In this message we will examine two questionable text found in the New Testament. Inspiration infers that each of us will be forced to give an answer as to our understanding of these vital verses. Satan's forces claim that these texts give them the power to demand absolute obedience to papal authority. On the other hand, those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus declare that these same scriptures provide them with unmistakable proof to reject Rome's demands and obey only Christ.
It is therefore of utmost importance that these two verses require divine understanding. Once we have discovered God's explanation let us implant the truth so deeply within our minds that we will be able to stand without fear in the coming life and death issue. The gravity of this situation reveals that we seek God for divine guidance. So please bow your head with me as we pray.
Our loving Father, we plead for Thy Holy Spirit to guide us in this study that we may discern heaven's intent as to the correct meaning of these two texts. This we ask in the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.
Let us open our Bibles to the first of these powerful texts. We shall find it in Matthew 16:19. Please note that it is Jesus who is speaking. "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
These are most powerful keys. Let me illustrate. I had the privilege to attend a General Conference session held in San Francisco in the middle of the last century. Never will I forget seeing Kato Ragoso. There he stood, more than six-feet tall. A barefoot, Seventh-day Adventist, ordained minister. He wore a wrap-around skirt and his bushy hair stood several inches on his head. They called him one of those "fuzzy wuzzies" from the Solomon Islands. Everyone was captivated by his pidgin English. I could listen to him by the hour.
Here is his thrilling story. Back in the 1940's he had personally helped to save the lives of some two hundred of our US airmen who had been shot down over the jungle islands. One day an allied officer, under the stress of war, ordered Kato Ragoso to commit a very unchristian act. Being a faithful Seventh-day Adventist he refused to do so. The officer became angry and forced him over a gasoline barrel and beat him until the blood flowed. Then he commanded him again to commit this evil act, but he refused. This time the officer pulled out his handgun and "pistol whipped" him, breaking his nose and left him unconscious.
When he gained consciousness, once more he was ordered to commit this ungodly act. But he would not. By now the officer was so angry he placed him before a firing squad. Two times he was unable to give the command to shoot. The third time he tried to say the word, "Fire," he was stricken dumb for two days. Now this devil-possessed officer determined to use another method that would kill him and his buddy, Ludi. So he threw them both in the brig and locked the door with his key and waited for the morrow to murder both men.
The fuzzy-wuzzy Adventists on the island heard of their desperate situation. They beat their drums calling for an all-night prayer meeting. In the wee hours of the morning, while still praying, a man walked out of the jungle to the gate of the prison. In his hand was a key that he used to unlock the prison door and called for Kato Ragoso and Ludi to come out and follow him. He led them down to the seashore where he had prepared a canoe with two paddles. By the moonlight they could see some hundred yards in all directions. This man who had delivered them said good-bye and the two fuzzy-wuzzies turned to thank the man – but he was nowhere to be seen. This angel had delivered them with a key by which he had opened the prison door while the officer's key still hung on the wall of the sleeping quarters. The angel's key made the difference between life and death.
Now back to the keys of Jesus who said, "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." These keys have an awesome power for with them you can bind or loose on earth and with these keys you can bind or loose even in heaven.
Now you must admit that this is a mighty power and if that isn't awesome enough let's read what Jesus further described concerning the power of these keys. I'm reading now from John 20:23. "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained." Now we are getting into some very, very deep water and I hope you can swim. By this I mean I hope you are able to do some serious thinking with me.
Perhaps the first question we should consider is this: "Does Jesus really have such keys that He can give them to whom He pleases?" In Isaiah 22:22 it will give us the answer concerning the Messiah. "And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open." And John the Revelator declares positively that Jesus Christ has these keys. I'm reading from Revelation 3:7, "These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth." And Jesus Himself tells us in Revelation 1:18, "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
So there is no question about this for Jesus states, "I have the keys." Now this requires that we ask still another question: "What are these keys?" Inspiration will give us the answer in Desire of Ages p. 413, 414. "'The keys of the kingdom of heaven' are the words of Christ. All the words of Holy Scripture are His, and are here included. These words have power to open and to shut heaven. They declare the conditions upon which men are received or rejected. Thus the work of those who preach God's word is a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. Theirs is a mission weighed with eternal results." And that's a most awesome power.
Since Jesus Christ has the keys He can give them to whomsoever He will. We will discover that He gave these keys to Peter and there's no question about it. But the greater truth is that He also gave these same keys to each of the other eleven disciples and, what's most thrilling and most fascinating of all, is to read that He gave these keys to you and to me. I'm reading Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 2, p. 273. "The words of Christ: 'I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven,' were not addressed to Peter alone, but to the disciples, including those who compose the Christian church in all ages." And friend, that includes you and me.
Now for one more question: "What is our responsibility when we have these keys in our possession?" I'm referring to how we use the keys. Suppose we meet someone who is thinking of committing suicide. Their eyes are full of tears; their conscience condemns them for they have committed a very serious sin and they are pleading for help. Now with these keys of the kingdom you can tell this individual that if he comes to Jesus, just as he is, asking for forgiveness and repenting of his sins, Jesus will forgive him. And what's more He will write "Forgiven" over the recorded sins in heaven. Furthermore, He will wash away the sin within the heart with His own precious blood so he may stand before God as though he had not sinned. And once again his conscience will be restored with peace that he longs for.
Beloved, this is using the keys to unlock man's sinful heart on earth and open the door to heavenly forgiveness. As the scripture states, whatsoever you do with these keys in compliance with God's will Christ will see that it is done – be it on earth or in heaven. And beloved, that is awesome! But these keys can also be used so that Jesus cannot do what He is able to do if the individual refuses God's love. Let's consider the same individual to whom we have just offered God's salvation. He may shrug his shoulders and state, "I'm not interested. I have no intention to repent for I want to continue living the way I am." You can then tell him that his sinful record will remain locked in heaven's record book; that Jesus will not cleanse his heart and that he cannot expect peace. What have you done? You have shut the door to heaven's salvation with the keys of God that were given to you - unless of course he changes his sinful way.
Now these keys can also be used the wrong way. I recall an experience I once had while I was the Youth Secretary of the Southern California Conference. One of my responsibilities was to be the pastor to all of our young Seventh-day Adventist men in the armed services of my country, located in the area of my conference. This was during the Second World War and required that when a soldier had a problem, I was to help him.
One day the telephone rang in my office. It was a call from a marine stationed at Camp Pendleton, near San Diego. This young man had recently accepted Jesus as his Savior and had been baptized. He had promised God to keep His commandments. Those were the days when Uncle Sam drafted men into the services – he had not enlisted. On the Sabbath following his baptism his officer ordered him, with the other men of his barrack, to dig a trench for battle practice. He refused by saying, "I cannot. For my God commands me to keep the Sabbath day holy."
The marine officer became very angry and ordered him to be placed in the brig and face court marshal. I immediately got in my car and drove to Camp Pendleton. When I entered the training base the first thing that I did was visit the chief chaplain. As I walked into his office I noticed that he was a Roman Catholic priest. I immediately told him of this young man's problem. He listened intently and then replied, "I have been informed all about him. He faces a court marshal in two weeks."
Looking the chaplain straight in the eye I answered, "It is your duty to defend this young man for his conscience will not allow him to disobey his God."
With a big smile he answered, "I'll take care of this case." I felt relaxed. Then he asked me, "Are you his pastor?" I answered, "Yes." Then he said, "This is an easy case. All you have to do is to give him a dispensation to work on the Sabbath. Case dismissed."
In amazement I spoke, "Hold on there, Chaplain. Wait a minute; not so fast. My church, under God, has never given me such authority. God expects me as His ambassador to do only as He commands. I must therefore stand by this young man and defend his conscience and urge him to keep the holy seventh-day Sabbath." I continued, "I am also aware that your church gives you the authority to give a dispensation whenever you choose so that you may tell such an individual that he can break God's eternal law but I cannot do this."
There we stood. I, the representative of God's remnant church, and there he stood, a representative of Babylon. Each of us claimed to have the keys to the kingdom. This Catholic chaplain believed the keys gave him authority to change God's Word so he could tell the young man that it was not a sin to disobey God. And there I stood, a representative of Jesus Christ, with the keys that required me to encourage the soldier to obey God, that my church would pray that he would not give in an inch, that he should be faithful even though he may have to spend years in jail.
Well, I'll not keep you in suspense. The Catholic priest discovered that I would not compromise so he decided that he would defend this young marine. Together we worked and the young man was eventually honorably discharged.
Beloved, you and I are soon to face the final struggle between the system of Babylon and God's true church. I trust you will never follow the satanic power which claims it can give you a dispensation to sin. May you stand firmly with the church of Christ – those who keep the commandments and have the faith of Jesus – built upon the rock of salvation.
Let's read about the rock from the scripture in Matthew sixteen beginning with verse thirteen. "When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven."
And now comes verse eighteen that you must clearly understand without any doubt if you are to be faithful to Christ in the coming test. And let me add here that I'm sure that the vast majority of God's laity know nothing about Greek but of this one scripture you must know what it says in the original Greek – so listen carefully. "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter." Now in the Greek the word "Peter" is Petros which means a small pebble; a rolling stone – something unstable which you must never build upon for Petros is moveable. I continue, "But I say unto thee, that upon this Petra I will build my church." Here the Greek work Petra is used which means a mighty rock. I cannot think of a better illustration than that of El Capitan – that mighty rock in Yosemite National Park in California – standing some 4,000 feet high composed of solid granite (and who can tell how deep it is embedded within the earth). In this scripture Jesus says He will build His church upon a might Rock which is Christ Himself which the Greek describes as Petra . Let me read it again, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter (Petros), and upon this rock (Petra) I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
No matter where you read from God's word – be it the Hebrew of the Old Testament or from the Greek New Testament – Christ is always referred to as a rock upon which the church of Christ is built. For one example let me read Isaiah 28:16. "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste." Beloved, the papacy does not have the keys of Christ which is founded on the Rock Jesus Christ. For the Roman Catholic system is founded on St. Peter which Inspiration reveals to be Petros – a pebble. Just as sure as you are listening to this tape the time is soon coming when you will stand before a judge appointed by a Catholic power and he will certainly use the Catholic interpretation of this text to convince you that you must obey the laws of the Roman Catholic system and keep Sunday holy since Christ gave the keys to Peter.
The Spirit of Prophecy clearly reveals this final issue. In the Review and Herald of May 7, 1901 I read, "Two great opposing powers are revealed in the last great battle. On one side stands the Creator of heaven and earth. All on His side bear His signet. They are obedient to His commands. On the other side stands the Prince of darkness, with those who have chosen apostasy and rebellion."
The Jesuits have a satanic plan to lure you from the divine truth. This plan has been laid out in detail by Karl Rahnar and Heinrich Fries in a book published in 1983. It is entitled Unity of the Churches: An Actual Possibility. The book is built on the consensus formulated by the World Council of Churches called Faith and Order of Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry. This book is studied in all the Jesuit schools. There are seven steps outlined, which reveal Satan's plan.
1. There must be unity of all churches. In the Great Controversy p. 445 tells us, "When this shall be gained, then, in the effort to secure complete uniformity, it will be only a step to the resort to force." Any student of the Spirit of Prophecy can see that the ecumenical program to secure unification of all churches is the last step before persecution. When you read or hear the word "unity" or the word "ecumenical" it should ring an alarm bell that persecutions will be coming soon.
2. The Protestant laity is to obey their leaders. Just as Catholic laity obeys the pope without question so Protestant leadership must be able to bring each church in union with Rome. Let me read this from page 54 of this book by Jesuits Karl Rahnar and Heinrich Fries published by Philadelphia Fortress Press. "With respect to ecclesiastical leadership, the average congregation in the Protestant churches in fact usually practices the kind of obedience to their church leaders that is customary in the Roman Catholic Church. On the basis of their theological expertise and their religious conscience the representatives of this ecclesiastical leadership can decide in favor of church unity and can also work with sufficient zeal among the church members to gain their understanding for this decision." Do you grasp the meaning of that? – We have come to a time when in the Seventh-day Adventist Church our leaders are doing all they can to bring this church into conformity with the ecumenical program. Therefore we must weigh every church command from headquarters to see if it conforms to the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. We must not blindly obey our church leaders.
3. The churches will unite because they have become liberal. And this is exactly what has happened to our Seventh-day Adventist Church. I know of no other terminology which so accurately describes the Adventist Church of today as being "liberal." On page 67 of this same book, it states, "Doctrines must become non-consequential. The time for inter-confessional polemics is gone. So is the time of controversies focused on substantive differences." This book demands there be no controversy between Protestantism and the papacy. That means we must never call the pope the antichrist anymore. Is this the reason you seldom hear from our pulpits the Three Angels' Messages? Is this the reason for the change in our church logo on the letterheads, church signs and revival mottoes? Whatever happened to the Three Angels' logo? Think it over, beloved. The Jesuit plan in this book (I'm sorry to say) is being followed in our church today.
4. The churches may retain their structures. I continue to read on page 43 of this book. "In this one church of Jesus Christ composed of the uniting churches which can to a large extent maintain their existing structures. These "partner churches" can also continue to exist in the same territory since this is not impossible in the context of Catholic ecclesiology." Now this is called pluralism – a term often used by many of our Adventist ministry and in our papers and books today. Again, Ellen White was shown that this was to come. I'm reading from the Great Controversy p. 445, "When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result."
5. The churches are to live together in a reconciled diversity. Rahnar and Fries declare that "the Catholic Church will be satisfied if the individual has an affirmative relation to fundamentals and does not raise explicit and decided objectives." (p. 36) Now, what does such language actually mean? – Listen carefully. All churches are to shut their eyes and ears to the truth. You must never teach what you believe to a member of another church. Rahnar and Fries are teaching the hanglagan message of the old Greek philosophers. I'm reading on from page 27, "The propositions of both sides when developed further and understood in a larger context do not really contradict each other." Now isn't that a sneaky position. Rahnar and Fries plead, "The Protestant Christian would not need to make a doctrinal and definite agreement right now to many of the propositions that the Catholic's regard as binding to the faith. But he does not need to reject them definitely either. This Protestant Christian can most certainly assume that hopefully in the course of the future history of religious consciousness these Catholic propositions will obtain the kind of clarification and interpretation that will permit a definite agreement on his part not yet possible today without his having to feel duty bound to reject them directly." What a subtle, devilish approach.
6. No church is to reject the dogma held by another church. I'm reading from page 25. "Nothing may be rejected decisively and confessionally in one partner church which is binding dogma in another partner church. Furthermore, …no explicitly and positive confession in one partner church is imposed as dogma obligatory for another partner church. This is left to a broader consensus in the future." This actually means that you are to do as other churches. You are no longer to depend on your own study of God's Word as we read on page 28. "One has to depend more and more on the knowledge of others which one can no longer assimilate or check himself." Rahnar's and Fries' argument is precisely this – p. 32, "The church itself is the guarantor through its formal teaching authority as of the truth of the individual doctrines it presents." This means that we don't question what our church teaches concerning a belief or the actions that it commands. Inspiration foresaw this and declared in the Great Controversy p. 572, 573, "A day of great intellectual darkness has been shown to be favorable to the success of the papacy. It will yet be demonstrated that a day of great intellectual light is equally favorable for its success….The false science of the present day, which undermines faith in the Bible, will prove as successful in preparing the way for the acceptance of the papacy, with its pleasing forms, as did the withholding of knowledge in opening the way for its aggrandizement in the Dark Ages."
7. The ministers are to exchange pulpits in a pulpit fellowship. On page 52 I read, "It is self-evident that there must be fraternal exchanges and intensive cooperation among the theologians of these partner churches even though this in no way requires the fusion of the institutional or organizational representatives of the theologies of these distinct churches." Now isn't that clever? I'll never forget when out of the blue one day the Catholic priest of a near-by parish asked me if I would be willing to exchange pulpits with him. I'm sure you know my answer. I continue on reading page 48, "The solutions to these problems will nevertheless require that all sides give up certain number of old familiar customs so as to make possible not just coexistence with tolerance and much indifference but a true unity of these partner churches in truly loving recognition of their differences."
You know, I may be classified as a fanatic, but I believe in the Bible way – "Be ye separate," "Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins; that ye receive not of her plagues." So there you have it, friend, the seven steps to be followed by all churches. Praise God, we should be thankful for the guidance given to us in the Spirit of Prophecy.
I continue to read from the book Great Controversy p. 445. "When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result."
It's a sad fact of our day but Protestant churches all over the country are getting ready to accept the Bishop of Rome. So states Dr. J.V. Langmead-Casserley, professor at the Seabury Western Theological Seminary. This Episcopal minister states in his book The Ecumenical Marriage (and by the way, isn't that an interesting title?) as quoted in Group Thinks by Hartland Publications of 1989 p. 67. "If the Holy Spirit says that church unity is through the Bishop of Rome who are we to accuse the Holy Spirit of bad theology?" Can you see what's coming?
And listen to Gibson Lewis, pastor of the East Aurora Presbyterian Church in Buffalo, NY. I read p. 15 from his writing. He wrote, "I do not see any reason for Protestants to not eventually to accept some understanding of the pope and acknowledge him as the earthly lord of the church. I believe that in faith and prayer and ecumenical endeavor we can work this out." Beloved, it's coming. The Jesuits Karl Rahnar's and Heinrich Fries' seven steps are being followed by all the Protestant churches and sorry to say – our own Seventh-day Adventist leadership.
