor took out his watch. …One minute…two minutes…five minutes. In amazement the doctor turned to the KGB officer, took out his communist membership card and tore it to bits and said, "I no longer believe in communism. I now believe in Jesus Christ." Oh, what a victory in the power of Christ! What a God we serve!
Let us pray. Oh, Father, You may not see fit to give us such a test, but Father, we know that each of us is to be tested in this coming end-time crisis. As we discuss how to obtain such victory, we pray that we may, with Thy Holy Spirit, be able to obtain such an overwhelming faith, and a daily victory over sin, that we may be worthy to receive Thy approval with the Latter Rain to give the Loud Cry. This we ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.
I have been reading a new book just printed entitled Seven Conditions for Receiving the Latter Rain. The author has graciously granted me permission to share some of this information with you. Let us begin with a most important question – What is God's will for us? Both the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy teach that it is possible, by God's grace, to be totally committed and Spirit-filled Christians so we may overcome sin completely in this life. What a glorious design! God's will for us is that we sin not.
Reading in 1 John 2:1 we are told, "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." Only those Christians who receive wholeheartedly the straight testimony of Jesus contained in Revelation 3:14-22, and overcome every besetting sin, reflecting the image of Jesus fully, will receive the Latter Rain. I quote, "Those who come up to every point, and stand every test, and overcome be the price what it may, have heeded the counsel of the True Witness, and they will receive the latter rain, and thus be fitted for translation." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 1, p. 187. Did you notice the counsel of the True Witness? – First, come up to every point; second, stand every test; third, overcome every sin be the price what it may.
Of course this is not all the straight testimony and the counsel of the True Witness. We need to remember there is also the gold of faith and love, the white raiment, the robe of Christ's righteous character, and the eyesalve and the spiritual discernment of the Holy Spirit. The straight testimony calls sin by its right name, and appeals to God's people to repent and to forsake all sin, and to come up to the standard.
As we strive to attain such an achievement let us ever keep in mind that victory over sin is to come first, then the gifts of the Spirit and the outpouring of the Latter Rain come after. This matter has been made very plain in Inspiration. "I was shown that if God's people make no efforts on their part, but wait for the refreshing to come upon them and remove their wrongs and correct their errors; if they depend upon that to cleanse them from filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and fit them to engage in the loud cry of the third angel, they will be found wanting. The refreshing or power of God comes only on those who have prepared themselves for it by doing the work which God bids them, namely, cleansing themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 1, p. 619.
Did you catch the words "we are to perfect holiness"? Please do not be alarmed. You will be surprised to discover there is a secret to obtaining holiness. Such a victory comes by the continual surrender of the will to Christ. Such surrender of the will is a continual, deepening of self-denying. A surrender today is not adequate for tomorrow. The surrender of the soul to God must go deeper and deeper until we come to the point that, like Christ, we will say, "Not my will, but Thine be done" – even to the point of death.
Often we will have to fall upon our knees in despair saying, "Father, help my unbelief and make me willing." Christ, our example, knew the meaning of total surrender. Many of God's children who love the Lord have not learned the lesson of continual, deepening surrender that is to be renewed day by day. They will discover that they do not know victory. "Some who come to God by repentance and confession, and even believe that their sins are forgiven, still fail of claiming, as they should, the promises of God. They do not see that Jesus is an ever-present Saviour; and they are not ready to commit the keeping of their souls to Him, relying upon Him to perfect the work of grace begun in their hearts. While they think they are committing themselves to God, there is a great deal of self-dependence. There are conscientious souls that trust partly to God, and partly to themselves. They do not look to God, to be kept by His power, but depend upon watchfulness against temptation, and the performance of certain duties for acceptance with Him. There are no victories in this kind of faith. Such persons toil to no purpose; their souls are in continual bondage, and they find no rest until their burdens are laid at the feet of Jesus." Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 353.
Today, God is raising up a remnant "that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." Revelation 14:12. But have we succumbed to the deceptions of the adversary? Do we, like the great majority of professed Christians today, believe Satan's lie that we cannot overcome? Beware, it's being preached from some of our pulpits today. It is the father of lies who says that we cannot overcome for beloved, we can overcome and we can overcome entirely through the merits of Him "who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5:21.
God has the power to give us victory. "Exact obedience is required, and those who say that it is not possible to live a perfect life throw upon God the imputation of injustice and untruth." Manuscript Releases, Volume 1, p. 369. If we believe that we cannot overcome we are echoing the voice of the adversary. Christianity is to be a life of overcoming. To many, the thought of victory is as a rope of sand - intellectually accepted, but never experienced. If we do not believe in victory and have never seen a clear demonstration of God's power to save, then I'm sorry to say, we won't be able to receive the Latter Rain.
Some of God's people believe that at Christ's Second Coming He will miraculously give us the victory over sin. This very week, as I prepared this tape, a pastor of one of our large, near-by churches preached that God would change our characters when He comes, so that we will never sin again. Beloved, this is a false belief. This is a lie. The miracle of victory over sin is for today and every day that we might be a spectacle to men and to angels. "Satan is also watching his chances to lead astray. He will present attractions that will lead our minds from God. But shall we not watch his devices and be constantly seeking the aid of God to keep us from Satan's allurements? …We must not lay off the armor for one moment. You will hear the cry 'Only believe.' Satan believed and trembled. We must have a faith that works by love and purifies the heart. The idea prevails that Christ has done all for us, and that we can go on transgressing the commandments and will not be held accountable for it. This is the greatest deception that the enemy ever devised. We must take our position that we will not violate the commandments at any cost, and be in that spiritual condition that we can educate others in spiritual things." Manuscript Releases, Volume 3, p. 97.
Such counsel helps us to see our tremendous need. "The work of overcoming is to be the study of every soul who enters the kingdom of God." Review and Herald August 1, 1893. God will never be satisfied with anything short of perfection. Man was created in the beginning, and God's plan of redemption is designed to restore His children to that original perfection in which they will once again reflect His image. This restoration which begins with the New Birth is a purifying, refining process that God can accomplish only when He has the confidence and the cooperation of the individual. It is possible to stop sinning but not without a surrendering and dying to self, which is the sinful nature. If we really long to be rid of every trace of sin we should welcome suffering if it is the necessary discipline God must use to set us free and make us perfect in Christ. "Let the recording angels write the history of the holy struggles and conflicts of the people of God; let them record their prayers and tears; but let not God be dishonored by the declaration from human lips, 'I am sinless; I am holy.' Sanctified lips will never give utterance to such presumptuous words." Acts of the Apostles p. 561, 562.
So beloved, never should we forget that God's way is the best, and the trusting Christian does not look upon suffering and sorrow with an attitude of self-pity or resentment. He faces life's conflicts as God's given opportunities to grow in grace. I am not suggesting here that Christian perfection may be obtained only through sorrow and suffering, but we came into the world with a fallen, sinful nature, and the process by which we are restored to an intimate fellowship with God requires the death of our very natures. We must never forget that a sinful nature cannot cease sinning. Consequently God's provision for victory over sin is a transformation of our nature. In order to possess the divine nature we are required to crucify the flesh, or in other words our sinful nature. Believe me, this is a more serious and painful process than many of us realize.
We need to recognize that trials are one of God's means in the perfection of our characters. These trials are also for God's glory, that He may show to others the power of the gospel as we respond to these trials with the same meekness and strength of Jesus. Remember the Ethiopian pastor who had such a faith experience with Christ that he believed in witnessing for God even when forced to drink deadly poison? He remembered that God promised it will not hurt you. "Conflicts and trials are the very means ordained …of God to perfect the Christian character unto eternal life." 1888 Materials p. 489.
If we would be ready for any test that God may send our way we must prepare for victory by shutting every door of temptation. "It is a law both of the intellectual and the spiritual nature that by beholding we become changed. The mind gradually adapts itself to the subjects upon which it is allowed to dwell. It becomes assimilated to that which it is accustomed to love and reverence. Man will never rise higher than his standard of purity or goodness or truth. If self is his loftiest ideal, he will never attain to anything more exalted. Rather, he will constantly sink lower and lower. The grace of God alone has power to exalt man. Left to himself, his course must inevitably be downward." Great Controversy p. 555. So you can see that it is an impossibility to live the life of an overcomer while we participate in watching, reading or listening to that which is contrary to the Word and the principles of God. Far too many Christians have a double standard and are considered by God to be double minded.
For complete victory we must rise up to a newness of life. Once we have done this then a work for us is to follow. We are to seek after God, setting our minds upon things of heavenly origin and not only our thoughts but also our lives are to be taken up with God and the work that He has for us to do. The admonition for God's people is that we are to experience victory over sin. But how? – By beholding "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29.
Here are the facts: Continual effort combined with Christ's power is the means of our victory. Let me try to make this clear. Inspiration declares that he who freely and fully abides in Christ does not sin. "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither know[eth] him." 1 John 3:6. Again, "'Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not;' 1 John 3:6. Here is the true test." Steps to Christ p. 61. Keep in mind the words "sinneth not" has to do with a complete victory over sin. "We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not." 1 John 5:18.
Now notice carefully, "The Son of God came to our world in human form to show man that divinity and humanity combined can obtain the victory over sin. …'Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not; whosoever sinneth hath not seen Him.' God calls for complete consecration, and anything short of this He will not accept." Signs of the Times February 1, 1899. Such an experience will make us perfect in Christ. The word "perfect" means complete, whole, accomplished, finished, sound, upright or undefiled. "That ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God." Colossians 4:12. "That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:17.
"The warfare against self is the greatest battle that was ever fought. The yielding of self, surrendering all to the will of God and being clothed with humility, possessing that love that is pure, peaceable, and easy to be entreated, full of gentleness and good fruit, is not an easy attainment. And yet it is his privilege and his duty to be a perfect overcomer here." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 3, p. 106, 107. This means we are to form characters free from sin. Note, "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof." Romans 6:6, 12.
"Brethren and sisters, we need the reformation that all who are redeemed must have through the cleansing of mind and heart from every taint of sin….We are to form characters free from sin--characters made righteous in and by the grace of Christ. …Our hearts are to be cleansed from all impurity in the blood shed to take away sin." Counsels on Health p. 633, 634. This requires a personal decision. "It is better to die than to sin." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 4, p. 495. We must grow spiritually until we continually have the determination to cease to sin. Does not God's Word declare, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Romans 6:1,2. "As we behold Christ, pierced for our sins, we shall see that we cannot break the law of God and remain in His favor; we shall feel that as sinners we must lay hold of the merits of Christ and cease to sin." Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 312.
Now let me ask you a question - Why hasn't the Latter Rain fallen yet? – The reason is because we, the remnant people, are not ready. We haven't totally surrendered ourselves and forsaken all sin. "When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own." Christ Object Lessons p. 69. When will we as a people come to the place where we will believe the clear, explicit Bible and Spirit of Prophecy teaching concerning perfection and overcoming? When will we put aside our unbelief and lack of faith? When will we lay aside our half-hearted dedication and go all the way with God? How much longer is God going to wait for His people to become the victorious people so that He can pour out the Latter Rain? This we need to pray about, for such a glorious day for God's people will happen very, very soon. Then, and only then, will we receive the Latter Rain and arise to give the Loud Cry and finish the work. We must not take these things lightly, but repent with all of our hearts and seek most earnestly for the complete, unbroken victory over sin which it is our privilege to have. Soon, there will be a victorious people spreading the Loud Cry to every country of the world. Are you going to be one of them? I hope so. The Latter Rain will be poured out only upon a victorious people.
I trust that you have made your decision to be victorious over sin by surrendering your will to Divinity. The next step to be reached is to become a loving person, for God is love. The English word "love" is altogether inadequate to express the depth and meaning expressed by the Greek word "agape." Agape is true Christian love which is not merely an emotional experience that comes to us unbidden and unsought. It is a deliberate principle of the mind and a conquest and achievement of the will. It may be described as a love bringing into play the higher powers of the mind and intelligence. It is this kind of love that the Christian is to exercise even toward his enemies. That is, the Christian is to treat his enemies with proper respect. We are therefore bidden to love our enemies. Why? – In order that we should be like God.
What is the typical action of God that is sighted? – God sends His rain on the just and the unjust and on the evil and on the good. That is to say, no matter what a man is like God seeks nothing but his highest good. Agape is the spirit which says, "No matter what any man does to me, I will never seek to harm him. I will never set out for revenge. I will always seek nothing but his highest good." Now, to make such a commitment, it will take all of a man to achieve such Christian love. It takes not only his heart, it takes his mind and his will as well.
Today we are living in an age when the real meaning of love is no longer understood. The type of love that much of the human race displays is an emotional love based on selfishness, but true love is seen in good works. "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." John 14:21. This is the only true test of character. In doing the will of God we give the best evidence that we love God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. "The oft-repeated words of love for God are of no value unless that love is made manifest in the life practice. Love for God is not a mere sentiment; it is a living, working power. The man who does the will of his Father who is in heaven shows to the world that he loves God. The fruit of his love is seen in good works." Signs of the Times, May 19, 1898.
The real meaning of love is a faith that works and is seen in the fruits of a Christian life. God demonstrates such love for us, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. God's great love for the world is beyond our comprehension. His love for us is so great that He gave His only Son for our redemption. Such a love is unsurpassed - love unexampled, unfathomable, immeasurable. The beloved disciple, John, tells us not to love the world (1 John 2:15) but he does tell us in the same chapter to walk even as He walked (verse six). If we follow closely His example we too must love the people of this present, evil world. Love them to such an extent and in such a way as to give ourselves for them as He did.