Never forget, Peter was not the rock upon which God's church is founded. Its commands are not to be followed or obeyed by God's remnant church today. I'm reading now from Desire of Ages p. 413, 414, "The word Peter signifies a stone, – a rolling stone. Peter was not the rock upon which the church was founded. The gates of hell did prevail against him when he denied his Lord with cursing and swearing. The church was built upon One against whom the gates of hell could not prevail….'The keys of the kingdom of heaven' are the words of Christ. All the words of Holy Scripture are His, and are here included. These words have power to open and to shut heaven. They declare the conditions upon which men are received or rejected. Thus the work of those who preach God's word is a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. Theirs is a mission weighted with eternal results.
"The Savior did not commit the work of the gospel to Peter individually. At a later time, repeating the words that were spoken to Peter, he applied them directly to the church. And the same in substance was spoken also to the twelve as representatives of the body of believers. If Jesus had delegated any special authority to one of the disciples above the others, we should not find them so often contending as to who should be the greatest. They would have submitted to the wish of their Master, and honored the one whom He had chosen.
"Instead of appointing one to be their head, Christ said to the disciples, 'Be not ye called Rabbi,' 'neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.' Matthew 23:8, 10.
"'The head of every man is Christ.' God, who put all things under the Saviour's feet, 'gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all and all.' 1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 1:22, 23. The church is built upon Christ as its foundation; it is to obey Christ as its head. It is not to depend upon man, or be controlled by man. Many claim that a position of trust in the church gives them authority to dictate what other men shall believe and what they should do. This claim God does not sanction. The Savior declares, 'All ye are brethren.' All are exposed to temptation, and all are liable to error. Upon no finite being can we depend for guidance. The Rock of faith is the living presence of Christ in the church. Upon this the weakest may depend, and those who think themselves the strongest will prove to be the weakest, unless they make Christ their efficiency. 'Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm.' The Lord 'is the Rock, His work is perfect.' Jeremiah 17:5; Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 2:12. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him."
Let us pray. Thank you God for giving us Thy Inspiration which is so clear that Christ is the Rock and not Peter; and that each of us have the awesome keys to the kingdom. Please help us to use them wisely. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
SPARKLING GEMS OF TRUTHBy: Elder Lawrence Nelson
As a soldier for Christ, the Lord has called me to be one of His watchmen on the walls of Zion to keep God's remnant informed of end-time events which are daily developing around us. For the last few years, with God's help, I have faithfully presented the warning signs of probation's end and how we must prepare to be ready to meet the final test. We must be fully awakened to see our need of divine help.
But there is something vastly more important than our knowing all about these closing events, and making sure that we have followed God's counsel to get out of the cities, to become free of debt, and aware of Satan's plans to deceive. I'm speaking about our need of absolute assurance that we have individually been born again. What a tragedy if, in the final moment of God's judgment, we should discover, like the great theologian Nicodemus who could repeat from memory the entire Old Testament bible of his day, yet who was startled to hear from the Great Physician that he was not ready to see God. He had a serious heart problem which required a heart transplant. In order to be ready he must be born again.
In this study we will examine the great Heart Specialist's diagnosis to ourselves, to see if we qualify as being truly born again, or like Nicodemus realize that we are not yet ready to live in Christ's coming kingdom. For many years I was a youth worker in the conference, union and General Conference with but one purpose – to help our young people, teen-agers, and juniors - to know how to come to Christ and to receive a new heart; to prepare them to meet Jesus. This message will appeal to both young and older persons, for everyone loves to hear an illustration telling of how all people are able to receive a heavenly transplant by complying with the prescribed conditions required by the Great Physician.
As we now begin to examine the sparkling gems of truth let us pray. Dear Loving Father, we come before Thee requesting that Thou send to us Thy Holy Spirit which is divinely equipped to give us a thorough spiritual examination, revealing whether or not we have been born again. We also want to know if divinity detects any sign of sinful deterioration that we need to correct, for we desire to have a spiritual experience that will meet with heavenly approval. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Let us first review the experience of Nicodemus as found in John chapter three. "There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?"
Now tell me, why do you suppose that Jesus spoke with such positive words to Nicodemus, leaving no doubt as to his need of a change of heart? The answer is obvious – because God loves a beautiful Christian character, and God loves us so much that He wants us to have characters like unto the character of His Son Jesus. Therefore, through His written Word, and the testimonies of His Spirit, He has sent to us many sparkling gems of truth. These are God's divine means of enabling boys and girls, men and women to form jewel-like characters, fitted to live with Him in that beautiful city, the New Jerusalem.
I begin with the story of a man you might have seen on the television news screens, for it is not easy to forget the pale, drawn, haggard face of a man called Albert. He had only a short time to live, that is unless an organ donor could be found. If his life were to be spared he must, in the near future, undergo a heart transplant. The physicians had said that they could do nothing to mend the old heart. Replacing a valve or repairing any other portion of his heart would not help him. He needed a whole new heart.
Being in his early thirties, and having a wife and children, he was understandably troubled and anxious. The community solicited funds for his anticipated surgery. His face appeared on the TV screen day after day as the amounts being collected were being reported. Finally a day arrived when, upon answering the telephone, he heard those welcome words, "A donor heart has been found."
Immediately his mind was filled with hope and rejoicing. After the proper preparations were made, Albert surrendered himself fully into the hands of his physician. The surgery was successful, and after some weeks had passed his face appeared again on the television news. What a transformation! What a change! No longer was Albert pale and haggard. His life had been restored. His face shone with a healthy radiance. His eyes were bright. His joy and thanksgiving were reflected upon the entire community where he lived. All the people rejoiced with him. But there was one thing that he could not forget. He meditated over the fact that someone had lost his life to make it possible that he might live.
Now let us consider some spiritual lessons from Albert's experience. Before he received a new heart, Albert was a sick and dying man. Today many are as sick spiritually as Alberta was physically. To use a Bible term, their hearts were natural (or carnal) and their characters so diseased that they do not have long to remain spiritually alive.
Note God's description of such a heart. He declares, "Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Genesis 6:5. Again I quote from scripture, "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lisciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these things come from within, and defile the man." Mark 7: 21-23.
Spiritually speaking, men do not always realize the extent of the diseased condition of their hearts - that is, not until they look into the mirror of God's law of the Ten Commandments. It is then that they see themselves as they actually are – wretched and hopelessly near death. They long to be forgiven, but praise God there is a divine remedy for spiritual illness. That remedy is the gospel.
In the book This Day With God on page 224, I quote, "The truths of the gospel are not unconnected; uniting they form one string of heavenly jewels…. Like threads of gold they run through the whole of the Christian work and experience." So we are told that God's precious sparkling, gospel gems unite to form one golden string of remedial, heavenly gems.
These truths can be plucked off the string and examined. Let's take one and take a look. The first sparkling gem of truth we will pluck off to examine is called "justification." In examining this jewel of truth, may I give you an illustration. Let's call his name Larry. George had a friend named Larry who seemed extremely discouraged and despondent. George told Larry some of the wonderful, encouraging gems of truth to be found in the Bible. He urged him to study God's Word.
Larry was convinced of his need to study, but when he opened the Bible he didn't know where to begin, so he started reading through Genesis and then into Exodus, but when he reached Exodus 20 he became startled. Upon comparing himself to God's law he was faced with the shocking revelation of his truly diseased spiritual condition. "Is this the reason for my mental despondency?" he asked himself. Without realizing it, Larry had echoed the words of Paul as he cried out, "O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me?" Romans 7:24.
Larry felt desperate. "Is there no remedy?" he exclaimed. But when he turned to the New Testament Larry was filled with joyful excitement. Yes, there is a remedy for all sin-sick souls. He found it in Jesus Christ, our spiritual Physician. He listened as he heard the Physician invite, "Come unto Me." Larry responded. He cast himself upon Christ's mercy. Jesus looked upon him with love and tender compassion.
He began to explain the remedy to Larry. He spoke in somewhat the same words as He did to Nicodemus that night so long ago. "Larry, you need a new heart," Jesus explained. "There is nothing that can be done to repair or patch up your old heart. It will be necessary for you to undergo a spiritual heart transplant."
At these words Larry felt very uncomfortable. Like Nicodemus, he wondered, "How can this be?" But the Physician was still speaking. "I am willing, even anxious, to perform the needed operation for you without which you will surely die. My services will be donated. Your new heart will be free. If you cooperate you will be born again into a new life altogether."
At this point Larry went back to his friend George for counsel. George explained that, as in a physical heart transplant, in order to receive a new spiritual heart transplant it is necessary to undergo spiritual preparation. George took down the first volume of Selected Messages and turned to page 393. After carefully explaining to Larry that this was not just any book, that it was in fact an inspired book, he read the following to him: "In order to obtain the righteousness of Christ (that's a new heart) it is necessary for the sinner to know what that repentance is which works a radical change of mind and spirit and action."
Larry's eyes were fastened upon George. George looked up and said, "Next, the author asked two questions'Who is desirous of becoming truly repentant.' And 'What must he do?' Listen closely, Larry," George advised. "for the author answers her own questions." Larry leaned forward so he wouldn't miss the answer. "He must come to Jesus just as he is without delay. He must believe that the word of Christ is true, and believing the promise, ask that he may receive. When sincere desire prompts men to pray, they will not pray in vain. The Lord will fulfill His word, and will give the Holy Spirit to lead to repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ."
Larry understood. He wanted to make sure so he replied, "Have I got this straight? I come to Jesus, just as I am, believing that God's Word and His promises are true, and that the Physician will send the Holy Spirit to prepare me?"
"Right," answered George. Then he explained further, "The Physician has given to every man a measure of faith and belief in order that he might respond to His calling. However, were a man's faith to increase he must come to the Great Physician to receive not only repentance but also a greater measure of faith – even a faith that will make salvation by grace possible."
Larry hurried home. In his bedroom, with his Bible open before him, Larry fell upon his knees. His mind was drawn to Christ hanging on the cross. While kneeling at the foot of the cross, looking up at Jesus, these words burned into his soul, "A Donor has been found." He now understood how Jesus Himself had passed through a horrible death on the cross in order that Larry, a repentant sinner, might live. With sadness, Larry realized that for him to live Someone had to die. That Someone was his divine surgeon, Jesus Christ – God's own dear Son.
Turning to his open Bible he read this precious promise, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26. Larry prayed for the promised Helper and his prayer was answered. The Spirit led him into a true sorrow for his sins, into repentance, and faith, and a full surrender to the great Physician who, as promised, performed the recreative surgery.
Larry had obeyed as he heard the Physician plead, "My son, give me thine heart." Proverbs 23:26. What an exchange! Larry received a clean, unselfish, new, healthy heart in exchange for his sinful, selfish, spiritually diseased heart. Praise God! Larry's sins were forgiven. Through faith, Larry had received the sparkling gift of justification.
Let us interrupt this illustration of Larry, momentarily. God has sent an important message to His church. It is a very sobering message. God warns us, through Ellen White, that as a people we have at times neglected to teach these preparatory truths to souls who are seeking salvation. Surely we don't consider these truths as unnecessary, or as an unpleasant duty, or do we? If we have fallen into this trap let us heed the following rebuke found in Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 19, "Some open revival meetings and by this means call large numbers into the church. But when the excitement is over, where are the converted ones? Repentance and confession of sin are not seen. The sinner is entreated to believe in Christ and accept Him, without regard to his past life of sin and rebellion. The heart is not broken. There is no contrition of soul. The supposed (did you get that word?) converted ones have not fallen upon the Rock, Christ Jesus." How sad. What a tragedy. How often we have seen this happen in evangelistic meetings.
I continue, "The Old and New Testament Scriptures show us the only way in which this work should be done. Repent, repent, repent was the message wrung out by John the Baptist in the wilderness. Christ's message to the people was 'Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish' Luke 13:5. And the apostles were commanded to preach everywhere that men should repent. The Lord desires His servants today to preach the old gospel doctrine, sorrow for sin, repentance, and confession. We wants old-fashioned sermons, old- fashioned customs, old-fashioned fathers and mothers in Israel. The sinner must be labored for, perseveringly, earnestly, wisely, until he shall see that he is a transgressor of God's law, and shall exercise repentance toward God, and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ."
I read in The Sanctified Life p. 81, "Believe, believe, only believe it not enough. The devils believe and tremble." A lukewarm, Laodicean may believe all the truth and God's promises, but he is not being saved thereby for he is not converted. Jesus said in John 3 that unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. An unconverted one believes only with the measure of faith that is given to all men. We are to teach new converts that it is by repentance and faith we are justified before God and through divine grace enabled to render obedience to His commandments.
Now, back to our story of Larry. As Albert had received a new physical life through the gift of his donor heart, just so an amazing transformation had taken place in the life of Larry. He had received the heart, the mind and the faith of his Savior. He was filled with hope, rejoicing and gratitude. Relieved of the burden of his sins, he was no longer miserable and spiritually wretched. New spiritual life had been put within him. His eyes sparkled with joy. His face shone with a healthy radiance. He reflected his joy and thankfulness upon all with whom he had contact. He pointed them to the Great Physician who, alone, is able to forgive sins and to heal spiritual diseases.
The entire community were he lived, became aware of the change in Larry. No longer was he morose or discouraged. His heart thrilled as he related to others that his heart Donor and Surgeon, Jesus Christ, had died in order that he, a sinner, might live. Everyone within the sphere of his influence heard the old gospel story. His words echoed Ellen White's sentiments when she exclaimed, "O Precious, loving, long-suffering, long-forbearing Jesus, how my soul adores Thee! … Wonder O Heavens, and be astonished, O earth, that fallen man is the object of His infinite love and delight." The Upward Look p. 377. Larry was often heard inviting his friends and acquaintances to experience the fulfillment of that precious promise offered to all men by the heavenly Physician. I quote, "A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you. And I will take away the stony heart of flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh."
Larry did not fail to also tell his friends that they must go to Jesus just as they are to receive the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. Day by day Larry diligently studied God's precious Word. As he increased in wisdom and knowledge he continued to grow up spiritually in Christ. Many of the precious gems of truth that thrilled Larry's soul will be found as we continue, for these gems are gathered from inspired writings.
In the Bible a new heart transplant is likened to being born again. We often refer to it as conversion or the new birth. Lest we fail to realize the true wonders of this reception of a new heart, we will add some additional sparkles that emanate from this gospel truth. From the inspired writings we are told that many of us, especially the youth, fail to understand the true significance of what it means to have a new heart. Ellen White clearly defines this meaning. "The youth especially stumble over this phrase, 'A new heart.' They do not know what it means. …When Jesus speaks of the new heart, He means the mind, the life, the whole being. (And so we do not possibly misunderstand, she explains further…) …To have a new heart is to have a new mind, new purposes, new motives." Sons and Daughters of God p. 100.
Paul understood this for he explains, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17. Actually the new birth is a new creation. But how can this be? How does this new life come about? Inspiration tells us, "The heart, the mind are created anew." Desire of Ages p. 175. I quote further, "When the soul surrenders itself to Christ, a new power takes possession of the new heart. A change is wrought which man can never accomplish for himself. It is a supernatural working, bringing a supernatural element into human nature." Manuscript Releases, Volume 17, p. 314.
God loves us so much that He explains the entire plan of salvation very clearly. But I hear someone ask, "What does it mean by a stony heart?" Any truly converted person will tell you from experience that unless we yield ourselves to the gospel of Christ we are dominated by the wicked one. Paul states it this way, "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6. Webster defines "carnal" as, "of the body or flesh which is opposed to the spiritual." So it is very clear the stony heart is a carnal mind controlled by the wicked one. Therefore, in a carnal mind the body always controls the mind; while in the spiritual mind it is the mind which controls the body.
Question: How then is a stony heart taken away? – The answer is simple: "[When] the heart, [and] the mind are created anew." Desire of Ages p. 175.
Now another important question: Is it possible to lose a new heart experience? When we have once received a new heart or mind can it be lost? – Oh yes, it can! It must be maintained in the same way that we receive it – through surrender. If we would continue the peace and assurance there must be constant surrender.
Let's take a look at King David. He was converted in his youth, however, he did not always maintain his surrender. He fell into sin, into grievous sin. So the question is: If someone has lost his born again experience, how can he regain it? – In the same way that David did. After David's great sin he once again surrendered to the Great Physician pleading, "Create in me a clean (new) heart, O God." Psalm 51:10. Through the Spirit of Prophecy inspiration has revealed, "One of the most earnest prayers recorded in the Word of God is that of David when he plead, 'Create in me a clean heart, O God.' God's response to such a prayer is, 'A new heart will I give you.' This is a work that no finite man can do. Men and women are to begin at the beginning, seeking God most earnestly for a true Christian experience. They are to feel the creative power of the Holy Spirit. They are to receive the new heart, that is kept soft and tender by the grace of heaven. The selfish spirit is to be cleansed from the soul." Bible Commentary, Volume 4, p. 1165.
When David sinned he displayed a carnal, selfish, stony heart. This mindset was remove; cleansed from his mind by the creative power of the Holy Spirit. As did David at the beginning of a Christian experience, or for his need for a renewed Christian experience, we must fully repent and surrender to Christ. Then, with Christ dwelling in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, we again can receive the new mind even "the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16. Let us praise God that we can experience such a sparkling gem of gospel truth.
Here I must warn you that Satan has also perfected jewels, but they are counterfeit jewels. Do they glitter? – Of course they do. Very much so. But not with a heavenly light. Let us take a brief moment to reflect upon the seriousness of these counterfeits that are confronting the people of God in these latter days. As you know, we are living in the end time. Conditions and events in the world and in the church clearly reveal that at such a time as this many in the churches are spiritually sick. This allows them to be easily deceived by Satan's glittering, worldly, counterfeit jewels. Their minds need the healing touch of the Great Physician.
We have been warned that in these latter days erroneous, infidel theories will be taught as Bible truths to God's people. Such errors insidiously attack the spiritual heart causing a variety of spiritual sickness and producing grave spiritual consequences. Webster defines an infidel as a person not holding to the faith, but opposing or unfaithful to Christianity. Surely we should avoid reading or listening to words that spring from the heart of an infidel. The best way to avoid cancer and other serious physical diseases is to live a lifestyle that will prevent them from occurring. Likewise, deadly spiritual illness can be prevented only if we preoccupy and fortify the mind with truth. This must be done, however, before we meet the soul-destroying, so-called "jewels" of Satan's string of falsehoods. Through our modern prophet, Ellen White, God has revealed that, "none but those who have fortified the mind with truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict." Great Controversy p. 593, 594.
As we continue our study we will pluck up from the string of heavenly jewels another precious gem called "sanctification." As we gaze upon the beauty of this gem we realize that today many are asking, Is sanctification a part of salvation? Let us ask Paul. Imagine we could visit Paul in his damp and dingy dungeon in what is believed to be the Mamertino prison in Rome. We might ask, "Paul, please tell us, is sanctification a part of our salvation?"
As if taken by surprise by our question, Paul straightens himself up. Unhesitatingly he replies, "Sanctification is a very vital part of salvation for God hath chosen us to salvation through sanctification. Have you not read what I wrote in my second letter to the Thessalonians? 'We are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification.' 2 Thessalonians 2:13. I will say to you today, as I said in my farewell counsel to the elders of Ephesus, 'Brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.' Acts 20:32."
For a moment we are lost in thought. Might we not apply this verse to ourselves? If the members of the remnant church would inherit a place among the saved in that blessed land, could not Paul likewise admonish us that we must be found "among all them which are sanctified"? Paul is still speaking, "If we were to ask Peter, 'What part does sanctification have in our salvation?' he would reply: 'Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.' (1 Peter 1:2)."
And speaking among ourselves we wonder does Ellen White agree with Peter and Paul? Is sanctification a necessity? In an article Ellen White first asked, "What does the Lord require of His blood-bought heritage?" She then answers, "The sanctification of the whole being." Review and Herald, November 24, 1904. My brethren and sisters, God requires this of us. Beloved, never should we consider sanctification as unnecessary to salvation or as a second-rate experience. Sanctification is not an option or appendage. It is a sparkling gem of truth that God has provided for our redemption – a vital part of the saving gospel.
Let us now observe this gem of sanctification from another angle. All will agree that it is the Lord that justifies man. But how do men attain to sanctification? By their own good works? What does inspiration say? – Through Moses God declares, "I am the Lord which sanctify you." Leviticus 20:8. And in the New Testament Paul writes, "The very God of peace sanctify you wholly." 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Jude 1 is addressed to those who are sanctified by God the Father. Ellen White tells us we want the sanctification that God Himself gives. (Review and Herald, July 15, 1890.)
So the question: "How does God sanctify man?" Bible illustrations testify that only the presence of God can sanctify or make holy a person or a thing. For example, in the story of Moses it was the presence of God in the burning bush that made both it and the ground surrounding it holy. God commissioned Bezaleel to shape the intricate gold work for the wilderness sanctuary. He gave him special wisdom and skill for the work. While Bezaleel was melting the gold and pounding and shaping the golden cherubim for the Most Holy Place, they were not yet holy or sanctified. Yet, when they were later dedicated to the service of God, and the presence of God visibly entered the sanctuary to dwell therein, then the cherubim for the mercy seat were no longer just gold statuary. They were sacred, sanctified emblems, representing the work of the angel in the heavenly sanctuary.
Just as God entered into the sanctuary to sanctify it by His presence, so it is the presence of God inside the hearts of men that sanctify them. I quote, "I will dwell in them … and I will be their God." 2 Corinthians 6:16. Isn't that beautiful? God's presence in our very own heart; that's true sanctification! Paul teaches that believers are to be sanctified by the Holy Ghost. (Romans 15:16). This is Bible sanctification. This work can be accomplished only through faith in Christ by the power of the indwelling Spirit of God. (Great Controversy p. 469). Thus it is Christ in you that sanctifies. The indwelling Holy Spirit is "as the personal Christ to the soul." Review and Herald, November 29, 1892.
Notice the following passages from the Spirit of Prophecy. "Sanctification of the soul by the operation of the Holy Spirit is the implanting of Christ's nature in humanity." This Day With God p. 224. "Sanctification is not an emotion, but a heaven-born principle that brings all the passions and desires under the control of the Spirit of God." Signs of the Times, May 19, 1890. "The Lord Jesus loves His people, and when they put their trust in Him, depending wholly upon Him, He strengthens them. He will live through them, giving them the inspiration of His sanctifying Spirit, imparting to the soul a vital transfusion of Himself." That I May Know Him p. 78. "To be sanctified is to be a partaker of the divine nature, catching the spirit and mind of Jesus." Review and Herald, April 28, 1891.
Let us pray. Thank Thee, loving Father, for revealing these important truths to us in such a clear and simple manner that we may, by Thy divine grace, commit our lives to Thy creative power, ready to spend eternity with Thee. In Jesus' name we thank Thee, Amen."
Before I close permit me to make this added suggestion: I know you have been greatly blessed, as I have, in this study. The Great Physician desires to give us a heart transplant to replace our stony hearts and to keep it healthy through a daily, heavenly process of sanctification - Christ in you. I must tell you that what you have been listening to has been taken almost word for word from a new book by Leola Rosenvold. Time will not permit further discussion of such gems as conditions for justification or of how to render obedience and receive imputed and impart righteousness and much more. May I urge you to purchase a personal copy of this book Sparkling Gems of Truth and receive the blessing that I have discovered in reading all of the book.
You may secure a copy by writing to: Leola Rosenvold P. O. Box 330Hope, Idaho 83836
As a soldier for Christ, the Lord has called me to be one of His watchmen on the walls of Zion to keep God's remnant informed of end-time events which are daily developing around us. For the last few years, with God's help, I have faithfully presented the warning signs of probation's end and how we must prepare to be ready to meet the final test. We must be fully awakened to see our need of divine help.
But there is something vastly more important than our knowing all about these closing events, and making sure that we have followed God's counsel to get out of the cities, to become free of debt, and aware of Satan's plans to deceive. I'm speaking about our need of absolute assurance that we have individually been born again. What a tragedy if, in the final moment of God's judgment, we should discover, like the great theologian Nicodemus who could repeat from memory the entire Old Testament bible of his day, yet who was startled to hear from the Great Physician that he was not ready to see God. He had a serious heart problem which required a heart transplant. In order to be ready he must be born again.
In this study we will examine the great Heart Specialist's diagnosis to ourselves, to see if we qualify as being truly born again, or like Nicodemus realize that we are not yet ready to live in Christ's coming kingdom. For many years I was a youth worker in the conference, union and General Conference with but one purpose – to help our young people, teen-agers, and juniors - to know how to come to Christ and to receive a new heart; to prepare them to meet Jesus. This message will appeal to both young and older persons, for everyone loves to hear an illustration telling of how all people are able to receive a heavenly transplant by complying with the prescribed conditions required by the Great Physician.
As we now begin to examine the sparkling gems of truth let us pray. Dear Loving Father, we come before Thee requesting that Thou send to us Thy Holy Spirit which is divinely equipped to give us a thorough spiritual examination, revealing whether or not we have been born again. We also want to know if divinity detects any sign of sinful deterioration that we need to correct, for we desire to have a spiritual experience that will meet with heavenly approval. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Let us first review the experience of Nicodemus as found in John chapter three. "There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?"
Now tell me, why do you suppose that Jesus spoke with such positive words to Nicodemus, leaving no doubt as to his need of a change of heart? The answer is obvious – because God loves a beautiful Christian character, and God loves us so much that He wants us to have characters like unto the character of His Son Jesus. Therefore, through His written Word, and the testimonies of His Spirit, He has sent to us many sparkling gems of truth. These are God's divine means of enabling boys and girls, men and women to form jewel-like characters, fitted to live with Him in that beautiful city, the New Jerusalem.
I begin with the story of a man you might have seen on the television news screens, for it is not easy to forget the pale, drawn, haggard face of a man called Albert. He had only a short time to live, that is unless an organ donor could be found. If his life were to be spared he must, in the near future, undergo a heart transplant. The physicians had said that they could do nothing to mend the old heart. Replacing a valve or repairing any other portion of his heart would not help him. He needed a whole new heart.
Being in his early thirties, and having a wife and children, he was understandably troubled and anxious. The community solicited funds for his anticipated surgery. His face appeared on the TV screen day after day as the amounts being collected were being reported. Finally a day arrived when, upon answering the telephone, he heard those welcome words, "A donor heart has been found."
Immediately his mind was filled with hope and rejoicing. After the proper preparations were made, Albert surrendered himself fully into the hands of his physician. The surgery was successful, and after some weeks had passed his face appeared again on the television news. What a transformation! What a change! No longer was Albert pale and haggard. His life had been restored. His face shone with a healthy radiance. His eyes were bright. His joy and thanksgiving were reflected upon the entire community where he lived. All the people rejoiced with him. But there was one thing that he could not forget. He meditated over the fact that someone had lost his life to make it possible that he might live.
Now let us consider some spiritual lessons from Albert's experience. Before he received a new heart, Albert was a sick and dying man. Today many are as sick spiritually as Alberta was physically. To use a Bible term, their hearts were natural (or carnal) and their characters so diseased that they do not have long to remain spiritually alive.
Note God's description of such a heart. He declares, "Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Genesis 6:5. Again I quote from scripture, "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lisciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these things come from within, and defile the man." Mark 7: 21-23.
Spiritually speaking, men do not always realize the extent of the diseased condition of their hearts - that is, not until they look into the mirror of God's law of the Ten Commandments. It is then that they see themselves as they actually are – wretched and hopelessly near death. They long to be forgiven, but praise God there is a divine remedy for spiritual illness. That remedy is the gospel.
In the book This Day With God on page 224, I quote, "The truths of the gospel are not unconnected; uniting they form one string of heavenly jewels…. Like threads of gold they run through the whole of the Christian work and experience." So we are told that God's precious sparkling, gospel gems unite to form one golden string of remedial, heavenly gems.
These truths can be plucked off the string and examined. Let's take one and take a look. The first sparkling gem of truth we will pluck off to examine is called "justification." In examining this jewel of truth, may I give you an illustration. Let's call his name Larry. George had a friend named Larry who seemed extremely discouraged and despondent. George told Larry some of the wonderful, encouraging gems of truth to be found in the Bible. He urged him to study God's Word.
Larry was convinced of his need to study, but when he opened the Bible he didn't know where to begin, so he started reading through Genesis and then into Exodus, but when he reached Exodus 20 he became startled. Upon comparing himself to God's law he was faced with the shocking revelation of his truly diseased spiritual condition. "Is this the reason for my mental despondency?" he asked himself. Without realizing it, Larry had echoed the words of Paul as he cried out, "O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me?" Romans 7:24.
Larry felt desperate. "Is there no remedy?" he exclaimed. But when he turned to the New Testament Larry was filled with joyful excitement. Yes, there is a remedy for all sin-sick souls. He found it in Jesus Christ, our spiritual Physician. He listened as he heard the Physician invite, "Come unto Me." Larry responded. He cast himself upon Christ's mercy. Jesus looked upon him with love and tender compassion.
He began to explain the remedy to Larry. He spoke in somewhat the same words as He did to Nicodemus that night so long ago. "Larry, you need a new heart," Jesus explained. "There is nothing that can be done to repair or patch up your old heart. It will be necessary for you to undergo a spiritual heart transplant."
At these words Larry felt very uncomfortable. Like Nicodemus, he wondered, "How can this be?" But the Physician was still speaking. "I am willing, even anxious, to perform the needed operation for you without which you will surely die. My services will be donated. Your new heart will be free. If you cooperate you will be born again into a new life altogether."
At this point Larry went back to his friend George for counsel. George explained that, as in a physical heart transplant, in order to receive a new spiritual heart transplant it is necessary to undergo spiritual preparation. George took down the first volume of Selected Messages and turned to page 393. After carefully explaining to Larry that this was not just any book, that it was in fact an inspired book, he read the following to him: "In order to obtain the righteousness of Christ (that's a new heart) it is necessary for the sinner to know what that repentance is which works a radical change of mind and spirit and action."
Larry's eyes were fastened upon George. George looked up and said, "Next, the author asked two questions'Who is desirous of becoming truly repentant.' And 'What must he do?' Listen closely, Larry," George advised. "for the author answers her own questions." Larry leaned forward so he wouldn't miss the answer. "He must come to Jesus just as he is without delay. He must believe that the word of Christ is true, and believing the promise, ask that he may receive. When sincere desire prompts men to pray, they will not pray in vain. The Lord will fulfill His word, and will give the Holy Spirit to lead to repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ."
Larry understood. He wanted to make sure so he replied, "Have I got this straight? I come to Jesus, just as I am, believing that God's Word and His promises are true, and that the Physician will send the Holy Spirit to prepare me?"
"Right," answered George. Then he explained further, "The Physician has given to every man a measure of faith and belief in order that he might respond to His calling. However, were a man's faith to increase he must come to the Great Physician to receive not only repentance but also a greater measure of faith – even a faith that will make salvation by grace possible."
Larry hurried home. In his bedroom, with his Bible open before him, Larry fell upon his knees. His mind was drawn to Christ hanging on the cross. While kneeling at the foot of the cross, looking up at Jesus, these words burned into his soul, "A Donor has been found." He now understood how Jesus Himself had passed through a horrible death on the cross in order that Larry, a repentant sinner, might live. With sadness, Larry realized that for him to live Someone had to die. That Someone was his divine surgeon, Jesus Christ – God's own dear Son.
Turning to his open Bible he read this precious promise, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26. Larry prayed for the promised Helper and his prayer was answered. The Spirit led him into a true sorrow for his sins, into repentance, and faith, and a full surrender to the great Physician who, as promised, performed the recreative surgery.
Larry had obeyed as he heard the Physician plead, "My son, give me thine heart." Proverbs 23:26. What an exchange! Larry received a clean, unselfish, new, healthy heart in exchange for his sinful, selfish, spiritually diseased heart. Praise God! Larry's sins were forgiven. Through faith, Larry had received the sparkling gift of justification.
Let us interrupt this illustration of Larry, momentarily. God has sent an important message to His church. It is a very sobering message. God warns us, through Ellen White, that as a people we have at times neglected to teach these preparatory truths to souls who are seeking salvation. Surely we don't consider these truths as unnecessary, or as an unpleasant duty, or do we? If we have fallen into this trap let us heed the following rebuke found in Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 19, "Some open revival meetings and by this means call large numbers into the church. But when the excitement is over, where are the converted ones? Repentance and confession of sin are not seen. The sinner is entreated to believe in Christ and accept Him, without regard to his past life of sin and rebellion. The heart is not broken. There is no contrition of soul. The supposed (did you get that word?) converted ones have not fallen upon the Rock, Christ Jesus." How sad. What a tragedy. How often we have seen this happen in evangelistic meetings.
I continue, "The Old and New Testament Scriptures show us the only way in which this work should be done. Repent, repent, repent was the message wrung out by John the Baptist in the wilderness. Christ's message to the people was 'Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish' Luke 13:5. And the apostles were commanded to preach everywhere that men should repent. The Lord desires His servants today to preach the old gospel doctrine, sorrow for sin, repentance, and confession. We wants old-fashioned sermons, old- fashioned customs, old-fashioned fathers and mothers in Israel. The sinner must be labored for, perseveringly, earnestly, wisely, until he shall see that he is a transgressor of God's law, and shall exercise repentance toward God, and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ."
I read in The Sanctified Life p. 81, "Believe, believe, only believe it not enough. The devils believe and tremble." A lukewarm, Laodicean may believe all the truth and God's promises, but he is not being saved thereby for he is not converted. Jesus said in John 3 that unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. An unconverted one believes only with the measure of faith that is given to all men. We are to teach new converts that it is by repentance and faith we are justified before God and through divine grace enabled to render obedience to His commandments.
Now, back to our story of Larry. As Albert had received a new physical life through the gift of his donor heart, just so an amazing transformation had taken place in the life of Larry. He had received the heart, the mind and the faith of his Savior. He was filled with hope, rejoicing and gratitude. Relieved of the burden of his sins, he was no longer miserable and spiritually wretched. New spiritual life had been put within him. His eyes sparkled with joy. His face shone with a healthy radiance. He reflected his joy and thankfulness upon all with whom he had contact. He pointed them to the Great Physician who, alone, is able to forgive sins and to heal spiritual diseases.
The entire community were he lived, became aware of the change in Larry. No longer was he morose or discouraged. His heart thrilled as he related to others that his heart Donor and Surgeon, Jesus Christ, had died in order that he, a sinner, might live. Everyone within the sphere of his influence heard the old gospel story. His words echoed Ellen White's sentiments when she exclaimed, "O Precious, loving, long-suffering, long-forbearing Jesus, how my soul adores Thee! … Wonder O Heavens, and be astonished, O earth, that fallen man is the object of His infinite love and delight." The Upward Look p. 377. Larry was often heard inviting his friends and acquaintances to experience the fulfillment of that precious promise offered to all men by the heavenly Physician. I quote, "A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you. And I will take away the stony heart of flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh."