It was an unlovable people that Christ loved so much. They are no more lovable today than they were when Christ gave Himself for them. Who has not walked down skid-row of any major city and witnessed the drunkard and the derelict? Who has not seen these wrecks of humanity, degraded by drugs and drinking to a level below the brute with a complete loss of all moral and physical control? These wretched souls sit or lie in their own filth. The stench of alcohol and excrement poisoning the atmosphere around them – love them?! We naturally feel repelled and want to turn from them in disgust. We thank God, mainly, that we are not like other men, while at the same time we are void of the love that gives a helping hand.
The unlovely and the unlovable qualities of the world show up in many ways. It is found in religious belief, denominational affiliation, cultural differences. Family background and national disparity join the natural tendency to dislike those who are separate from us. But Christ was not unaware of the unlovely characteristics of the world into which He sent His disciples. He expressly had these conditions in mind when He commanded His followers, "Go your way: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves." Luke 10:3.
Our mission then is to love with agape love. As God loves us, we must love mankind. But to love the unlovable will take a miracle and only God can work that miracle in us. There must be an entire renunciation of self. Only Christ can accomplish this work for us with our consent. "Lord, take my heart; for I cannot give it. It is Thy property. Keep it pure, for I cannot keep it for Thee. Save me in spite of myself, my weak, unchristlike self. Mold me, fashion me, raise me into a pure and holy atmosphere, where the rich current of Thy love can flow through my soul." Christ Object Lessons p. 159.
We must understand that God uses love to expel sin from the heart. According to the scriptures faith works by love to purify the soul. It is the love of Christ that constrains and moves the Christian to a life of self-denial, righteousness, and obedience to God's law. Ellen White explains this so beautifully. "Love is power. Intellectual and moral strength are involved in this principle, and cannot be separated from it. Love cannot live without action, and every act increases, strengthens, and extends it. Love will gain the victory." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 2, p. 135.
"There can be no perfection of Christian character without that faith that works by love, and purifies the soul." Review and Herald October 18, 1898. Now, this helps us to walk in love for it is love, and love alone finding satisfaction in God, that satisfies the soul's hunger and prevents all coveting. Love is really not a rule but a motive. Love does not tell the Christian what to do, but how to do it. Love must go to the law of God to learn the divine will. Love is a principle.
We are to become imitators of God as beloved children. That is to say, we are to walk in love just as also Christ loved us and gave Himself for us. The source of Christian love is the Holy Spirit. As His control and transforming action increases in the life the more clearly is the fruit of love discerned. The implanting of a loving attitude toward God and man by the indwelling of the Spirit is related to the believers hungering and thirsting to know God. "Only by love is love awakened. To know God is to love Him." Desire of Ages p. 22.
This spectrum of love has many ingredients. As I quote from the Bible you will see patience - "Let patience have her perfect work." Kindness – "To godliness, brotherly kindness." Generosity – "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Humility – "Charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up." Courtesy – "Does not behave itself unseemingly." Unselfishness – "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Good temper – "Is not easily provoked." Guilelessness – "Thinketh no evil." Sincerity – "Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth."
"The divine love emanating from Christ never destroys human love, but includes it. By it human love is refined and purified, elevated and ennobled. Human love can never bear its precious fruit until it is united with the divine nature and trained to grow heavenward." Adventist Home p. 99.
The power of the gospel is the cross, and the power of the cross is love. Herein is found another key to victory. As it is written, "Love is the fulfilling of the law." Romans 13:10. So you can see that God is ready to test our love for Him by the way we treat one another. Listen, "When the Latter Rain is poured out, the church will be clothed with power for its work; but the church as a whole will never receive this until its members shall put away from among them, envy, evil-surmisings, and evil-speaking. Those who cherish these sins know not the blessed experience of love; they are not awake to the fact that the Lord is testing and proving their love for him by the attitude they assume toward one another. Christ says to us, 'A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another.'…When this commandment is obeyed, envy, evil-surmising and evil-thinking will not be indulged; they will have no part in the formation of character." Review and Herald October 6, 1896.
Such an experience will make the remnant people a loving people, filled with brotherly love and in full unity and harmony. "The Spirit can never be poured out while variance and bitterness toward one another are cherished by the members of the church. Envy, jealousy, evil-surmising, and evil-speaking are of Satan, and they effectually bar the way against the Holy Spirit's working." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 6, p. 42. So, let us praise God that His remnant will be a surrendered and a loving people. To love Christ means to manifest unselfishness at all times and in all places by kind words and pleasant looks. These cost those who give them absolutely nothing, but they leave behind a fragrance that surrounds the soul. Their effect can never be estimated. Not only are they a blessing to the receiver, but to the giver for they react upon him. Genuine love is a precious attribute of heavenly origin which increases in fragrance in proportion as it is dispensed to others.
Let us pray. Dear Father, how we need Thy help to completely surrender our will to Thy will that we may become loving like Jesus to lead many souls to Thee. This is our prayer in Christ's name, Amen.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

WHEN GOD SPEAKS SEVEN TIMESby: Elder Lawrence Nelson
Ready or not, we have finally arrived at the end time when every person who is alive on earth will behold the most thrilling event every witnessed by mortals. The Bible portrays this in these cataclysmic words which are found in 2 Peter 3:10-12, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
And then in Titus 2:13 we read, "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ."
Let us pray. O loving Father, as we envision the Second Coming of Thy Son as pictured by Inspiration, we earnestly plead that Thy mighty Spirit will impress each of us with the conviction that now is the time to prepare for the final revival and reformation which will enable us to be ready to go home with Jesus when He comes. This we ask in His name, Amen.
For the next few minutes let us contemplate how God has invited you and me to prepare for the Second Coming by giving us three separate messages as found in Revelation 14, which if followed and obeyed will prepare us to be ready for this cataclysmic event. The first angel begins with the good news of the everlasting gospel revealing a loving Savior who has made possible our redemption on Calvary for every nations, kindred, tongue and people. This angel declares that a judgment is now taking place in heaven's sanctuary in which Christ, our High Priest, is able to forgive and take away our sins. It's a call to those who would be saved to worship God as a Creator by keeping holy the seventh-day Sabbath.
The second angel sounds an alarming message warning us of a world-wide structure of religious systems which have become drunk with the traditions of paganism by drinking of the cup extended through the ecumenical movement, which has been brewed by Roman Catholicism. God declares this world power is Babylon, which has fallen from Biblical truth.
And finally a third angel gives God's last call to all who would be saved to totally separate from Babylon's pagan doctrines because God's wrath is soon to be poured out upon all who worship the beast of Babylon or who make an image to her customs and traditions. This is absolutely God's last call for every individual to never accept the mark of the beast when Babylon will make it the law to keep Sunday as a holy sabbath day.
Nowhere else in the scriptures, other than Revelation 14, is to be found such a description of God's wrath as told by this angel - annihilating wrath, which will fall upon anyone who fails to heed this warning. Such pleadings of God, who desires all to be saved, concludes with a call for each individual to become a part of His remnant church which this angel describes as a people who keep the commandments of God and have a personal faith in Jesus. They believe that through His mighty power He can give you victory over every known sin and make ready a people who stand unafraid when they hear God speak seven times at the Second Coming of Christ. These people will be ready, together with God's sleeping saints, to be gathered together with Jesus and to go to the eternal home that He has prepared for them.
The following details I have gleaned from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy and especially from the Great Controversy, the chapter entitled, "God's People Delivered." Everyone loves a thrilling story of what has taken place in the past, but this amazing true story is yet to take place. Someday, very, very soon, in a day just like our day when people are buying and selling, building homes and mighty skyscrapers, conducting weddings and getting a divorce, in a day of unstoppable crime of every description with men's thoughts continually evil; in such a time, when the majority defy God and His law with preaching that God is such a God of love that all anyone needs to do is just believe; in such a time as this, suddenly, a darkness, deeper than any night ever experienced, will come to this old world. And to the amazement of all a great rainbow will be seen in the heavens, which will encircle the entire earth. And that's not all, a small rainbow will hover over each small group of commandment keepers.
And then, and then it happens. God speaks for the first time. As He speaks He will shake the earth with just two words, "Look Up!" Immediately the black clouds of total darkness will part and the living saints obey God's command. They will look up into the heavens and see God the Father, and Christ the Son, seated on their thrones. The saints will listen to the conversation between the Father and the Son as Jesus speaks, "Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am." John 17:24.
When we hear these words we shall give a shout of victory not heard since the deliverance at the Red Sea in the days of Moses. The time is at midnight. Signs and wonders will appear as the sun shines forth with all its glory. The wicked will be filled with terror. Streams will cease to flow. Angry clouds fill the heavens, but there remains one clear spot filled with indescribable glory.
This is the moment when God speaks the second time with these unforgettable words, "It is done." Just three short words in answer to the request of Jesus. Suddenly there is a mighty, world-wide earthquake as we are told in Revelation 16:18, "And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great."
Mountains are shaken like blades of grass in the wind. The whole earth convulses in destruction. Ragged rocks are hurled in every direction. The sea boils like a pot. Mountains sink beneath the earth's surface and islands disappear. The whole earth heaves and swells like the ocean. Seaports, which have become like Sodom in wickedness, are swallowed up. Great hailstones, over 50 pounds in weight, drop from the sky and the earth's proudest cities are destroyed.
Prison walls crumble, setting free God's faithful who have been imprisoned for their faith. And then another wonderful surprise. A special resurrection takes place as some of the graves open all over the earth as the Bible foretold, "Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2.
At this time all who have died in the faith of the third angel's message arise, glorified. What a moment! I expect to see my mother and my father resurrected and together to see Jesus come. And there will also be a special resurrection of those who condemned and crucified Jesus. And this resurrection will include a third class who were the most violent oppressors of God's truth. They are to see the redeemed rescued and honored. Revelation 1:7 tells us, "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him."
As sheets of flames envelope the earth God now speaks for the third time declaring the doom of the wicked. His words are not comprehended by all but they are distinctly understood by the false teachers who are overwhelmed in fear. Even the demons are terrified. This is the moment spoken of by the prophets of old, "Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, for the glory of his majesty. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth." Isaiah 2:10-12, 20, 21.
Amid the wails of these false watchmen and the fear of demons, who now openly acknowledge the deity of Christ, God does not forget His faithful few. Amid a rift in the clouds a star shines forth four times brighter than the darkness. This is to encourage the saints with hope and joy amid such cataclysmic events. The faithful become aglow with wonder and faith and love. They repeat the promise, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof." Psalms 46:1-3.
As God listens to His saints He commands the clouds to part so that the glory of the New Jerusalem shines upon His faithful. Oh what a God! How wonderful! Next, God spreads His TV screen across the heavens. Two hands will be seen, each holding a table of stone. As every living soul watches, a pen of fire traces each word of the Ten Commandments. Can you see them as they are traced one by one in the heavens? "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Instantly millions will realize that their God has been the riches of gold and silver. Others will see that they have worshiped sports, sex, even the theater, as their god.
And now the second commandment: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image....Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them." Too late the pagans and the misled Catholics will see that God means exactly what He says in His law.
Next, the finger of fire traces, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." Those who have made a habit of swearing discover how wrong they were.
And then the wicked will tremble as the finger of fire traces the words, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made haven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." Billions of the earth's inhabitants discover that God has not altered these words from His lips. Too late, they see that Sunday keeping has been inspired by Satan.
And then the youth will tremble. For they shall see the words, "Honour thy father and thy mother." The rebellious youth of this generation will then realize how wrong they were to follow the crowd.
And then appear the words traced in fire, "Thou shalt not kill," followed by the words, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." These commanding words prove beyond question that the present consensus that the pill, condoms and abortion make things right with God, was a lie. Those who live in a "shacking-up" relationship will be speechless.
Then the pen of fire concludes, "Thou shalt not steal," "Thou shalt not bear false witness," "Thou shalt not covet." Too late all will recognize that God's law is eternal – a transcript of His character, that this law is the basis upon which God judges between life or death.
It is impossible to describe the hour of despair of those who have trampled upon God's requirements. Too late the enemies of God's law, especially the false ministers and priests, see that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is the very seal of the living God. Too late, they now see the true nature of Sunday keeping - that it is the mark of the beast which God warned against.
Now the voice of God is heard for the fourth time declaring the day and the hour of the coming of Christ. Hope fills the heart of every saint. Their faces shine like that of Moses as he descended the mount. God also pronounces a blessing upon Sabbath keepers. The saints respond with a shout of victory. Soon there appears in the east a small cloud. It is a cloud of angels surrounding the Savior. Because of the distance it appears to be shrouded in darkness but it soon becomes brighter and more glorious as they behold the King of kings coming as a mighty conqueror surrounded by countless angels.
Every eye beholds Him. As the saints see His beauty of character, they cry out, "Who shall be able stand before Him?" Suddenly the angels stop their singing. The whole universe awaits God's answer. It is here that God speaks for the fifth time in answer to the saints' question. He speaks the loving answer, "My grace is sufficient for you." At these words the angels rejoice in songs of victory. The righteous are filled with unutterable joy as the Savior descends in clouds wrapped in flaming fire.
"Our God shall come and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous around him." Psalm 50:3.
This is the time when "the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb." Revelation 6:15,16.
And now God speaks for the sixth time. Not to the righteous but to the wicked to awaken their memory that He has done everything possible that they might be saved. He declares, "I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof." Proverbs 1:24.