Larry did not fail to also tell his friends that they must go to Jesus just as they are to receive the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. Day by day Larry diligently studied God's precious Word. As he increased in wisdom and knowledge he continued to grow up spiritually in Christ. Many of the precious gems of truth that thrilled Larry's soul will be found as we continue, for these gems are gathered from inspired writings.
In the Bible a new heart transplant is likened to being born again. We often refer to it as conversion or the new birth. Lest we fail to realize the true wonders of this reception of a new heart, we will add some additional sparkles that emanate from this gospel truth. From the inspired writings we are told that many of us, especially the youth, fail to understand the true significance of what it means to have a new heart. Ellen White clearly defines this meaning. "The youth especially stumble over this phrase, 'A new heart.' They do not know what it means. …When Jesus speaks of the new heart, He means the mind, the life, the whole being. (And so we do not possibly misunderstand, she explains further…) …To have a new heart is to have a new mind, new purposes, new motives." Sons and Daughters of God p. 100.
Paul understood this for he explains, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17. Actually the new birth is a new creation. But how can this be? How does this new life come about? Inspiration tells us, "The heart, the mind are created anew." Desire of Ages p. 175. I quote further, "When the soul surrenders itself to Christ, a new power takes possession of the new heart. A change is wrought which man can never accomplish for himself. It is a supernatural working, bringing a supernatural element into human nature." Manuscript Releases, Volume 17, p. 314.
God loves us so much that He explains the entire plan of salvation very clearly. But I hear someone ask, "What does it mean by a stony heart?" Any truly converted person will tell you from experience that unless we yield ourselves to the gospel of Christ we are dominated by the wicked one. Paul states it this way, "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6. Webster defines "carnal" as, "of the body or flesh which is opposed to the spiritual." So it is very clear the stony heart is a carnal mind controlled by the wicked one. Therefore, in a carnal mind the body always controls the mind; while in the spiritual mind it is the mind which controls the body.
Question: How then is a stony heart taken away? – The answer is simple: "[When] the heart, [and] the mind are created anew." Desire of Ages p. 175.
Now another important question: Is it possible to lose a new heart experience? When we have once received a new heart or mind can it be lost? – Oh yes, it can! It must be maintained in the same way that we receive it – through surrender. If we would continue the peace and assurance there must be constant surrender.
Let's take a look at King David. He was converted in his youth, however, he did not always maintain his surrender. He fell into sin, into grievous sin. So the question is: If someone has lost his born again experience, how can he regain it? – In the same way that David did. After David's great sin he once again surrendered to the Great Physician pleading, "Create in me a clean (new) heart, O God." Psalm 51:10. Through the Spirit of Prophecy inspiration has revealed, "One of the most earnest prayers recorded in the Word of God is that of David when he plead, 'Create in me a clean heart, O God.' God's response to such a prayer is, 'A new heart will I give you.' This is a work that no finite man can do. Men and women are to begin at the beginning, seeking God most earnestly for a true Christian experience. They are to feel the creative power of the Holy Spirit. They are to receive the new heart, that is kept soft and tender by the grace of heaven. The selfish spirit is to be cleansed from the soul." Bible Commentary, Volume 4, p. 1165.
When David sinned he displayed a carnal, selfish, stony heart. This mindset was remove; cleansed from his mind by the creative power of the Holy Spirit. As did David at the beginning of a Christian experience, or for his need for a renewed Christian experience, we must fully repent and surrender to Christ. Then, with Christ dwelling in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, we again can receive the new mind even "the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16. Let us praise God that we can experience such a sparkling gem of gospel truth.
Here I must warn you that Satan has also perfected jewels, but they are counterfeit jewels. Do they glitter? – Of course they do. Very much so. But not with a heavenly light. Let us take a brief moment to reflect upon the seriousness of these counterfeits that are confronting the people of God in these latter days. As you know, we are living in the end time. Conditions and events in the world and in the church clearly reveal that at such a time as this many in the churches are spiritually sick. This allows them to be easily deceived by Satan's glittering, worldly, counterfeit jewels. Their minds need the healing touch of the Great Physician.
We have been warned that in these latter days erroneous, infidel theories will be taught as Bible truths to God's people. Such errors insidiously attack the spiritual heart causing a variety of spiritual sickness and producing grave spiritual consequences. Webster defines an infidel as a person not holding to the faith, but opposing or unfaithful to Christianity. Surely we should avoid reading or listening to words that spring from the heart of an infidel. The best way to avoid cancer and other serious physical diseases is to live a lifestyle that will prevent them from occurring. Likewise, deadly spiritual illness can be prevented only if we preoccupy and fortify the mind with truth. This must be done, however, before we meet the soul-destroying, so-called "jewels" of Satan's string of falsehoods. Through our modern prophet, Ellen White, God has revealed that, "none but those who have fortified the mind with truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict." Great Controversy p. 593, 594.
As we continue our study we will pluck up from the string of heavenly jewels another precious gem called "sanctification." As we gaze upon the beauty of this gem we realize that today many are asking, Is sanctification a part of salvation? Let us ask Paul. Imagine we could visit Paul in his damp and dingy dungeon in what is believed to be the Mamertino prison in Rome. We might ask, "Paul, please tell us, is sanctification a part of our salvation?"
As if taken by surprise by our question, Paul straightens himself up. Unhesitatingly he replies, "Sanctification is a very vital part of salvation for God hath chosen us to salvation through sanctification. Have you not read what I wrote in my second letter to the Thessalonians? 'We are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification.' 2 Thessalonians 2:13. I will say to you today, as I said in my farewell counsel to the elders of Ephesus, 'Brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.' Acts 20:32."
For a moment we are lost in thought. Might we not apply this verse to ourselves? If the members of the remnant church would inherit a place among the saved in that blessed land, could not Paul likewise admonish us that we must be found "among all them which are sanctified"? Paul is still speaking, "If we were to ask Peter, 'What part does sanctification have in our salvation?' he would reply: 'Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.' (1 Peter 1:2)."
And speaking among ourselves we wonder does Ellen White agree with Peter and Paul? Is sanctification a necessity? In an article Ellen White first asked, "What does the Lord require of His blood-bought heritage?" She then answers, "The sanctification of the whole being." Review and Herald, November 24, 1904. My brethren and sisters, God requires this of us. Beloved, never should we consider sanctification as unnecessary to salvation or as a second-rate experience. Sanctification is not an option or appendage. It is a sparkling gem of truth that God has provided for our redemption – a vital part of the saving gospel.
Let us now observe this gem of sanctification from another angle. All will agree that it is the Lord that justifies man. But how do men attain to sanctification? By their own good works? What does inspiration say? – Through Moses God declares, "I am the Lord which sanctify you." Leviticus 20:8. And in the New Testament Paul writes, "The very God of peace sanctify you wholly." 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Jude 1 is addressed to those who are sanctified by God the Father. Ellen White tells us we want the sanctification that God Himself gives. (Review and Herald, July 15, 1890.)
So the question: "How does God sanctify man?" Bible illustrations testify that only the presence of God can sanctify or make holy a person or a thing. For example, in the story of Moses it was the presence of God in the burning bush that made both it and the ground surrounding it holy. God commissioned Bezaleel to shape the intricate gold work for the wilderness sanctuary. He gave him special wisdom and skill for the work. While Bezaleel was melting the gold and pounding and shaping the golden cherubim for the Most Holy Place, they were not yet holy or sanctified. Yet, when they were later dedicated to the service of God, and the presence of God visibly entered the sanctuary to dwell therein, then the cherubim for the mercy seat were no longer just gold statuary. They were sacred, sanctified emblems, representing the work of the angel in the heavenly sanctuary.
Just as God entered into the sanctuary to sanctify it by His presence, so it is the presence of God inside the hearts of men that sanctify them. I quote, "I will dwell in them … and I will be their God." 2 Corinthians 6:16. Isn't that beautiful? God's presence in our very own heart; that's true sanctification! Paul teaches that believers are to be sanctified by the Holy Ghost. (Romans 15:16). This is Bible sanctification. This work can be accomplished only through faith in Christ by the power of the indwelling Spirit of God. (Great Controversy p. 469). Thus it is Christ in you that sanctifies. The indwelling Holy Spirit is "as the personal Christ to the soul." Review and Herald, November 29, 1892.
Notice the following passages from the Spirit of Prophecy. "Sanctification of the soul by the operation of the Holy Spirit is the implanting of Christ's nature in humanity." This Day With God p. 224. "Sanctification is not an emotion, but a heaven-born principle that brings all the passions and desires under the control of the Spirit of God." Signs of the Times, May 19, 1890. "The Lord Jesus loves His people, and when they put their trust in Him, depending wholly upon Him, He strengthens them. He will live through them, giving them the inspiration of His sanctifying Spirit, imparting to the soul a vital transfusion of Himself." That I May Know Him p. 78. "To be sanctified is to be a partaker of the divine nature, catching the spirit and mind of Jesus." Review and Herald, April 28, 1891.
Let us pray. Thank Thee, loving Father, for revealing these important truths to us in such a clear and simple manner that we may, by Thy divine grace, commit our lives to Thy creative power, ready to spend eternity with Thee. In Jesus' name we thank Thee, Amen."
Before I close permit me to make this added suggestion: I know you have been greatly blessed, as I have, in this study. The Great Physician desires to give us a heart transplant to replace our stony hearts and to keep it healthy through a daily, heavenly process of sanctification - Christ in you. I must tell you that what you have been listening to has been taken almost word for word from a new book by Leola Rosenvold. Time will not permit further discussion of such gems as conditions for justification or of how to render obedience and receive imputed and impart righteousness and much more. May I urge you to purchase a personal copy of this book Sparkling Gems of Truth and receive the blessing that I have discovered in reading all of the book.
You may secure a copy by writing to: Leola Rosenvold P. O. Box 330Hope, Idaho 83836
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Let me begin by telling of a personal encounter I had with the devils of spiritualism. In my labors for God's youth, the General Conference sent me to the Far East Division for a two month itinerant. One of my appointments took me to the city of Sabu, located in the Philippians. Sabbath morning I was to present a message to encourage the youth to take an active part in what was then our "MV – Share Your Faith" program in which our older youth in the world field had baptized over 100,000 by preaching the Three Angels' Messages.
During the Friday evening as I prepared for the Sabbath presentation I was deeply impressed to change my subject to that of spiritualism. When Sabbath morning arrived I found a very large tent had been erected during the week for an expected crowd. Sabbath School proved the wisdom of such planning for every seat was taken and a great number had to stand around the edge of the tent.
A large platform had been erected to seat some fifteen ministers. I had been preaching about ten minutes, exposing Old Testament witchcraft of devil worship when, without a warning, I was suddenly interrupted by a thundering noise like hoofs stamping on the platform upon which I was standing. The noise became so loud that I could not hear myself speak even though I was using the sound system. I had to stop preaching.
The minister in charge shouted in my ear, "This is part of the Philippians which is know as the Devil's Country and the devils are angry because of what you are telling the people." He invited me to join the ministers in prayer for he said it was the only way to stop the devils. Quickly all the ministers join together and knelt for prayer. The stomping noise was so loud that we could not hear each other pray but eventually the disrupting noise began to subside to absolute silence. Then the presiding elder whispered in my ear, "You can now continue your preaching."
Returning to the pulpit I continued to reveal from the scriptures that when a person dies they know not anything. I was quoting Ecclesiastics 9:6, "Their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun." I told the people that it was the devil's evil angels who were appearing in their city as their departed loved ones performing such wonders.
As I continued to speak I noticed a commotion taking place at the back of the tent. Suddenly a devil-possessed man started to run up the aisle of the tent shouting, "This man is a servant of the Most High God, showing the way of salvation." I could hardly believe my ears for he was yelling the same words used by a devil-possessed man some two thousand years ago when the devil tried to stop Paul as he was preaching in Philippi.
Six deacons pounced on this man but this devil-possessed person revealed supernatural strength by lifting four of the men off the ground with his stretched out arms. Finally he was subdued and carried out. I then continued to preach until I had finished my sermon. Never, never try to convince me that there is no such power as spiritualism. Many times as I have preached about the devil I have witnessed his anger, so let us pause here, just now, to pray that God's angels will surround us and keep the devil from disturbing us as we discuss Satan's present activities within God's church.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus we humbly request that Satan and his angels not be permitted to harm this speaker or disturb anyone reading this sermon. We plead that Thy Holy Spirit will help us to comprehend the inroads that spiritualism is making within our church today. And we thank Thee for answering this prayer. Amen.
I have just discovered a book entitled Spiritism In the Seventh-day Adventist Church by Colin and Russell Standish. I urge you to obtain a copy. It tells the truth as no other book published today. I promise you will not be disappointed. It is published by Hartland Publications, Box 1, Rapidan, Virginia, 22733. I must tell you that some of the thoughts expressed in this tape have been gleaned from the pages of this book.
Now, get your Bible and turn with me to the first chapter of the book of Isaiah. As we read of the prophet's vision we will discover the tragic condition of God's Israel of old which parallels the Seventh-day Adventist Church today. Let us begin with verses two and three. "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, (and notice, what does he say?) I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider." How sad.
Such was the rebellious condition when the people of God deviated from the truth and righteousness. Look at verse four, "Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward." What a description of the state of God's people - back then and today. We too are a sinful people. So often we hear of dishonesty, lying, adultery and fornication within our organization, to say nothing of the ruthless treatment to some of its faithful members because they refuse to accept that which the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy condemns as spiritualism.
I continue reading verses five and six. "The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment." Beloved, only inspiration could portray the results of such apostasy as God sees it.
Notice verse nine. "Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah." Never forget friend, if it were not for the remnant Satan would have total control of our church today. The remnant may be exceedingly small, but God is using the few to keep Satan from seizing control of the church and this world.
Just listen to what God says to us today as He reproves Israel of old. Verses thirteen to fifteen, "Bring no more vain oblations, incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood." No wonder God uses harsh words because He see Pentecostalism and New Age forms of worship being promoted by conferences with the full approval of the General Conference in Celebration worship services.
Yet, God lovingly appeals. Notice verse sixteen and seventeen, "Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow." And now listen as God pleads further in verses eighteen and nineteen, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land."
But in verse twenty He warns of failure to heed His last call. "But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." And finally God speaks in words that cannot be misunderstood by those who will continue in apostasy. Listen, "How is the faithful city become an harlot!"
Now Paul explains this vision of the end-time by stating in Romans 9:27, "Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved." When I read this promise I cannot help but shouting, Praise the Lord!
With this inspired introduction of scripture let us examine how modern spiritualism has infiltrated within the Seventh-day Adventist Church with its teachings of doctrine, outreach evangelism and worship service. Let us start with the teaching of New Theology. Many have overlooked this new doctrine of "sin and live" which is none other than the same false theology that was presented to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You remember Eve was told by the devil that if she ate of the forbidden tree, thus sinning and disobeying God, that she would not die but live. Today this New Theology teaches exactly the same evil. You may continue to sin until Jesus comes and still be saved. Beloved, this is the difference by which we can discern between the wheat and the tares, for the remnant, the precious wheat, will live by victory over every sin by the power provided of Christ.
I quote, "The prophet Isaiah brings to view the fearful deception which will come upon the wicked, causing them to count themselves secure from the judgments of God: (And what do these people say?) 'We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we in agreement; When the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come nigh unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves.' Isaiah 28:15. In the class here described are included those who in their stubborn impenitence comfort themselves with the assurance that there is to be no punishment for the sinner; that all mankind, it matters not how corrupt, are to be exalted to heaven, to become as the angels of God. But still more emphatically are those making a covenant with death and an agreement with hell, who renounce the truths which heaven has provided as a defense for the righteous in the day of trouble, and accept the refuge of lies offered by Satan in its stead - the delusive pretensions of spiritualism." Great Controversy p. 560, 561.
Did you notice that Ellen White states that this New Theology is spiritualism? But praise God, He is patiently waiting for the faithful to stand firmly against such spiritualism and reflect Christ's stainless character so we can go home with Jesus when He comes. Notice the wonderful promise found in Christ Object Lessons p. 69. "When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own." Oh, what assurance to us in these troublesome times. Thank you, Jesus, for this promise! But don't forget, take note, spiritism will be the final deception in this end-time crisis and the Sabbath, the final test of loyalty. How I pray that God's ministers of this day would preach these major doctrines.
Next, let us now consider another startling announcement concerning spiritualism. "Minds will be hypnotized." Satan is the master hypnotist and is able to hypnotize every human being in this world except those who have invited Christ to take full control of their lives. The scriptures admonish us, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5. The mind of Christ could never be hypnotized by Satan and therefore could not be deceived. If we invite Christ's mind to be our mind then that alone will preserve us from the hypnotic presentations of Satan.
The servant of the Lord continues, "The experience of the past will be repeated. In the future Satan's superstitions will assume new forms. Errors will be presented in a pleasing and flattering manner. False theories, clothed with the garments of light, will be presented to God's people. Thus Satan will try to deceive, if possible, the very elect. Most seducing influences will be exerted; minds will be hypnotized." Maranatha p. 59.
In this end time Satan will hypnotize the billions of this world to unite into a One-World government to keep Sunday holy. Be they pagans, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Protestants or atheists, they all will be hypnotized to accept Satan as the savior of this world. How amazing that Ellen White sensed this satanic power would also emerge within our church for she states, "This same hypnotic influence is seen working among our people today." Manuscript Releases, Volume 2, p. 248.
You may have wondered why it is that you can present the clearest, most unambiguous statements of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy to men and women and somehow they do not seem to be able to understand its meaning or its significance - or they are able to rationalize it away. Surely, already, so many have been hypnotized by Satan that they cannot perceive the certainty of God's truth. "Satan is waiting to steal a march upon everyone who allows himself to be deceived by his hypnotism. He begins to exert his power over them just as soon (are you listening) as they begin to investigate his theories." Medical Ministry p. 101, 102. This statement indicates the danger of even exploring areas of error and apostasy. Satan is there to try to draw us into his trap by the use of hypnotism.
Now let's consider another area. What about spiritism in entertainment? Few members within our church have given this any thought but this was not the experience of Ellen White. You will be surprised to learn that she associates worldly amusements with spiritualistic, satanic practices. "Thus Satan and his angels are laying their snares for souls. They are working upon the minds of teachers and students to induce them to engage in exercises and amusements which become intensely absorbing, and which are of a character to strengthen the lower passions and to create appetites and passions that will counteract the operations of the Spirit of God upon human hearts….Amusements are doing more to counteract the working of the Holy Spirit that anything else, and the Lord is grieved." Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students p. 281. Beloved, this is an eye opener. Think it through carefully. "Amusements are doing more to counteract the working of the Holy Spirit than anything else!"
"The desire for excitement and pleasing entertainment is a temptation and a snare to God's people, and especially to the young. Satan is constantly preparing inducements to attract minds from the solemn work of preparation for the scenes just in the future. Through the agency of the worldlings he keeps up a continual excitement to induce the unwary to join in worldly pleasures….Satan is a persevering workman; an artful, deadly foe….He has many finely woven nets, which appear innocent, but which are skillfully prepared to entangle the young and unwary. The natural mind leans toward pleasure and self-gratification. It is Satan's policy to fill the mind with a desire for worldly amusement, that there may be no time for the question, How is it with my soul?" Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students p. 324, 325.
And dare I mention the theater? Here in America nearly every Seventh-day Adventist has a television. Stop and think. Some 85 % – 90 % of what is shown is the same as that that is displayed at the theater. Some of our members spend many hours each day before the tube. And what of our children? Surveys reveal that most of them spend ten to twelve hours a day watching TV when not in school. Since this is common knowledge why are we surprised when we are faced with the fact that over 75% of our teenage youth leave the church for good.
Why does our denomination spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to find our why we lose our youth when all the leadership needs to do is read the following quotation: "Among the most dangerous resorts for pleasure is the theater. Instead of being a school for morality and virtue, as is so often claimed, it is the very hotbed of immorality. Vicious habits and sinful propensities are strengthened and confirmed by these entertainments. Low songs, lewd gestures, expressions and attitudes, deprave the imagination and debase the morals. Every youth who habitually attends such exhibitions (are you listening?) will be corrupted in principle. There is no influence in our land more powerful to poison the imagination, to destroy religious impressions, and to blunt the relish for tranquil pleasures and sober realities of life than theatrical amusements. The love for these scenes increases with every indulgence, as the desire for intoxicating drink strengthens with its use. The only safe course is to shun the theater, the circus, and every other questionable place of amusement." Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students p. 334, 335.
I read the following from the book Spiritism in Seventh-day Adventist Church. "Reflecting upon this statement surely it would be wise to have nothing to do with television. Many faithful Christians have found the wisest step is to have no television at all, for today the sensual and violent presentations on television are more vivid and more destructive than in the day when Sister White wrote these words of warning in Counsels to Parent, Teachers and Students: 'The whole reason for the intoxication of sports today is to lead men and women away from God and from the sober realities of preparing their lives for the coming of the Lord and for witnessing the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ to men and women.' The tragic trend in our churches and in our schools and colleges bespeaks the widespread idolatry that is rampant among Seventh-day Adventists. We started with pick-up games; we moved to inter-murals. We moved then to playing some games between Adventist institutions and we now have gone the full circle and have joined the leagues of the world. We have even offered scholarships to some of the better sporting performers. God must pronounce it an abomination."
Time will not permit further investigation of this form of spiritism. Again I recommend you reading this copy of the Standish brothers' book and discover much, much more. Another impact of spiritualism in our church is our doctrinal deviations. We often hear it said these days, "We must preach more about Christ and less about doctrines." Beloved, these words come directly from the heart of spiritism. I'm quoting, "Spiritualism is now changing its form, veiling some of its most objectionable and immoral features, and assuming a Christian guise. Formerly it denounced Christ and the Bible; now it professes to accept both. The Bible is interpreted in a manner that is attractive to the unrenewed heart, while its solemn and vital truths are made of no effect. A God of love is presented; but his justice, his denunciations of sin, the requirements of his holy law, are all kept out of sight." Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 4, p. 405.
Here I must pause for you to consider what I believe is the best answer I have ever found concerning doctrines, taken from the book Spiritism in the Adventist Church. "Today many are giving the 'love theology' but they are ignoring the doctrines of the Word which are the greatest revelation of Christ and God. Indeed, for every doctrine Christ is the center and the focus. How can we preach the Second Coming of Christ without preaching of One who is coming in power and great glory? How can we preach the sanctuary message without preaching of the One who is our Sacrifice, our Judge, our High Priest, our Intercessor, our Advocate, our Mediator? How can we preach the investigative judgment without preaching of the One who will stand up for His faithful people in the judgment?
"How can we preach baptism without understanding the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and the renewal that it brings to everyone who has committed his life to Christ? How can we preach the state of the dead without preaching of the One who is the resurrection and the life? How can we teach the commandments without recognizing that the commandments are the very expression of the character of God? How can we preach the Sabbath without preaching of the One who is our Creator, our Redeemer, our Sanctifier? How can we preach righteousness by faith without preaching of the One who imputes and imparts His righteousness to us? But for many members years go by and they hear nothing in the Seventh-day Adventist Church pulpits that would remotely address any of these thrilling truths. Present Truth is forgotten and Satan is gradually making inroads through these spiritualistic teachings which ignore God's justice, His denunciation of sin, and the requirements of His holy law."
I could go on but we must move quickly considering another inroad of spiritism as found in our Seventh-day Adventist publications. A few years ago I became greatly disturbed to discover books printed on our presses teaching doctrines of devils. I was talking to a former Union president who had served for years as chairman of the Pacific Press board of directors. I questioned, "How come on one day you print on our presses the inspired book The Desire of Ages and then the very next day on the same press you print a book that teaches just the opposite to what Ellen White wrote?" I shall never forget his answer, "Our present policy is to never question what our leaders or ministers write in their book manuscripts." What did he mean?- I'll tell you. Our presses no longer check to see if a suggested book contains the truth. All they are interested in is to print books that will sell and make money. It is left to the reader to choose truth from error. Heaven help us! Spiritism now has an open door to publish the doctrines of spiritism on our very own presses!
I was shocked when in 1990 the ministerial department published the Ministry magazine with a cover of a pagan design at a cost, some say, was about $8,000.00. More than thirty pagan, spiritualistic and Roman Catholic symbols are to be found in this painting. The book Spiritism in the Seventh-day Adventist Church describes this cover picture. "Presented is not the Christ of the Bible, coming as King of kings and Lord of lords with power and great glory, coming with unnumbered angels in the splendor of heaven, but rather of a Cosmic Christ of the New Age." The painting depicts Jesus coming to the earth totally out of harmony with the clear testimony of the word of God. "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
Among many pagan representations in what is our premier magazine for ministers, both the Adventists and the non-Adventists, are clear depictions of spirits. The lost are seen in a burning inferno writhing in agony, wholly out of character with the fact that the destruction of the wicked does not take place until a thousand years after the resurrection of the saints. Skeletons are seen flying through the air draped in cloth. The rainbow of the New Age is in clear view – and note – Christ's left hand presents the papal symbol of the thumb and two outer fingers curled and the semi-v shape of the other two fingers. I shall never forget how I felt, for I felt like weeping when I viewed this satanic picture in our Ministry magazine portraying the Second Coming of Christ.
Turning yet to another point, I received a letter from a Sabbath School youth division leader deploring the Sabbath School youth lessons printed by the General Conference. For example, Bible characters are portrayed as in a comic strip. Sacred and divine truths are made light of. Can you imagine Jesus as a youth pictured as a hippie? This Sabbath School teacher displayed this trash before the church board. Many agreed, but the pastor insisted that the conference demanded that they be used. Nothing else could take its place. When the teacher refused to use them she was kicked out of the youth Sabbath School division and told to shut up or she would be put out of the church.
Years ago, as an ordained pastor, I repeatedly assured my flock that whatever was printed on our presses could be accepted as the truth. But not anymore! I now tell our members" When you read what is printed from our publishing houses, you must pray for divine guidance to help you separate truth from error." The Spirit of Prophecy stated this correctly, "The time has come when even in the church and in our institutions, some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." Manuscript Releases, Volume 7, p. 188.
And now, what of spiritism in our witnessing program? Under consideration by the Mid-American Union conference is a new plan for church planting. Take note of how deception is used to not only fool the Adventist faithful but also the non-believers who attend. Never forget deception is the mode of spiritualism.
#1. "The meetings will be held in a town located some distance from the nearest Adventist church." Why? -"The advantage of this not only to reach non-Adventists, but also to hold the meetings at a distance so church members will not know what is taking place in these meetings." That's deception. "The ultimate plan is to use new plantings to gradually remake the church into a new image, with new members trained into new ways of doing things while not disturbing the older, existing churches." Why, that's the deception of spiritualism.
#2. "The meetings will be held on Friday night instead of Sabbath morning." Now this is a clear deception of spiritualism to do away, eventually, with the Sabbath and get them ready for Sunday keeping. "The advantage of Friday night meetings is that it will appeal to the class of people who like to spend their weekend evenings partying around and so are ready to go to some new places."
#3. "Morning and afternoon activities will be conducted on the Sabbath. These activities will include community service." Listen carefully. "The advantage of the Sabbath activities is that it can copy the program which has been conducted at the University Church for nearly a decade in which students and grown-ups are sent out on Sabbath afternoon to paint houses, mow lawns, clean up trash, and in a variety of other ways show their neighborliness to the Loma Linda/Riverside/San Bernardino area. Adventists not taking part in the outreach will definitely be told not to attend the new model meetings." Why? "This is critical to the success of the plan while not offending the existing churches." What deception!
#5. "It is important that a majority of those in attendance be non-Adventist. This will greatly aid in the establishment (and take note) of new patterns of worship, thinking and activities. No conservative Adventist will be present to influence their thinking."
#6. "All clothing is to be casual – nothing formal or 'churchy' about these meetings is to be done that might cause the suspicion that these are church services." Deception, deception, deception.
#7. "It is extremely important that the new members be taught certain practices which are not in the General Conference policy." Deception again. This includes a rule that members will be cancelled at the end of the Annual Review of the books if it is found that tithe and offerings are not regularly paid in. These two points, which no General Conference Session has ever authorized, are vital for they underlie the entire reason for the Celebration churches and church planting – to bring more live bodies which will pay more money into the church – not to get them ready for the coming of the Christ.
#8. "Study materials used at the meetings will include reading and discussion of non-Adventist books which explain the do's and don'ts of Christian experience." Unbelievable deception, isn't it? Teaching the doctrines of Babylon!
#9. "As might be expected, contemporary music will be an important part of each meeting. Concerts will also be held as a feeder to draw people to the regular Friday evening meetings." That's entertainment on the holy Sabbath hours.
I could go on. What's the name of this church? They are going to call it "Life's Answer Church." I've got a better name – "Hell's Answer Church." And then it says, "Approved by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Approved by the Minnesota Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Approved by the Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists." Never in all my years in the ministry as an ordained minister in the church, the conference, the union and the General Conference have I ever seen within our organization such a devilish plan of deception, which is none other than spiritualism.
Now as we conclude, let us consider this growing Celebration movement within our church being promoted by the top leadership. I have personally visited many Celebration churches and there is not a doubt in my mind as to the ultimate results of this Pentecostal worship of spiritism. The very pillars of our Everlasting Gospel containing the Three Angels' Messages are being defamed and destroyed. Excitement, rather than worship, has invaded the eleven o'clock worship service. We used to often hear the words, "The Lord is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silent before Him." But today's sanctuary has become a bedlam of noise – a place where the members would rather greet one another by shaking hands and even embracing one another rather than showing holy reverence to the Lord.
There is much clapping, so-called Christian rock music and the beat of drums, even laughter from the pulpit, jokes, and entertaining drama which God has clearly condemned. I have even witnessed dancing on the platform performed by hired theatrical teams to give the audience a feeling of worship. The congregation is encouraged to wave their arms in the air as the Pentecostals do when asking their god to give them an unknown tongue – which is made possible by free arms and hands not handling a songbook, but singing from a screen. Even the songs sung are mostly repetitive phrases rather than hymns of salvation's doctrine.
In fact, everything that God has revealed would happen just before the close of probation is taking place in some of these Celebration churches. For inspiration has told us, "The things you have described as taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting with drums, music and dancing. The senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions. And this is called the moving of the Holy Spirit." But beloved, listen to this, "The Holy Spirit never reveals itself in such methods, in such a bedlam of noise. This is an invention of Satan to cover up his ingenious methods for making of none effect the pure, sincere, elevating, ennobling, sanctifying truth for this time." Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 36.
Have you ever questioned where the spiritualistic Celebration came from? I'm sure that some of you will be surprised to learn that it was born in Satan's Second Vatican Council of 1962. The following is a copy of Celebration as devised by that Council as taken from the book Adventist Carnival by Lloyd and Leola Rosenvold p. 84. And I must state here that it is the best book on Celebration that I have ever found. I urge you to secure a copy. The address is P.O. Box 330, Hope, Idaho, 83836. Now please note the eight aims of this papal Celebration program.
#1. Get the churches accustomed to Celebration terminology and Celebration concept. Every function of the church becomes a celebration – from a communion to funerals.
#2. Get the churches accustomed to a revitalized style of Celebration service. This involves reduction of inhibition, vastly increased congregational participation – verbally – and considered a must – lots of physical gestures, bodily attitudes and movements.
#3. Promote in the Celebration service dialogue between the celebrant (that's the pastor or the priest) and the people.
#4. Use as much variation as possible in the Celebration service to encourage active, willing participation.
#5. Set forth song or musical Celebration services as the most effective celebrations utilizing popular, religious songs and relating the music to the various cultures and temperaments of the people.
#6. Narrow the gap between the Eucharist celebration and the Lord's Supper. Educate the people that this service forms the basis of all Christian unity and fellowship.
#7. Demonstrate the inextricable tie-in between the Eucharist celebration as the foundation of all unity and the Lord's Day-Sunday celebration.
#8. Perform any endeavor necessary to promote Sunday observance – including rest from work.
You know, friend, the sad and painful truth is that this plan of Satan was developed with the aim that it would bring God's true church into the arms of the papacy. And sorry to say, it is being achieved rapidly. Even items seven and eight are beginning to be followed by our ministry. In many churches the Lord's Supper is now called the Eucharist, but that's not all. Some of our pastors are now asking the congregation to come up to the pastor one by one to receive the bread and most shocking is to learn of a pastor who recently gave to each person not the broken bread – a symbol of Christ's broken body – but, like the Catholic priests, this Adventist pastor gave this person the round wafer of the sun god as used in the Catholic Eucharist of the Mass. May God help us!
Am I discouraged and ready to leave God's remnant? – Never! Absolutely not! I believe as Isaiah chapter one states in verse nine, "Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom." Praise the Lord! Today within God's professed believers is a very small remnant who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. They have not, nor will they, bow the knee to Baal worship. By God's grace, I am determined to die for God's truth if necessary that I may be counted worthy of God to be a part of His remnant.
And what about you? Let us never forget that the Lord is coming soon to take His remnant home to heaven and give them eternal life. And beloved, God has never failed to keep His promise. Praise the Lord.
Let us pray. Oh, precious Father, seal Thy faithful remnant who promise to never accept or follow Satan's spiritualistic plans for Adventists to become Baal worshipers of papal Rome. Please give us divine power to discern the deceiving power of spiritualism. This we ask in the precious name of Thy dear Son, Jesus, who gave His life for all who are overcomers of sin, Amen.
Let me begin by telling of a personal encounter I had with the devils of spiritualism. In my labors for God's youth, the General Conference sent me to the Far East Division for a two month itinerant. One of my appointments took me to the city of Sabu, located in the Philippians. Sabbath morning I was to present a message to encourage the youth to take an active part in what was then our "MV – Share Your Faith" program in which our older youth in the world field had baptized over 100,000 by preaching the Three Angels' Messages.
During the Friday evening as I prepared for the Sabbath presentation I was deeply impressed to change my subject to that of spiritualism. When Sabbath morning arrived I found a very large tent had been erected during the week for an expected crowd. Sabbath School proved the wisdom of such planning for every seat was taken and a great number had to stand around the edge of the tent.
A large platform had been erected to seat some fifteen ministers. I had been preaching about ten minutes, exposing Old Testament witchcraft of devil worship when, without a warning, I was suddenly interrupted by a thundering noise like hoofs stamping on the platform upon which I was standing. The noise became so loud that I could not hear myself speak even though I was using the sound system. I had to stop preaching.
The minister in charge shouted in my ear, "This is part of the Philippians which is know as the Devil's Country and the devils are angry because of what you are telling the people." He invited me to join the ministers in prayer for he said it was the only way to stop the devils. Quickly all the ministers join together and knelt for prayer. The stomping noise was so loud that we could not hear each other pray but eventually the disrupting noise began to subside to absolute silence. Then the presiding elder whispered in my ear, "You can now continue your preaching."