These words bring to memory warnings despised, invitations refused, privileges slighted. As Pilate listens, he remembers his own words when he said, "I find no fault in Him." Haughty Herod recalls how he mocked the Savior. Those very hands which placed the crown of thorns on Jesus - now they tremble. The soldiers who drove the nails and pierced His side now try to hide. The very same priests who cried, "Crucify Him, crucify Him," are now speechless. These, together with today's ministers who declare that you don't have to obey God's law and that you can sin until Jesus comes, all such, together with the earth's wicked are all consumed with the brightness of Christ's coming.
And now for the seventh, and last time, the voice of God loudly cries out, "Awake, awake, ye that sleep in the dust of the earth, arise." Instantly the whole earth rings with the tread of an exceeding great army from every nation, kindred, and tongue. Together these risen, immortal righteous, and the remaining living righteous unite in a great shout of victory. O what wonderful day! For the living righteous are now made immortal – "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
For the next seven days we shall travel to heaven. All will celebrate the Sabbath before entering the Holy City. As our journey ends on the sea of glass, just outside the city, Jesus gathers the redeemed around Him. Try to catch this picture with me. Jesus is crowned with seven crowns and with His own hand He places a crown upon each saint upon which is imprinted a new name.
Then the angels give a golden harp to each of the redeemed who will skillfully play and sing in unison. "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and them that had gotten the victory over the beast and over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name stand on the sea of glass having the harps of God and they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints." Revelation 15:2, 3.
I believe that one of the songs that we shall sing will be "Redeemed how I love to proclaim it, Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, Redeemed through His infinite mercy his child and forever I am. Redeemed, redeemed, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, Redeemed, redeemed, His child and forever I am."
And now the city becomes the center of attraction. Standing on the sea of glass we shall behold its walls made of jasper with twelve foundation. It's a city with no night, just never-ending days. Jesus opens those great pearly gates and bids us enter in to walk on streets of gold which leads us to that great white throne.
Picture with me the rainbow above the throne and the River of Life flowing out beneath the throne. It is here that Jesus presents us to God the Father that we may take the place of the fallen angels. Adam, who is some fourteen to sixteen feet tall represents the redeemed. He stands but a little lower than Jesus. The Savior points him to the Garden of Eden, "Transported with joy he beholds the trees that were once his delight--the very trees whose fruit he himself had gathered in the days of his innocence and joy. He sees the vines that his own hands have trained; the very flowers that he once loved to care for. His mind grasps the reality of the scene; he comprehends that this is indeed Eden restored, more lovely now than when he was banished from it. The Savior leads him to the tree of life and plucks the glorious fruit and bids him eat. He looks about him and beholds a multitude of his family redeemed, standing in the Paradise of God. Then he casts his glittering crown at the feet of Jesus, and falling upon His breast, embraces the Redeemer. He touches the golden harp, and the vaults of heaven echo the triumphant song: 'Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and lives again!' The family of Adam take up the strain and cast their crowns at the Saviour's feet as they bow before Him in adoration." Great Controversy p. 648.
O beloved, never, never forget what Jesus did for Adam He will do for you and for me. "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." Jude 24.
And now a most precious promise is to take place. Are you ready for this? It's unbelievable but true. Christ now assumes His place with the Father on the great white throne. Are you listening? As He looks over the redeemed, that number as the stars of the heavens, as He looks over the vast multitude He sees you and He lovingly asks you to come up to the throne to ascend the stairs and to sit on the throne with God. Are you astonished? Don't you remember it says, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his throne." Revelation 3:21.
O what a marvelous salvation! Praise the Lord! I quote, "The cross of Christ will be the science and the song of the redeemed through all eternity. In Christ glorified they will behold Christ crucified. Never will it be forgotten that He whose power created and upheld the unnumbered worlds through the vast realms of space, the Beloved of God, the Majesty of heaven, He whom cherub and shining seraph delighted to adore-humbled himself to uplift fallen man; that He bore the guilt and shame of sin, and the hiding of His Father's face, till the woes of a lost world broke His heart and crushed out His life on Calvary's cross. That the Maker of all worlds, the Arbiter of all destines, should lay aside His glory and humiliate Himself from love to man will ever excite the wonder and the admiration of the universe. As the nations of the saved look upon their Redeemer and behold the eternal glory of the Father shining in His countenance; as they behold His throne, which is from everlasting to everlasting, and know that His kingdom is to have no end, they break forth in rapturous song, 'Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us to God by His own most precious blood.'" Great Controversy p. 651.
Dear child of God, I cannot, I must not conclude this godly message without making a special appeal to you in the name of Jesus. Will you, just now, give your heart anew to such a loving Savior who died for you that you might live with Him? I urge you to determine, right now, this moment, that when the mark of the beast, so soon to be enforced by law, that you will stand firm and be faithful to God's commandments no matter what the cost may be. Will you make this prayer your prayer?
Dear Father, Our hearts thrill with a blessed hope to be with Jesus. We accept Thy offer of redemption. Forgive, we pray, our sins. Wash and cleanse us in Thy saving blood which was shed for us. Please help us to so completely transform our lives, by Thy grace, that we may wear Thy robe of righteousness. Give us a determination to rather die than sin, so help us God. This we ask in the precious name of Thy dear Son, Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

WHERE ARE THE WATCHMEN?by: Elder Lawrence Nelson
We begin with God asking a question and giving the answer as in Isaiah 21:11,12: "Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night." God had appointed Isaiah as His faithful watchman and God was asking for a report. Before we discuss the tremendous implications to be discovered in His answer, "The morning cometh, and also the night," let us pray for guidance.
Our loving Father, we are about to probe deeply into the responsibilities of Thy watchman. Please enlighten us with Thy Holy Spirit as to what we should expect to hear from Thy appointed watchman in these final, closing hours just before the return of Jesus. This we ask in His name, Amen.
In the book, Gospel Workers p. 14, God has given to us an inspired understanding as to what He expected of a watchman in the days of Isaiah. "In ancient times, sentinels were often stationed on the walls of cities, where, from points of vantage, they could overlook important points to be guarded, and give warning of the approach of an enemy. Upon their faithfulness depended the safety of all within. At stated intervals they were required to call to one another, to make sure that all were awake, and that no harm had befallen any. The cry of good cheer, or of warning was borne from one to another, each repeating the call until it reechoed around the city."
Just so today the spiritual watchman on the walls of Zion (God's church) should be found standing in the watchtower with the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy in his hand and with his prayer constantly ascending for divine grace. His eyes and ears ever alert for he must be acquainted with the horizon of our time. He must be able, by divine help, to perceive the pulse and the mood of the day. He must also know what God's people should be doing now and he should be keenly aware of the timely messages needed so that God's end-time people may be ever ready.