Returning to the pulpit I continued to reveal from the scriptures that when a person dies they know not anything. I was quoting Ecclesiastics 9:6, "Their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun." I told the people that it was the devil's evil angels who were appearing in their city as their departed loved ones performing such wonders.
As I continued to speak I noticed a commotion taking place at the back of the tent. Suddenly a devil-possessed man started to run up the aisle of the tent shouting, "This man is a servant of the Most High God, showing the way of salvation." I could hardly believe my ears for he was yelling the same words used by a devil-possessed man some two thousand years ago when the devil tried to stop Paul as he was preaching in Philippi.
Six deacons pounced on this man but this devil-possessed person revealed supernatural strength by lifting four of the men off the ground with his stretched out arms. Finally he was subdued and carried out. I then continued to preach until I had finished my sermon. Never, never try to convince me that there is no such power as spiritualism. Many times as I have preached about the devil I have witnessed his anger, so let us pause here, just now, to pray that God's angels will surround us and keep the devil from disturbing us as we discuss Satan's present activities within God's church.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus we humbly request that Satan and his angels not be permitted to harm this speaker or disturb anyone reading this sermon. We plead that Thy Holy Spirit will help us to comprehend the inroads that spiritualism is making within our church today. And we thank Thee for answering this prayer. Amen.
I have just discovered a book entitled Spiritism In the Seventh-day Adventist Church by Colin and Russell Standish. I urge you to obtain a copy. It tells the truth as no other book published today. I promise you will not be disappointed. It is published by Hartland Publications, Box 1, Rapidan, Virginia, 22733. I must tell you that some of the thoughts expressed in this tape have been gleaned from the pages of this book.
Now, get your Bible and turn with me to the first chapter of the book of Isaiah. As we read of the prophet's vision we will discover the tragic condition of God's Israel of old which parallels the Seventh-day Adventist Church today. Let us begin with verses two and three. "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, (and notice, what does he say?) I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider." How sad.
Such was the rebellious condition when the people of God deviated from the truth and righteousness. Look at verse four, "Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward." What a description of the state of God's people - back then and today. We too are a sinful people. So often we hear of dishonesty, lying, adultery and fornication within our organization, to say nothing of the ruthless treatment to some of its faithful members because they refuse to accept that which the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy condemns as spiritualism.
I continue reading verses five and six. "The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment." Beloved, only inspiration could portray the results of such apostasy as God sees it.
Notice verse nine. "Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah." Never forget friend, if it were not for the remnant Satan would have total control of our church today. The remnant may be exceedingly small, but God is using the few to keep Satan from seizing control of the church and this world.
Just listen to what God says to us today as He reproves Israel of old. Verses thirteen to fifteen, "Bring no more vain oblations, incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood." No wonder God uses harsh words because He see Pentecostalism and New Age forms of worship being promoted by conferences with the full approval of the General Conference in Celebration worship services.
Yet, God lovingly appeals. Notice verse sixteen and seventeen, "Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow." And now listen as God pleads further in verses eighteen and nineteen, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land."
But in verse twenty He warns of failure to heed His last call. "But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." And finally God speaks in words that cannot be misunderstood by those who will continue in apostasy. Listen, "How is the faithful city become an harlot!"
Now Paul explains this vision of the end-time by stating in Romans 9:27, "Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved." When I read this promise I cannot help but shouting, Praise the Lord!
With this inspired introduction of scripture let us examine how modern spiritualism has infiltrated within the Seventh-day Adventist Church with its teachings of doctrine, outreach evangelism and worship service. Let us start with the teaching of New Theology. Many have overlooked this new doctrine of "sin and live" which is none other than the same false theology that was presented to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You remember Eve was told by the devil that if she ate of the forbidden tree, thus sinning and disobeying God, that she would not die but live. Today this New Theology teaches exactly the same evil. You may continue to sin until Jesus comes and still be saved. Beloved, this is the difference by which we can discern between the wheat and the tares, for the remnant, the precious wheat, will live by victory over every sin by the power provided of Christ.
I quote, "The prophet Isaiah brings to view the fearful deception which will come upon the wicked, causing them to count themselves secure from the judgments of God: (And what do these people say?) 'We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we in agreement; When the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come nigh unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves.' Isaiah 28:15. In the class here described are included those who in their stubborn impenitence comfort themselves with the assurance that there is to be no punishment for the sinner; that all mankind, it matters not how corrupt, are to be exalted to heaven, to become as the angels of God. But still more emphatically are those making a covenant with death and an agreement with hell, who renounce the truths which heaven has provided as a defense for the righteous in the day of trouble, and accept the refuge of lies offered by Satan in its stead - the delusive pretensions of spiritualism." Great Controversy p. 560, 561.
Did you notice that Ellen White states that this New Theology is spiritualism? But praise God, He is patiently waiting for the faithful to stand firmly against such spiritualism and reflect Christ's stainless character so we can go home with Jesus when He comes. Notice the wonderful promise found in Christ Object Lessons p. 69. "When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own." Oh, what assurance to us in these troublesome times. Thank you, Jesus, for this promise! But don't forget, take note, spiritism will be the final deception in this end-time crisis and the Sabbath, the final test of loyalty. How I pray that God's ministers of this day would preach these major doctrines.
Next, let us now consider another startling announcement concerning spiritualism. "Minds will be hypnotized." Satan is the master hypnotist and is able to hypnotize every human being in this world except those who have invited Christ to take full control of their lives. The scriptures admonish us, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5. The mind of Christ could never be hypnotized by Satan and therefore could not be deceived. If we invite Christ's mind to be our mind then that alone will preserve us from the hypnotic presentations of Satan.
The servant of the Lord continues, "The experience of the past will be repeated. In the future Satan's superstitions will assume new forms. Errors will be presented in a pleasing and flattering manner. False theories, clothed with the garments of light, will be presented to God's people. Thus Satan will try to deceive, if possible, the very elect. Most seducing influences will be exerted; minds will be hypnotized." Maranatha p. 59.
In this end time Satan will hypnotize the billions of this world to unite into a One-World government to keep Sunday holy. Be they pagans, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Protestants or atheists, they all will be hypnotized to accept Satan as the savior of this world. How amazing that Ellen White sensed this satanic power would also emerge within our church for she states, "This same hypnotic influence is seen working among our people today." Manuscript Releases, Volume 2, p. 248.
You may have wondered why it is that you can present the clearest, most unambiguous statements of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy to men and women and somehow they do not seem to be able to understand its meaning or its significance - or they are able to rationalize it away. Surely, already, so many have been hypnotized by Satan that they cannot perceive the certainty of God's truth. "Satan is waiting to steal a march upon everyone who allows himself to be deceived by his hypnotism. He begins to exert his power over them just as soon (are you listening) as they begin to investigate his theories." Medical Ministry p. 101, 102. This statement indicates the danger of even exploring areas of error and apostasy. Satan is there to try to draw us into his trap by the use of hypnotism.
Now let's consider another area. What about spiritism in entertainment? Few members within our church have given this any thought but this was not the experience of Ellen White. You will be surprised to learn that she associates worldly amusements with spiritualistic, satanic practices. "Thus Satan and his angels are laying their snares for souls. They are working upon the minds of teachers and students to induce them to engage in exercises and amusements which become intensely absorbing, and which are of a character to strengthen the lower passions and to create appetites and passions that will counteract the operations of the Spirit of God upon human hearts….Amusements are doing more to counteract the working of the Holy Spirit that anything else, and the Lord is grieved." Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students p. 281. Beloved, this is an eye opener. Think it through carefully. "Amusements are doing more to counteract the working of the Holy Spirit than anything else!"
"The desire for excitement and pleasing entertainment is a temptation and a snare to God's people, and especially to the young. Satan is constantly preparing inducements to attract minds from the solemn work of preparation for the scenes just in the future. Through the agency of the worldlings he keeps up a continual excitement to induce the unwary to join in worldly pleasures….Satan is a persevering workman; an artful, deadly foe….He has many finely woven nets, which appear innocent, but which are skillfully prepared to entangle the young and unwary. The natural mind leans toward pleasure and self-gratification. It is Satan's policy to fill the mind with a desire for worldly amusement, that there may be no time for the question, How is it with my soul?" Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students p. 324, 325.
And dare I mention the theater? Here in America nearly every Seventh-day Adventist has a television. Stop and think. Some 85 % – 90 % of what is shown is the same as that that is displayed at the theater. Some of our members spend many hours each day before the tube. And what of our children? Surveys reveal that most of them spend ten to twelve hours a day watching TV when not in school. Since this is common knowledge why are we surprised when we are faced with the fact that over 75% of our teenage youth leave the church for good.
Why does our denomination spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to find our why we lose our youth when all the leadership needs to do is read the following quotation: "Among the most dangerous resorts for pleasure is the theater. Instead of being a school for morality and virtue, as is so often claimed, it is the very hotbed of immorality. Vicious habits and sinful propensities are strengthened and confirmed by these entertainments. Low songs, lewd gestures, expressions and attitudes, deprave the imagination and debase the morals. Every youth who habitually attends such exhibitions (are you listening?) will be corrupted in principle. There is no influence in our land more powerful to poison the imagination, to destroy religious impressions, and to blunt the relish for tranquil pleasures and sober realities of life than theatrical amusements. The love for these scenes increases with every indulgence, as the desire for intoxicating drink strengthens with its use. The only safe course is to shun the theater, the circus, and every other questionable place of amusement." Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students p. 334, 335.
I read the following from the book Spiritism in Seventh-day Adventist Church. "Reflecting upon this statement surely it would be wise to have nothing to do with television. Many faithful Christians have found the wisest step is to have no television at all, for today the sensual and violent presentations on television are more vivid and more destructive than in the day when Sister White wrote these words of warning in Counsels to Parent, Teachers and Students: 'The whole reason for the intoxication of sports today is to lead men and women away from God and from the sober realities of preparing their lives for the coming of the Lord and for witnessing the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ to men and women.' The tragic trend in our churches and in our schools and colleges bespeaks the widespread idolatry that is rampant among Seventh-day Adventists. We started with pick-up games; we moved to inter-murals. We moved then to playing some games between Adventist institutions and we now have gone the full circle and have joined the leagues of the world. We have even offered scholarships to some of the better sporting performers. God must pronounce it an abomination."
Time will not permit further investigation of this form of spiritism. Again I recommend you reading this copy of the Standish brothers' book and discover much, much more. Another impact of spiritualism in our church is our doctrinal deviations. We often hear it said these days, "We must preach more about Christ and less about doctrines." Beloved, these words come directly from the heart of spiritism. I'm quoting, "Spiritualism is now changing its form, veiling some of its most objectionable and immoral features, and assuming a Christian guise. Formerly it denounced Christ and the Bible; now it professes to accept both. The Bible is interpreted in a manner that is attractive to the unrenewed heart, while its solemn and vital truths are made of no effect. A God of love is presented; but his justice, his denunciations of sin, the requirements of his holy law, are all kept out of sight." Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 4, p. 405.
Here I must pause for you to consider what I believe is the best answer I have ever found concerning doctrines, taken from the book Spiritism in the Adventist Church. "Today many are giving the 'love theology' but they are ignoring the doctrines of the Word which are the greatest revelation of Christ and God. Indeed, for every doctrine Christ is the center and the focus. How can we preach the Second Coming of Christ without preaching of One who is coming in power and great glory? How can we preach the sanctuary message without preaching of the One who is our Sacrifice, our Judge, our High Priest, our Intercessor, our Advocate, our Mediator? How can we preach the investigative judgment without preaching of the One who will stand up for His faithful people in the judgment?
"How can we preach baptism without understanding the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and the renewal that it brings to everyone who has committed his life to Christ? How can we preach the state of the dead without preaching of the One who is the resurrection and the life? How can we teach the commandments without recognizing that the commandments are the very expression of the character of God? How can we preach the Sabbath without preaching of the One who is our Creator, our Redeemer, our Sanctifier? How can we preach righteousness by faith without preaching of the One who imputes and imparts His righteousness to us? But for many members years go by and they hear nothing in the Seventh-day Adventist Church pulpits that would remotely address any of these thrilling truths. Present Truth is forgotten and Satan is gradually making inroads through these spiritualistic teachings which ignore God's justice, His denunciation of sin, and the requirements of His holy law."
I could go on but we must move quickly considering another inroad of spiritism as found in our Seventh-day Adventist publications. A few years ago I became greatly disturbed to discover books printed on our presses teaching doctrines of devils. I was talking to a former Union president who had served for years as chairman of the Pacific Press board of directors. I questioned, "How come on one day you print on our presses the inspired book The Desire of Ages and then the very next day on the same press you print a book that teaches just the opposite to what Ellen White wrote?" I shall never forget his answer, "Our present policy is to never question what our leaders or ministers write in their book manuscripts." What did he mean?- I'll tell you. Our presses no longer check to see if a suggested book contains the truth. All they are interested in is to print books that will sell and make money. It is left to the reader to choose truth from error. Heaven help us! Spiritism now has an open door to publish the doctrines of spiritism on our very own presses!
I was shocked when in 1990 the ministerial department published the Ministry magazine with a cover of a pagan design at a cost, some say, was about $8,000.00. More than thirty pagan, spiritualistic and Roman Catholic symbols are to be found in this painting. The book Spiritism in the Seventh-day Adventist Church describes this cover picture. "Presented is not the Christ of the Bible, coming as King of kings and Lord of lords with power and great glory, coming with unnumbered angels in the splendor of heaven, but rather of a Cosmic Christ of the New Age." The painting depicts Jesus coming to the earth totally out of harmony with the clear testimony of the word of God. "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
Among many pagan representations in what is our premier magazine for ministers, both the Adventists and the non-Adventists, are clear depictions of spirits. The lost are seen in a burning inferno writhing in agony, wholly out of character with the fact that the destruction of the wicked does not take place until a thousand years after the resurrection of the saints. Skeletons are seen flying through the air draped in cloth. The rainbow of the New Age is in clear view – and note – Christ's left hand presents the papal symbol of the thumb and two outer fingers curled and the semi-v shape of the other two fingers. I shall never forget how I felt, for I felt like weeping when I viewed this satanic picture in our Ministry magazine portraying the Second Coming of Christ.
Turning yet to another point, I received a letter from a Sabbath School youth division leader deploring the Sabbath School youth lessons printed by the General Conference. For example, Bible characters are portrayed as in a comic strip. Sacred and divine truths are made light of. Can you imagine Jesus as a youth pictured as a hippie? This Sabbath School teacher displayed this trash before the church board. Many agreed, but the pastor insisted that the conference demanded that they be used. Nothing else could take its place. When the teacher refused to use them she was kicked out of the youth Sabbath School division and told to shut up or she would be put out of the church.
Years ago, as an ordained pastor, I repeatedly assured my flock that whatever was printed on our presses could be accepted as the truth. But not anymore! I now tell our members" When you read what is printed from our publishing houses, you must pray for divine guidance to help you separate truth from error." The Spirit of Prophecy stated this correctly, "The time has come when even in the church and in our institutions, some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." Manuscript Releases, Volume 7, p. 188.
And now, what of spiritism in our witnessing program? Under consideration by the Mid-American Union conference is a new plan for church planting. Take note of how deception is used to not only fool the Adventist faithful but also the non-believers who attend. Never forget deception is the mode of spiritualism.
#1. "The meetings will be held in a town located some distance from the nearest Adventist church." Why? -"The advantage of this not only to reach non-Adventists, but also to hold the meetings at a distance so church members will not know what is taking place in these meetings." That's deception. "The ultimate plan is to use new plantings to gradually remake the church into a new image, with new members trained into new ways of doing things while not disturbing the older, existing churches." Why, that's the deception of spiritualism.
#2. "The meetings will be held on Friday night instead of Sabbath morning." Now this is a clear deception of spiritualism to do away, eventually, with the Sabbath and get them ready for Sunday keeping. "The advantage of Friday night meetings is that it will appeal to the class of people who like to spend their weekend evenings partying around and so are ready to go to some new places."
#3. "Morning and afternoon activities will be conducted on the Sabbath. These activities will include community service." Listen carefully. "The advantage of the Sabbath activities is that it can copy the program which has been conducted at the University Church for nearly a decade in which students and grown-ups are sent out on Sabbath afternoon to paint houses, mow lawns, clean up trash, and in a variety of other ways show their neighborliness to the Loma Linda/Riverside/San Bernardino area. Adventists not taking part in the outreach will definitely be told not to attend the new model meetings." Why? "This is critical to the success of the plan while not offending the existing churches." What deception!
#5. "It is important that a majority of those in attendance be non-Adventist. This will greatly aid in the establishment (and take note) of new patterns of worship, thinking and activities. No conservative Adventist will be present to influence their thinking."
#6. "All clothing is to be casual – nothing formal or 'churchy' about these meetings is to be done that might cause the suspicion that these are church services." Deception, deception, deception.
#7. "It is extremely important that the new members be taught certain practices which are not in the General Conference policy." Deception again. This includes a rule that members will be cancelled at the end of the Annual Review of the books if it is found that tithe and offerings are not regularly paid in. These two points, which no General Conference Session has ever authorized, are vital for they underlie the entire reason for the Celebration churches and church planting – to bring more live bodies which will pay more money into the church – not to get them ready for the coming of the Christ.
#8. "Study materials used at the meetings will include reading and discussion of non-Adventist books which explain the do's and don'ts of Christian experience." Unbelievable deception, isn't it? Teaching the doctrines of Babylon!
#9. "As might be expected, contemporary music will be an important part of each meeting. Concerts will also be held as a feeder to draw people to the regular Friday evening meetings." That's entertainment on the holy Sabbath hours.
I could go on. What's the name of this church? They are going to call it "Life's Answer Church." I've got a better name – "Hell's Answer Church." And then it says, "Approved by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Approved by the Minnesota Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Approved by the Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists." Never in all my years in the ministry as an ordained minister in the church, the conference, the union and the General Conference have I ever seen within our organization such a devilish plan of deception, which is none other than spiritualism.
Now as we conclude, let us consider this growing Celebration movement within our church being promoted by the top leadership. I have personally visited many Celebration churches and there is not a doubt in my mind as to the ultimate results of this Pentecostal worship of spiritism. The very pillars of our Everlasting Gospel containing the Three Angels' Messages are being defamed and destroyed. Excitement, rather than worship, has invaded the eleven o'clock worship service. We used to often hear the words, "The Lord is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silent before Him." But today's sanctuary has become a bedlam of noise – a place where the members would rather greet one another by shaking hands and even embracing one another rather than showing holy reverence to the Lord.
There is much clapping, so-called Christian rock music and the beat of drums, even laughter from the pulpit, jokes, and entertaining drama which God has clearly condemned. I have even witnessed dancing on the platform performed by hired theatrical teams to give the audience a feeling of worship. The congregation is encouraged to wave their arms in the air as the Pentecostals do when asking their god to give them an unknown tongue – which is made possible by free arms and hands not handling a songbook, but singing from a screen. Even the songs sung are mostly repetitive phrases rather than hymns of salvation's doctrine.
In fact, everything that God has revealed would happen just before the close of probation is taking place in some of these Celebration churches. For inspiration has told us, "The things you have described as taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting with drums, music and dancing. The senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions. And this is called the moving of the Holy Spirit." But beloved, listen to this, "The Holy Spirit never reveals itself in such methods, in such a bedlam of noise. This is an invention of Satan to cover up his ingenious methods for making of none effect the pure, sincere, elevating, ennobling, sanctifying truth for this time." Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 36.
Have you ever questioned where the spiritualistic Celebration came from? I'm sure that some of you will be surprised to learn that it was born in Satan's Second Vatican Council of 1962. The following is a copy of Celebration as devised by that Council as taken from the book Adventist Carnival by Lloyd and Leola Rosenvold p. 84. And I must state here that it is the best book on Celebration that I have ever found. I urge you to secure a copy. The address is P.O. Box 330, Hope, Idaho, 83836. Now please note the eight aims of this papal Celebration program.
#1. Get the churches accustomed to Celebration terminology and Celebration concept. Every function of the church becomes a celebration – from a communion to funerals.
#2. Get the churches accustomed to a revitalized style of Celebration service. This involves reduction of inhibition, vastly increased congregational participation – verbally – and considered a must – lots of physical gestures, bodily attitudes and movements.
#3. Promote in the Celebration service dialogue between the celebrant (that's the pastor or the priest) and the people.
#4. Use as much variation as possible in the Celebration service to encourage active, willing participation.
#5. Set forth song or musical Celebration services as the most effective celebrations utilizing popular, religious songs and relating the music to the various cultures and temperaments of the people.
#6. Narrow the gap between the Eucharist celebration and the Lord's Supper. Educate the people that this service forms the basis of all Christian unity and fellowship.
#7. Demonstrate the inextricable tie-in between the Eucharist celebration as the foundation of all unity and the Lord's Day-Sunday celebration.
#8. Perform any endeavor necessary to promote Sunday observance – including rest from work.
You know, friend, the sad and painful truth is that this plan of Satan was developed with the aim that it would bring God's true church into the arms of the papacy. And sorry to say, it is being achieved rapidly. Even items seven and eight are beginning to be followed by our ministry. In many churches the Lord's Supper is now called the Eucharist, but that's not all. Some of our pastors are now asking the congregation to come up to the pastor one by one to receive the bread and most shocking is to learn of a pastor who recently gave to each person not the broken bread – a symbol of Christ's broken body – but, like the Catholic priests, this Adventist pastor gave this person the round wafer of the sun god as used in the Catholic Eucharist of the Mass. May God help us!
Am I discouraged and ready to leave God's remnant? – Never! Absolutely not! I believe as Isaiah chapter one states in verse nine, "Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom." Praise the Lord! Today within God's professed believers is a very small remnant who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. They have not, nor will they, bow the knee to Baal worship. By God's grace, I am determined to die for God's truth if necessary that I may be counted worthy of God to be a part of His remnant.
And what about you? Let us never forget that the Lord is coming soon to take His remnant home to heaven and give them eternal life. And beloved, God has never failed to keep His promise. Praise the Lord.
Let us pray. Oh, precious Father, seal Thy faithful remnant who promise to never accept or follow Satan's spiritualistic plans for Adventists to become Baal worshipers of papal Rome. Please give us divine power to discern the deceiving power of spiritualism. This we ask in the precious name of Thy dear Son, Jesus, who gave His life for all who are overcomers of sin, Amen.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
In our last two sermons we have discussed two members of the devil's trio. The first is the ten-horned beast of Revelation 13, which the Bible clearly identifies to be the papacy. The second is the lamb-like, two-horned beast found in the same chapter which is the United States of America, established as a Protestant nation and described as becoming so apostate as to join hands with the papal power of Catholicism.
In this message I will discuss the third member which comprises the devil's end-time trio which the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy reveal to be spiritualism. The following quotation from Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, p. 451 reveals what we are to expect from this evil, last-day union of the Papacy, apostate Protestantism and spiritualism. "When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. As the approach of the Roman armies was a sign to the disciples of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, so may this apostasy be a sign to us that the limit of God's forbearance is reached, that the measure of our nation's iniquity is full, and that the angel of mercy is about to take her flight, never to return."
With this sad, heartbreaking introduction, let us pray. Our loving Father, in the name of Jesus we plead for divine guidance as we discuss this third power of spiritualism, which is an intricate member of the devil's end-time trio. We realize that we are attacking the very dragon himself, which in Thy Word describes Satan as being able to produce wonder-working miracles of deception for the purpose to honor his papal mark of authority - Sunday worship. We plead that Thou wilt awaken Thy sleeping church to this danger. Help each member to become such students of Thy Word, through divine guidance, that we shall be able to resist this deceiving power of Satan and gain victory over his delusions, for we must discern truth from error. This we ask in Jesus' name, Amen.
Let us now turn to the scriptures where we find this third part of the trio – spiritualism – which comprises the devil's trio. Let us read Revelation 13:13, 14 and Revelation 16: 14, 15. "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live." "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."
We begin with a question: "What major belief is held in common by the religions of this world (except God's remnant) which makes it absolutely impossible to resist the power of spiritualism?" - We will find the answer in The Great Controversy p. 551. "The doctrine of natural immortality, first borrowed from the pagan philosophy, and in the darkness of the great apostasy incorporated into the Christian faith, has supplanted the truth, so plainly taught in Scripture that, 'the dead know not anything.'"
This false doctrine of man's consciousness in death opens the door for the supposed spirits of the dead to communicate with the living. This becomes a secret channel used by Satan to perform miracles by the impersonation of evil angels to deceive anyone who believes in the immortality of the dead. Inspiration informs us the coming of the Lord is to be preceded by "the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10.
The apostle John, describing the miracle-working power that will be manifested in the last days declares, "He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do." Revelation 13:13, 14. "No mere impostures are here foretold. Men are deceived by the miracles which Satan's agents have power to do, not which they pretend to do." Great Controversy p. 553.
Let us never underestimate what Satan is planning to do with his miracle-working power in this end time for we are told, "That mighty being who could take the world's Redeemer to an exceedingly high mountain and bring before Him all the kingdoms of the earth and the glory of them, will present his temptations to men in a manner to pervert the senses of all who are not shielded by divine power." Great Controversy p. 554. Can you imagine what it will be like when Satan appears as Christ performing unbelievable miracles to prove that he has changed the seventh-day Sabbath to Sunday worship and that all must keep Sunday holy – the first day of the week? Have you considered the result? The answer is very obvious. The entire world will be turned against Seventh-day Adventists with satanic zeal to force them to comply or die.
Consider the devil's preparations that all will accept the manifestations of spiritualism as divine. In Great Controversy p. 556 we read, "Spiritualism, which numbers its converts by hundreds of thousands, yea, by millions, which has made its way into scientific circles, which has invaded churches, and has found favor in legislative bodies, and even in the courts of kings -- this mammoth deception is but a revival, in a new disguise, of the witchcraft condemned and prohibited of old."
I can testify to this by personal knowledge. During the months I spend in Europe while engaged in the General Conference youth work it became evident to me that spiritualism was spreading all through Europe. In Zurich, Switzerland while preparing for the Youth World Congress for all of our young people I was astonished to discover that this city, which for so many years had been a haven of Protestantism, had now become the European center of spiritualism.
In England, where men like John Knox had led tens of thousands to believe in Jesus Christ, I was amazed to find so many Protestant churches had become beer parlors. Still more astounding was to see many churches of the reformation now jammed to the doors in spiritualistic worship while England's great cathedrals were practically empty. It is no wonder that the witchcraft of Harry Potter was born in England and is now sweeping the world with its sorcery – capturing the children's imaginations with curiosity about ghosts and headless coachmen. They dwell on such themes as demons sucking out the soul, with blood oozing on the floor, of drinking such blood to obtain spiritual vitality, of werewolves portrayed as having good characters. These books are filled with lying, teaching the youth to be disobedient and even portraying the murder of parents by youth. This is all a product of spiritualism.
In reports of world news we learned that the recent motion picture of Harry Potter brought in more money in its box office during the first week than any other picture in past history. Satan is thus preparing the youth – even the small children – to be captured by his satanic miracles, which are to prove that he has the authority to change the Sabbath to Sunday worship. How do I know all this? Have I read these books? – No, indeed I have not. But I receive my information from authoritative book reviews.
Great Controversy p. 558 says, "There are few who have any conception of the deceptive power of spiritualism and the danger of coming under its influence. Many tamper with it merely to gratify their curiosity. They have no real faith in it and would be filled with horror at the thought of yielding themselves to the spirits' control. But they venture upon the forbidden ground, and the mighty destroyer exercises his power upon them against their will. Let them once be induced to submit their minds to his direction, and he holds them captive. It is impossible, in their strength, to break away from the bewitching, alluring spell. Nothing but the power of God, granted in answer to the earnest prayer of faith, can deliver these ensnared souls."
Now, let us take time to discuss the greatest spiritualistic movement in the world today, which is found within the Roman Catholic Church. Fifty-five thousand of the priests belong to the Marion movement, which believes and teaches that the apparitions of Mary are divine revelations. Millions upon millions of Catholic believers are captivated by the miracles performed by "Mary" and are convinced that her predictions are from God. It is common knowledge that crowds of fifty- to seventy-thousand often attend her apparitions. These messages from Mary usually originate with visionaries in every part of the globe. And why not, for the present pope, John Paul II, claims to hold daily communication with Mary and urges his followers to pray to her every day.
What's even more amazing, Protestantism is beginning to give their attention to these apparitions because so many of the predictions are coming to pass. More and more the music of Catholicism is used in their music service. And why not, for the customs of Rome are found in Protestant homes in the Catholic nativity scenes every December 25. Not only Christmas but Easter, St. Valentine's Day and Halloween have become part of apostate Protestantism.
But the most significant change in today's spiritualism is to be found in the messages to Mary in her apparitions. Satan has not been asleep. He has taken note of how God has led His church out of the apostate Protestantism in the early 1800's by giving His church a prophet to direct and counsel its leadership. Satan envisioned a prophet in his church could help him capture the world, so Mary has now been proclaimed the prophet of Catholicism. But what is more amazing is the wording found in Mary's apparitions in discussing and predicting end-time prophecies.
She speaks continually using words and phrases that are so familiar to Seventh-day Adventists which are found in the Spirit of Prophecy. But there is one vast difference – Satan does not use scripture to explain scripture as Ellen White; instead the devil offers his false interpretations completely changing the meaning of God's Word.
In a book, The Thunder of Justice, written by Ted and Maureen Flynn, (in which Malachi Martin wrote the forward and was published by Maxwell Communications), I discovered some four hundred pages containing hundreds of Mary's predictions. This modern prophet of Catholicism speaks in her apparitions of end-time events as mentioned in the scripture - especially that of Revelation, in which she often uses words or similar expressions that are given by Ellen White when discussing these end-time prophecies.
I will now give you a partial list of these words and phrases used in Mary's apparitions. I will not take time to give the page references but you can obtain the book and see for yourself. As I give these worded descriptions, you will note how Satan, through Mary's voice, follows the expressions of Ellen White – that is, of course, if you are a student of the Spirit of Prophecy.
In Mary's apparitions she discusses and explains the following: The Three Angels' Messages - word for word; that Rome is to become the seat of the Antichrist; that the United States is to suffer defeat and national ruin. She often expresses a shortness of time; she mentions coming great famines and earthquakes. She tells of seeing tall buildings in New York falling down. (May I add here that this prediction was given nine years before September 11, 2001. Are you amazed? – So am I).
I continue: She tells of martyrs in the last days and of personal appearances of apostles such as Peter and Paul who will convince men of the truth. She also mentions that almost none will be ready for Christ's Second Coming, and of Satan bringing fire down from heaven, and that God's true church will be horribly persecuted. Mary tells of great miracles that will take place, of supernatural signs that cannot be explained by science, and signs in the sun, moon and stars that will be seen, and that there will also be a second Pentecost of divine power just before Jesus comes. Are you startled? – So am I.
Let me continue: Message after message stresses the need for conversion, victorious living, repentance, prayer and holiness. She speaks of the final battle between God and Satan that will be fought to the finish and that the Antichrist will be defeated. She speaks of so little time left to prepare for the final judgment and that we must keep all the commandments. Are you overwhelmed? – So am I. But there is much, much more. She speaks of the dragon, the beast with the ten horns, and the beast like a lamb and of the 666 – even of Satan appearing as Christ. She discusses the seal of God in the forehead and of the man with the writer's inkhorn in his hand found in Ezekiel the ninth chapter; and of angels of heaven who will tell God's chosen people what to do and that the angels will feed them. Do I hear you say, "This is unbelievable!" Well, I felt the same, but having read these things with my own eyes - it is absolutely true.
Now tell me, why would Satan speak through Mary of such end-time truths? – Because he intends to mislead Seventh-day Adventists by proving that the papacy is God's true church and has a prophet with divine guidance to prove it. And what is more startling, Mary has stated that she is planning on coming into your home to prove that she is the true prophet. Satan knows the scriptures more than any person on earth. I wouldn't be surprised if he could quote God's Word from Genesis to Revelation. He is planning, one of these days, to personally face us with these false interpretations which he has given through Mary concerning end-time prophecies, to disprove what God's prophet wrote as the correct meaning. I beg you, take note. We will never, never be able to resist these evil interpretations of spiritualism unless we are filled with the Holy Spirit and know what God has spoken in His Word and substantiated by the divine light in the Spirit of Prophecy.
It may come as a big surprise to some of you, as it did to me, to learn that God has warned us that in the end-time crisis Satan will bring his teachings of spiritualism into our own Seventh-day Adventist Church. In Manuscript Releases, Volume 7, p. 188 I read, "The time has come when even in the church and in our institutions, some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." At times I have been astonished to see and to learn of those who I thought were faithful members who have now left the faith. We have a tendency to shrug this off with the words, "This is the shaking time," but have we ever questioned what is the actual cause of so many departing from God's church? Inspiration tells us that it is the work of spiritualism.
Now I hear you ask: "How can spiritualism accomplish such results within God's church?" In Testimonies to Ministers p. 112 she reveals the shaking will commence with the introduction of false theories into the church. Somehow most of us have over looked the fact that the devil has changed his methods from that of holding intercourse with evil spirits, which are condemned by the scriptures, to what now appears to be open acceptance of Jesus and His teachings. I quote, "It is true that spiritualism is now changing its form and, veiling some of its more objectionable features, is assuming a Christian guise. Even in its present form, so far from being more worthy of toleration than formerly, it is really more dangerous, because a more subtle, deception. While it formerly denounced Christ and the Bible, it now professes to accept both. But the Bible is interpreted in a manner that is pleasing to the unrenewed heart, while its solemn and vital truths are made of no effect. Love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God, but it is degraded to a weak sentimentalism, making little distinction between good and evil. God's justice, His denunciations of sin, the requirements of His holy law, are all kept out of sight. The people are taught to regard the Decalogue as a dead letter. Pleasing, bewitching fables captivate the senses and lead men to reject the Bible as the foundation of their faith. Christ is as verily denied as before; but Satan has so blinded the eyes of the people that the deception is not discerned. There are few who have any conception of the deceptive power of spiritualism and the danger of coming under its influence." Great Controversy p. 557, 558.
In many of our churches "love preaching" is the usual weekly diet fed to the members month after month. I receive many letters telling of this and stating that the law of God is seldom, if ever, mentioned. Having been an evangelist for many years I discovered it is absolutely impossible to have a sound conversion of anyone without preaching God's law which leads to conviction and repentance. You may be surprised that it was one of God's faithful leaders who pointed out to me that this "love preaching" without the law was of spiritualism.