Now with such knowledge of what God expects of His watchmen let us turn our thoughts to the question, "What is the meaning of God's words spoken to Isaiah when He said, 'Watchmen, what of the night?'" The Spirit of Prophecy gives us an answer, "The watchman is to know the time of the night." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 6, p. 407. In addition we ready in Testimonies to Ministers p. 230, "As the inquiry shall be made, 'Watchmen, what of the night?' the faithful message is to be heard in response, 'The morning cometh, and also the night.'"
Now this leads us to a further question. What is the meaning of the words, "The morning cometh"? Again we will turn to Inspiration which will give us the answer in Testimonies for the Church, Volume 4, p. 592. We read, "Beloved, what a glorious morning this will be when the Lifegiver awakens the countless millions of the redeemed and we, which remain alive, will receive, with the risen saints, everlasting life." You just can't help but say "Praise God, it is coming, a glorious morning when Jesus returns!"
But now, what is the meaning of those last four words that follow, "the morning cometh" "and also the night"? The answer is found in Bible Echo, February 1, 1891, "The night symbolizes prevalence of error, misinterpretation and misapplication of Scriptures. (Are you listening?) Every species of delusion is now being brought in. The plainest truths of God's word are covered with a mass of man-made theories. Deadly errors are presented as the truth to which all must bow. The simplicity of true godliness is buried beneath tradition."
Now from this message we can clearly discern that God's true minister will be fearlessly preaching that the morning is coming very, very soon for we are facing the eminent return of Christ. This is the meaning of the words, "The morning cometh." Such a minister will also warn the flock that the darkness of night is quickly gathering about the saints for the doctrines of devils is now being preached in some of our churches.
This is why God has given the following warning, "To every minister the Lord declares, 'O son of man, I have set thee a watchman in the house of Israel. Therefore thou shalt hear the word of My mouth and warn them from Me. When I say unto the wicked, 'O wicked man, thou shalt surely die,' if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it, thou hast delivered thy soul. Ezekiel 33:7-9.
These words of the prophet declare the solemn responsibility resting upon those who are appointed as guardians of the church, stewards of the mysteries of God. They are to stand as watchmen on the walls of Zion to sound the note of alarm at the approach of the enemy. If, for any reason, their spiritual senses become so benumbed that they are unable to discern danger, and through their failure to give warning the people perish, God will require at their hand the blood of those who are lost.
"It is the privilege of the watchmen on the walls of Zion to live so near to God, and to be so susceptible to the impressions of His Spirit, that He can work through them to tell sinners of their peril, and point them to the place of safety. Chosen of God, sealed with the blood of consecration, they are to rescue men and women from impending destruction. Faithfully are they to warn their fellow-men of the sure result of transgression, and faithfully are they to safeguard the interest of the church. At no time may they relax their vigilance. Theirs is a work requiring the exercise of every faculty of their being. In trumpet tones their voices are to be lifted, and never should they sound one wavering, uncertain note. Not for wages are they to labor, but because they cannot do otherwise, because they realize that there is a woe upon them if they fail to preach the gospel." Gospel Workers p. 15.
For the past several month Dean and I have attended many worship services. Only once have we heard the exciting news that Jesus is coming soon. No wonder the servant of the Lord speaks so plainly, "Slumbering watchmen, what of the night? Do you not know the time of night? Do you feel no burden to lift the danger signal and give the warnings for this time? If you do not, come down from the walls of Zion, for God will not entrust you with the light He has to give. Light is only given to those who will reflect that light upon others." Evangelism p. 144.
Here Ellen White is writing to a minister in our church to rebuke him because he was an unfaithful watchman. She says, "And this is one whom God has called to stand between the living and the dead; this is one of the watchmen stationed upon the walls of Zion to tell the people the time of the night. A heavy responsibility rests upon you. If you go down, you will not go alone; for Satan will employ you as his agent to lead souls to death." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 1, p. 430. Therefore, we must be like the Bereans found in Acts 17:11, "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."
Then in Christian Leadership p. 73 we are told how a once-faithful minister becomes an unfaithful watchman. "Unless the minister shall fearlessly declare the whole truth, unless he shall have an eye single to the glory of God and shall work under the direction of the great Captain of his salvation, unless he shall move to the front, irrespective of censure and uncontaminated by applause, he will be accounted an unfaithful watchman."
O how we need to pray these days for our pastors, some of whom are under enormous pressure from the conference to revitalize his congregation by means of excitement such as is found in Celebration worship. To use dramatic skits, music with a worldly beat of drums, preaching using jokes to create a spirit of laughter and clapping rather than the preaching of a solemn message to bring a conviction of sin and a need for repentance to be ready to meet Jesus.
We may conclude, "The voice of the true watchman needs now to be heard all along the line, 'The morning cometh and also the night.' The trumpet must give a certain sound for we are in the great day of the Lord's preparation. (And here I feel like shouting, "And there is no time to lose!") Sound an alarm through the land, tell the people that the day of the Lord is near and hasteneth greatly. Let none be left unwarned. God's watchmen on the walls of Zion today should be ready to give an answer to those who inquire what hour of earth's long night it is and when the dawn of eternal day may be expected." Bible Commentaries, Volume 4, p. 188.
Again she counsels, "Show the people where we are in prophetic history." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, p. 716. So, by the grace of God this we will endeavor to do in this tape that the listener may fully realize that the closing events are now taking place all around us every day.
Let us begin with spiritualism in which Satan is deceiving the whole world today through his first lie that the soul is immortal. "Satan has long been preparing for his final effort to deceive the world. The foundation of his work was laid by the assurance given to Eve in Eden: 'Ye shall not surely die.' Genesis 3:4. … Little by little he has prepared the way for his masterpiece of deception in the development of spiritualism. He has not yet reached the full accomplishment of his designs, but it will be reached in the last remnant of time." Great Controversy p. 561.
No student of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy in our day will question that we have now reached the final moments of this earth's history. This masterpiece of spiritualism is openly manifested everywhere in the world. Webster's Dictionary defines spiritualism as, "A belief that the spirits of the dead communicate with the living." Today the devil is using his evil angels to impersonate holy angels and to impersonate Mary, the mother of our Lord. The Catholic Church reports more than 10,000 apparitions of Mary to have taken place in recent years.
I will refer to just one such apparition which took place in 1994 when Satan made a most important statement through his medium Mary to Father Golby. Please listen very, very carefully. "I confirm to you that by the great jubilee year, 2000, there will take place the triumph of my Immaculate heart of which I foretold you at Fatima and this will come to pass with the return of Jesus in glory to establish his reign in the world." (That was taken from a 90-minute video documentary based upon the voices of visionaries prepared by the Catholic Church.)
Now over 300 bishops and cardinals and over 55,000 priests worldwide have embraced this message of the Marion Movement. (See Thunder of Justice p 63). And now hear this, the prophecy of Satan's revealing that the coming of the antichrist before the year 2001 should ring an alarm bell in every Adventist heart for Satan is the greatest student of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy barring none. He knows that we are in the last remnant of time. While the Bible teaches that only God can accurately predict a future event but Satan can surmise and guess when a coming event is to take place. We should take special note when Satan's mouthpiece openly publishes such a startling event.
Now that we have entered the great jubilee of 2000 Satan is planning his ultimate deception to counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ. The present pope has openly confessed that he is totally committed to the apparitions of Mary. This is why the pope is preparing the world for this event by calling for the unity of all Christians and also of all world religions so he can inaugurate the so-called New Millennium of Peace.
Ellen White says, "Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium." Great Controversy p. 588.
In March of this year, 2000, the pope astonished the world by apologizing for past atrocities committed by the church. This appeal for reconciliation was predicted by God, through Ellen White many years ago when she wrote in Great Controversy p. 571, "The Roman church now presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christlike garments; but she is unchanged. Every principle of the papacy that existed in past ages exists today."
Also in March of the year, 2000, the papal historic pilgrimage to the Holy Land is the most significant of all his visits to other countries of the world. The Israel prime minister, Ehud Barak, was in no doubt as to what the papal visit signified. He greeted the pope with the following solemn words, "Here, right now, time itself has come to a standstill. This very moment holds within it 2000 years of history." During his visit the whole world could see him on every television news and could read about it in the newspapers as they presented him as the most important individual in all of the world. This is the preparatory event to so soon, very soon, to fulfil the end-time prophecy which says, "All the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3. Therefore, this papal visit was a strong sign for us that the end is very near.
Then, there is the predicted event by God that all the religions of the world, and the kings of this world, (meaning governments, governors and parliamentarians) will unite under papal rule as we read in Testimonies for the Church, Volume 7, p. 182. "Under one head--the papal power--the people will unite." This is what God says, "And the ten horns, which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast (that's the papacy). These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." Revelation 17:12,13.
Now how will this be done? It will be accomplished through "the climax of satanic planning for the unification of the world through a compact between apostate religious organizations of the earth and the political powers of the earth." Bible Commentaries, Volume 7, p. 857 Ellen White also comments on this prophecy in Revelation 17:12,13: "There will be a universal bond of unity, one great harmony, a confederacy of Satan's forces and shall give their power and strength unto the beast (the papacy)." Manuscript 24, 1891.
And so with such knowledge of what is taking place in the very end of time we should not be surprised to learn that on May 18, 1999 a joint Anglican/Roman Catholic commission asked that the pope be recognized as the universal primate, meaning that he is to lead every church of the world and also every government of the world. We were told that the last movements will be rapid ones, so listen to this. Immediately the government of Sweden disestablished the state Lutheran church after some 450 years in order that the Lutheran Church of Sweden may now reunite with the church of Rome.
And immediately followed another event. Following this request that the pope become the universal primate, Great Briton asked of her parliament to change the 1701 Act of Settlement which prohibits a Roman Catholic to reign as a monarch of Great Briton. The Act alone forbids such a monarch to even be married to a Roman Catholic spouse for a reigning monarch was to be the head of the Church of England. So now parliament is struggling with this problem. This is very significant since Prince Charles, who is the heir to the throne, has a lady friend who is a Roman Catholic.
What did God say? "And all the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3. It's no wonder that reconciliation and unity is the main trend and spirit in the world today. And how does Ellen White describe the counterfeit Second Coming of Jesus Christ? "The world is a theater; the actors, its inhabitants, are preparing to act their part in the last great drama." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 8, p. 27. And what is this "last great drama"? "A power from beneath is working to bring about the last great scene in the drama - Satan coming as Christ." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 8, p. 28.
And right now all the leaders and the people of this world are looking for someone who will bring them peace, justice and prosperity. For instance, the Jews are waiting for Messiah in His first coming. The Christians are waiting for Jesus Christ in His Second Coming. The Buddhists are waiting for Buddha in his fifth incarnation. The Hindus are waiting for Krishna. The Muslims are waiting for a man Mahudi and the New Age people are waiting for Maiytria, the Cosmic Christ. But listen, the moment that Satan counterfeits the Second Coming of Christ, all will welcome him as their savior. Then Satan, together with the pope, will promise peace, justice and prosperity to the world.
But, at that time, there will be a small group of God's people who will say, "This is the false Christ who will deceive the whole world." O how I hope that you will be in this group! Then they will bring accusations against God's people by saying, "They are against peace, justice and prosperity."
What will the people of the earth do to this group? The pen of Inspiration answers, "I saw our people in great distress, weeping, and praying, pleading the sure promises of God, while the wicked were all around us, mocking us, and threatening to destroy us. They ridiculed our feebleness, they mocked at the smallness of our numbers, and taunted us with words that were calculated to cut deep. They charged us with taking an independent position from all the rest of the world. They had cut off our resources so that we could not buy or sell, and referred to our abject poverty and stricken condition. They could not see how we could live without the world; we were dependent upon the world, and we must concede to the customs, practices, and the laws of the world, or go out of it. If we were the only people in the world whom the Lord favored the appearances were awfully against us. They declared that they had the truth, that miracles were among them, that angels from heaven talked with them, and walked with them, that great power, and signs and wonders were performed among them, and this was the Temporal Millennium, which they had been expecting so long. The whole world was converted and in harmony with the Sunday law, and this little feeble people stood out in defiance of the laws of the land, and the laws of God, and claimed to be the only ones right on the earth." Maranatha p. 209.
Now did you notice two important facts from this statement? First, this was the temporal millennium which they had been expecting so long, and this is openly confirmed today by spiritualism in which thousands of miracles are being produced to sustain this belief. And then the second and most important statement is this, the whole world was converted and in harmony with the Sunday law. From this we clearly see that Satan, through the two great errors, will deceive the whole world.
The Spirit of Prophecy confirms this, "Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience." Great Controversy p. 588.
Adventist expositors agree with the identification of this dragon as the beast and the false prophet as modern spiritualism or paganism and the papacy and apostate Protestantism. This trio, or trinity, of religious powers together constitute the latter day great Babylon. (See Revelation 16:13,14). It should be of no surprise, then, that on July 7, 1998 at the Vatican City the pope's 100 page apostolic letter entitle "Dies Domini" (The Day of the Lord) was released. This is the pope's call for a Sunday observance and of more importance, for legislation.
The pope at the beginning and at the end of this apostolic letter focuses on the new millennium in the context of the importance of Sunday. He says, "The fundamental importance of Sunday has been recognized through 2000 years of history. The coming of the third millennium, which calls believers to reflect upon the course of history in the light of Christ, also calls them to rediscover with new intensity the meaning of Sunday, its mystery, its celebration, its significance for Christian and human life." Apostolic Letter p. 5,6.
From this you can see, that the prediction about the millennium and Sunday legislation given by the Spirit of Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. All of the above are the last preparatory events leading to the direct event, namely, Satan's counterfeit of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation 17, and Sunday legislation and enforcement of the end-time prophecy of Revelation 13.
To begin such legislation is the plan of the papal Jubilee 2000 to begin January 1, 2001 with a new calendar that would place Monday as the first day of the week so that Sunday would be shown as the seventh day, or the false sabbath. This would add new force to the commandment as found in the Catholic Bible and catechism. I just learned recently that Norway has already adopted this new change together with some ten or more other world governments.
And now, please follow me closely. The Spirit of Prophecy tells us to prepare for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise. Could this amazing surprise have to do with the second Vatican Council which voted to not oppose a new perpetual calendar as recorded in the 1998 Revised Edition of the Second Vatican Council p. 37? Here I see the possibility to introduce this new perpetual calendar in the following sequence of events: First Satan counterfeits the second coming of Christ; then at the same time the Catholic church prophecy will be fulfilled which says that when Jesus Christ comes then the pope will give Him his tiara and throne and Jesus will give him the keys and also will bless the pope. The whole world will witness this ceremony on TV. In the book entitled The Keys of This Blood, it confirms that, "John Paul II is, and will be, the sole possessor of the keys of this blood on that day." p. 639.
Now the question is, "Which day?" - The day when Satan counterfeits the coming of Jesus Christ. In that day the prophecy of Revelation 13:3,4 will come true which says, "And his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" It is then that the great design of "God" for the New World Order, which the pope claims to have received from heaven, will begin.
This is the time, that I believe that the pope may demand this perpetual new calendar. Such a calendar would not only make Sunday the seventh day of the week but this proposed perpetual calendar will divide the year into four quarters, each 28-day months, and one 35-day month. Dates would always fall on the same day of the week. For instance, the first of the month would always be Monday and the 28th day would always be Sunday. It all adds up to 364 days, the 365th day, December, 36, would fall between Sunday and Monday and would be called and "intercalculated day" - a blank day, a holiday, a world peace day, perhaps. In leap years the extra day would be added in a similar fashion as a holiday at the end of June. Easter would then become a fixed date, something the papacy is determined to do.
Now I hope you have been listening, you are awake and startled. Did you notice that this perpetual calendar has a blank day and in a leap year another blank day which completely breaks the seven day weekly cycle. For the true Sabbath would then fall on another day of the week. Heaven forbid! And the next year the two Sabbaths would be like, for instance, on a Friday and the next year on a Thursday and so on.
A Seventh-day Adventist would not be able to hold a job. He would have no means to support his family. Satan could not have devised a plan with more power to enforce his mark. The scripture states it clearly in Revelation 13:16,17, "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast."
Don't think this calendar plan is something new. I discovered in Malachi Martin's book, The Keys of This Blood, p. 480, the following quotation showing that this is in the pope's master plan to have a new calendar in the New World Order. Listen carefully, "Neither does anyone know for sure the factors that hasten the end of the old game, and in a certain true sense, impose the end-game with such ease and with such rapidity, dictating new rules, even fixing the time table. The end-game follows a new calendar."
Beloved, we are living in the very end of time! This tape will not permit further discussion of this new calendar for we must also talk about other plans that Satan has for reaching his objectives. Some 200 church dignitaries joined the pope in Jerusalem in March 2000 in the hope to bring unity between the churches. And he has not overlooked the politician either. Now the papacy is providing for 2000 world leaders to follow in the footsteps of St. Paul in the Jubilee celebration which will involve governors and parliamentarians.
I am quoting from Zamat, which is printed in Rome, January 19, "Politicians have not been forgotten in the plan for the Jubilee. The Vatican understands that the men and women who decide policy have a unique opportunity to improve life for all citizens. To celebrate the first Jubilee of governors and parliamentarians, to be held November 5, 2000. The Jubilee Committee has planned a special pilgrimage in preparation. The pilgrimage will begin on October 26 in Bethlehem. When 1000 politicians from all the world will travel the length of the Mediterranean in St. Paul's footsteps until they arrive in Rome on November 5 for the Jubilee proper which will be held in the Vatican."
This reminds us of the Biblical prophecy which says, "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world." Revelation 16:13,14.
Also the prophecy which says, "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings (that's speaking of the whole world) which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." Revelation 17:12,13.
This prophecy is going to be fulfilled just before our very eyes. And as the prophecy predicted the United Nations has already divided the world into ten divisions – one of which is the United States, Canada and Mexico. There is a strong movement called the Christian Coalition that is a gathering of Protestants, Roman Catholics and Jews. These people have come together with a common goal and aim. Their common purpose is to bring America back to God. They want the United States to have prayer in its schools. They want Sunday to be the family day – the day when all the people go to church to worship. Evangelicals and Catholics together have already signed the document.
Ellen White predicted this unity between Catholics and Protestants. She stated, "Protestants and Catholics unite." Bible Echo p. 87. These events are preparatory to the direct fulfillment of Revelation 13:11-17 which will be when the United States shall enforce Sunday observance. See Great Controversy p. 579.
In the light of the facts and evidences I've presented to you do you see clearly now we are witnessing the final events of fulfillment of Bible end-time prophecy? Do you see the urgency and seriousness of our time? God's end-time people must be aware and know the significance of the events occurring in the world today and in the immediate future in order that we know where we are in prophetic history, where we are going and how near is the end.
We must, as never before, take a very serious, close look at our spiritual lives. May I ask, "Is Jesus the center of our life? Do we have a living, loving relationship with Him through daily prayer, daily Bible study and daily witnessing? Are we experiencing the last great revival and reformation?"
By the grace of God I have presented to you truth for this time. The signs of the times and the nearest events just before us, which indicate the end is very, very near. In reality we are literally living in the last moments. Why has God revealed to us the seriousness of the times in which we are living and what is to take place in the last days? - Inspiration answers, "God has revealed what is to take place in the last days, that His people may prepare." Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, p. 452.
Now is the time for the last great revival and reformation and also the final shaking. I believe that we are in the time of the judgment of the living. The Bible says in 1Peter 4:17, "For the time is come that the judgment must begin with the house of God. And if it first begin with us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God."
This shows us where we are, now. O beloved, now your name or my name, at any time, could be called to come up in the judgment. Do you see the very seriousness of the time in which we are living? Dear friend, one word sums it all up – preparation. If we who profess to belong to God's people and neglect this preparation time of the last great revival and reformation, we will not receive the seal of the living God nor the power of the Holy Spirit of the latter rain. We will be lost. What a tragedy.
So from this we can see how important is the last great revival and reformation. It is a call to total, whole-hearted, genuine conversion, breathing the justification and New Birth experience and a divine invitation to possess the character of Jesus, NOW.
Dear God, give Thy people this reformation experience and needed revival for we plead this in Jesus' name, Amen.