As I pondered this truth I began to realize that Satan is using spiritualism today by entering our homes and urging us to become curious about some "new light" that we receive in the mail. Numerous pamphlets, papers, sheets of mimeograph, even books arrive in my home each week all intended to question my belief – hoping that I will think I have been following a false doctrine. Let me tell you something, I never read such material and quickly throw it into the garbage where it belongs, for God has counseled us, "Listen not a moment to the interpretations that would loosen one pin, remove one pillar, from the platform of truth. Human interpretations, the reception of fables, will spoil your faith, confuse your understanding, and make of none effect your faith in Jesus Christ. Study diligently the third chapter of Revelation. In it is pointed out the danger of losing your hold upon the things that you have heard and learned from the Source of all light." Manuscript Release, Volume 1, p. 54, 55.
In a recent book by Colin and Russell Standish entitled Spiritism in the Seventh-day Adventist Church I would like to quote from page 28. "Our church is now experiencing an embolden attack upon the pillars of our faith, even by some men in high positions. Some are claiming that the sanctuary message and the investigative judgment are figments of the imagination of Sister White, that 1844 is a myth, that there is no actual sanctuary in heaven, and that Christ began the High Priestly ministry in AD 41. These amazing denials of Seventh-day Adventism all point to the fact that spiritism has dramatically eroded the church."
In Christian Leadership p. 62 Ellen White tells us, "When men standing in the position of leaders and teachers work under the power of spiritualistic ideas and sophistries, shall we keep silent, for fear of injuring their influence, while souls are being beguiled?" This is the reason why I could no longer preach in the churches of the Oregon Conference. I was doing my best to defend our believers from the inroads of spiritism but I learned that many of our administrators find it more important to uphold false pastors and leaders than the salvation of God's flock who are being led astray.
Let me read again from the book written by the Standish brothers on p. 29. "No matter how insignificant we may feel ourselves to be, no matter how ineffective may be our protest, God is calling on us today to do what we can to warn our fellow church members against the beguiling influence of Satan in the church. If men, claiming to be pastors, teachers and ministers of the gospel, are teaching damnable heresies, there is a solemn obligation to meet them, oppose them, and warn the flock against them. High office does not give men the right to brandish their satanic sophistries before the people. It is a false concept of loyalty that is all too common that leads men and women to remain silent in such a time of spiritual crisis."
Inspiration reveals with unmistakable clarity, "Modern spiritualism is but a revival in a new form of the witchcraft and demon worship that God condemned and prohibited of old. It is foretold in the scriptures which declare that 'in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.'
"Paul in his second letter to the Thessalonians points to the special working of Satan in spiritualism as an event to take place immediately before the second advent of Christ. Speaking of Christ's Second Coming he declares that it is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. And Peter describes the dangers to which the church was to be exposed in the last days says that as there were false prophets who led Israel into sin, so there will be false teachers, 'who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them…and many shall follow their pernicious ways.' 2 Peter 2:1,2. Here the apostle has pointed out one of the marked characteristics of spiritualistic teachers." Patriarchs and Prophets p. 686.
Did you notice from this quotation that those who are bringing such heresies into the church Ellen White speaks of them as spiritualistic teachers? How few among us - and I include myself, who somehow never envisioned this amazing fact – realize that those who teach spurious philosophies and doctrines are agents of spiritualism. Listen, "The line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church members love what the world loves and are ready to join with them, and Satan determines to unite them in one body and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of spiritualism. Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away their shield of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium." Great Controversy p. 588, 589.
There is an abundance of evidence that this ecumenical movement of today is causing many to sin like the children of Israel. This Ecumenical movement is determined that we become like the churches of Babylon. From every corner of the globe I hear that it is being preached that we can sin until Jesus comes. This is none other than the doctrine of spiritualism, which is deceiving the majority of our churches. Everyone who accepts the false teaching that Christians can sin until Jesus comes has accepted the lie of spiritualism which Satan presented to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
And what's so amazing, it is not uncommon today to hear people who believe that Christ had the power to keep His people from sinning being told that they are legalists. Let me tell you that the Bible leaves no doubt as to this divine power of God. In Jude 24 I read, "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." Revelation 14:12.
"Satan is striving to gain every advantage. He desires to secure, not only students, but teachers. He has his plans laid. Disguised as an angel of light he will walk the earth as a wonder-worker. In beautiful language he will present lofty sentiments. Good words will be spoken by him, and good deeds preformed. Christ will be personified, but (and keep this in mind) on one point there will be a marked distinction. Satan will turn the people from the law of God. Notwithstanding this, so well will he counterfeit righteousness, that if it were possible, he would deceive the very elect." Fundamentals of Christian Education p. 471, 472.
Believe me, spiritualism would become the most mighty, convincing power ever devised by the devil to captivate the whole world and force all to worship Satan as the god of this earth. Let us focus our thoughts once more on Revelation 13:13, 14. "And He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live."
Keep in mind that the devil has never forgotten the contest that he once lost with the Eternal God in the days of Elijah the prophet. Satan utterly lost the battle when God brought fire down out of a clear and cloudless sky in answer to Elijah's prayer to reveal who is the actual God and Owner of the earth, exposing every false claim of Baal worship. This divine manifestation is recorded in the book of 1 Kings of the Old Testament and described with added detail in Prophets and Kings chapters ten and eleven in which the following battle between God and Satan is revealed by divine interpretation.
Apostasy had become so universal in the days of Ahab, king of Israel, that Elijah thought himself to be the only one left who had not participated in pagan sun worship. Yet we are told that God had a faithful remnant of seven thousand who had not bowed their knee to Baal. The apostasy prevailing in Ahab's day was the result of many years of evil doing. Step by step, year after year, Israel had been departing from the right way. For generation after generation they had refused to make straight paths for their feet and at last the majority of the people had yielded themselves to the leadership of the power of darkness.
This is why God visited His people with severe judgments. The predictions of Elijah were meeting with terrible fulfillment for he had declared, "As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word." 1 Kings 17:1. For three years there had been neither dew nor rain. Mount Carmel was chosen by God for this final contest. This mountain had been a place of beauty, clothed with groves of beautiful trees and never-ending springs, with meadows filled with exquisite flowers – but now all this was under a withering curse.
The elders of Baal and Ashteroth stood under leafless, dead trees and there remained one broken-down altar of Jehovah. It was at this place that Elijah commanded King Ahab to bring all Israel, together with his army and 450 prophets of Baal. In anxious expectation the people wait for Elijah to speak. Looking first upon the broken-down altar of Jehovah and then upon the multitude Elijah cries out in clear, trumpet-line tones, "How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word." 1 Kings 18:21.
While Israel on Carmel was filled with doubt and hesitation, the voice of Elijah again breaks the silence. "I, even I only, remain a prophet of the Lord; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men. Let them therefore give us two bullocks; and let them choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord: and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God." 1 Kings 18:22 – 24. The proposal of Elijah is so reasonable that the people cannot well abate it so they find courage to answer, "It is well spoken."
Outwardly bold and defiant, but with terror in their guilty hearts, the false priests prepare their altar, laying on the wood and the victim and then they begin their incantations. Their shrill cries echo and re-echo through the forest and the surrounding heights as they call on the name of their god saying, "O Baal, hear us." The priests gather about their altar and with leaping and writhing and screaming, with tearing of their hair and cutting of the flesh, they beseech their god to help them. The morning passes, noon comes, and yet there is no evidence that Baal hears the cries of his deluded followers. There is no voice, no reply to their frantic prayers. The sacrifice remains unconsumed.
Finally the time of the evening sacrifice arrives and Elijah calls for the people to come near. They watch as he repairs the broken altar of the Lord. He digs the trench that is to be filled with sixteen barrels of water. Then, bowing reverently before the unseen God, he offers a simple prayer, "Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be know this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word. Here me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their hearts back again."
No sooner is the prayer of Elijah ended than flames of fire, like brilliant flashes of lightning, descend from heaven upon the upreared altar consuming the sacrifice, licking up the water in the trench, and consuming even the stones of the altar. The brilliancy of the blaze illuminates the mountain and dazzles the eyes of the multitude. The people on the mount prostrate themselves in awe before the unseen God. They dare not continue to look upon the heaven-sent fire for they fear that they themselves will be consumed. They cry out with one voice, "The Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God." 1 Kings 18:39. Thus a remarkable decision was reached. The prophets of Baal are now put to death. Satan has been defeated.
The devil has never forgotten this fire from heaven, which awakened and changed the minds of all Israel to acknowledge and obey God. Ever since that day Satan has been studying the elements of nature. He has been putting into practice his knowledge with ever-increasing power. He now awaits the moment when he, not God, will bring fire down from heaven to deceive all that he is god of this world and he will demand that all Seventh-day Adventists be destroyed.
How can Satan do this? In this end-time, just like it was in the days of Elijah, God has a small remnant in number who will publicly challenge Satan's attempt to control this world. They will fearlessly preach the Three Angels' Messages of warning and reveal to the world the falsehoods of papal teachings. With mighty conviction born of the Holy Spirit's latter rain a large number will take their place with God's people. Praise the Lord!
As this battle develops Satan will succeed in causing all religions of the world to join in his Ecumenical movement to unite against God's commandment-keeping people who are the only obstacle to his kingship of this world. The devil now decides to appear as Christ who has promised to return the second time. And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14). He bears the appearance of Christ in every particular. (Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, p. 698).
And in Great Controversy p. 624, 625 we read, "Satan himself will personate Christ….In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation. Revelation 1:13-15. The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have ever beheld. The shout of triumph rings out upon the air: 'Christ has come.'…He heals the diseases of the people….He claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and commands all to hallow the day he has blessed. He declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth." And as proof, Satan now commands fire to come down from heaven so all may believe that he has the power of divinity.
As in the day of Elijah, by calling down fire from heaven, he will command the people to accept the papal mark of authority, the mark of the beast, or be killed. Make no mistake, this fire is real. In Great Controversy p. 553 we read, "Men are deceived by miracles which Satan's agents have power to do, not what they pretend to do." This devilish fire will be a consuming fire, destroying whatever Satan chooses to destroy. The blaze of this fire will illuminate the earth for miles around. It will so dazzle the multitude surrounding the devil that the people will prostrate themselves before him proclaiming that the devil is God. With fear and trembling, the people are afraid that the fire will consume them also. Now, fully deceived by the miracle, they are ready to destroy the people of God who disbelieve. But praise the Lord, God will protect His faithful.
I ask you: Will you stand faithful? - Only if you have learned now, today, to live by faith. And this kind of faith comes only by much prayer and total obedience to God's every command; trusting that God will save you because you have totally surrendered yourself to God. Only then, will you pass the final test for, "the just shall live by faith."
In our last two sermons we have discussed two members of the devil's trio. The first is the ten-horned beast of Revelation 13, which the Bible clearly identifies to be the papacy. The second is the lamb-like, two-horned beast found in the same chapter which is the United States of America, established as a Protestant nation and described as becoming so apostate as to join hands with the papal power of Catholicism.
In this message I will discuss the third member which comprises the devil's end-time trio which the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy reveal to be spiritualism. The following quotation from Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, p. 451 reveals what we are to expect from this evil, last-day union of the Papacy, apostate Protestantism and spiritualism. "When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. As the approach of the Roman armies was a sign to the disciples of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, so may this apostasy be a sign to us that the limit of God's forbearance is reached, that the measure of our nation's iniquity is full, and that the angel of mercy is about to take her flight, never to return."
With this sad, heartbreaking introduction, let us pray. Our loving Father, in the name of Jesus we plead for divine guidance as we discuss this third power of spiritualism, which is an intricate member of the devil's end-time trio. We realize that we are attacking the very dragon himself, which in Thy Word describes Satan as being able to produce wonder-working miracles of deception for the purpose to honor his papal mark of authority - Sunday worship. We plead that Thou wilt awaken Thy sleeping church to this danger. Help each member to become such students of Thy Word, through divine guidance, that we shall be able to resist this deceiving power of Satan and gain victory over his delusions, for we must discern truth from error. This we ask in Jesus' name, Amen.
Let us now turn to the scriptures where we find this third part of the trio – spiritualism – which comprises the devil's trio. Let us read Revelation 13:13, 14 and Revelation 16: 14, 15. "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live." "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."
We begin with a question: "What major belief is held in common by the religions of this world (except God's remnant) which makes it absolutely impossible to resist the power of spiritualism?" - We will find the answer in The Great Controversy p. 551. "The doctrine of natural immortality, first borrowed from the pagan philosophy, and in the darkness of the great apostasy incorporated into the Christian faith, has supplanted the truth, so plainly taught in Scripture that, 'the dead know not anything.'"
This false doctrine of man's consciousness in death opens the door for the supposed spirits of the dead to communicate with the living. This becomes a secret channel used by Satan to perform miracles by the impersonation of evil angels to deceive anyone who believes in the immortality of the dead. Inspiration informs us the coming of the Lord is to be preceded by "the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10.
The apostle John, describing the miracle-working power that will be manifested in the last days declares, "He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do." Revelation 13:13, 14. "No mere impostures are here foretold. Men are deceived by the miracles which Satan's agents have power to do, not which they pretend to do." Great Controversy p. 553.
Let us never underestimate what Satan is planning to do with his miracle-working power in this end time for we are told, "That mighty being who could take the world's Redeemer to an exceedingly high mountain and bring before Him all the kingdoms of the earth and the glory of them, will present his temptations to men in a manner to pervert the senses of all who are not shielded by divine power." Great Controversy p. 554. Can you imagine what it will be like when Satan appears as Christ performing unbelievable miracles to prove that he has changed the seventh-day Sabbath to Sunday worship and that all must keep Sunday holy – the first day of the week? Have you considered the result? The answer is very obvious. The entire world will be turned against Seventh-day Adventists with satanic zeal to force them to comply or die.
Consider the devil's preparations that all will accept the manifestations of spiritualism as divine. In Great Controversy p. 556 we read, "Spiritualism, which numbers its converts by hundreds of thousands, yea, by millions, which has made its way into scientific circles, which has invaded churches, and has found favor in legislative bodies, and even in the courts of kings -- this mammoth deception is but a revival, in a new disguise, of the witchcraft condemned and prohibited of old."
I can testify to this by personal knowledge. During the months I spend in Europe while engaged in the General Conference youth work it became evident to me that spiritualism was spreading all through Europe. In Zurich, Switzerland while preparing for the Youth World Congress for all of our young people I was astonished to discover that this city, which for so many years had been a haven of Protestantism, had now become the European center of spiritualism.
In England, where men like John Knox had led tens of thousands to believe in Jesus Christ, I was amazed to find so many Protestant churches had become beer parlors. Still more astounding was to see many churches of the reformation now jammed to the doors in spiritualistic worship while England's great cathedrals were practically empty. It is no wonder that the witchcraft of Harry Potter was born in England and is now sweeping the world with its sorcery – capturing the children's imaginations with curiosity about ghosts and headless coachmen. They dwell on such themes as demons sucking out the soul, with blood oozing on the floor, of drinking such blood to obtain spiritual vitality, of werewolves portrayed as having good characters. These books are filled with lying, teaching the youth to be disobedient and even portraying the murder of parents by youth. This is all a product of spiritualism.
In reports of world news we learned that the recent motion picture of Harry Potter brought in more money in its box office during the first week than any other picture in past history. Satan is thus preparing the youth – even the small children – to be captured by his satanic miracles, which are to prove that he has the authority to change the Sabbath to Sunday worship. How do I know all this? Have I read these books? – No, indeed I have not. But I receive my information from authoritative book reviews.
Great Controversy p. 558 says, "There are few who have any conception of the deceptive power of spiritualism and the danger of coming under its influence. Many tamper with it merely to gratify their curiosity. They have no real faith in it and would be filled with horror at the thought of yielding themselves to the spirits' control. But they venture upon the forbidden ground, and the mighty destroyer exercises his power upon them against their will. Let them once be induced to submit their minds to his direction, and he holds them captive. It is impossible, in their strength, to break away from the bewitching, alluring spell. Nothing but the power of God, granted in answer to the earnest prayer of faith, can deliver these ensnared souls."
Now, let us take time to discuss the greatest spiritualistic movement in the world today, which is found within the Roman Catholic Church. Fifty-five thousand of the priests belong to the Marion movement, which believes and teaches that the apparitions of Mary are divine revelations. Millions upon millions of Catholic believers are captivated by the miracles performed by "Mary" and are convinced that her predictions are from God. It is common knowledge that crowds of fifty- to seventy-thousand often attend her apparitions. These messages from Mary usually originate with visionaries in every part of the globe. And why not, for the present pope, John Paul II, claims to hold daily communication with Mary and urges his followers to pray to her every day.
What's even more amazing, Protestantism is beginning to give their attention to these apparitions because so many of the predictions are coming to pass. More and more the music of Catholicism is used in their music service. And why not, for the customs of Rome are found in Protestant homes in the Catholic nativity scenes every December 25. Not only Christmas but Easter, St. Valentine's Day and Halloween have become part of apostate Protestantism.
But the most significant change in today's spiritualism is to be found in the messages to Mary in her apparitions. Satan has not been asleep. He has taken note of how God has led His church out of the apostate Protestantism in the early 1800's by giving His church a prophet to direct and counsel its leadership. Satan envisioned a prophet in his church could help him capture the world, so Mary has now been proclaimed the prophet of Catholicism. But what is more amazing is the wording found in Mary's apparitions in discussing and predicting end-time prophecies.
She speaks continually using words and phrases that are so familiar to Seventh-day Adventists which are found in the Spirit of Prophecy. But there is one vast difference – Satan does not use scripture to explain scripture as Ellen White; instead the devil offers his false interpretations completely changing the meaning of God's Word.
In a book, The Thunder of Justice, written by Ted and Maureen Flynn, (in which Malachi Martin wrote the forward and was published by Maxwell Communications), I discovered some four hundred pages containing hundreds of Mary's predictions. This modern prophet of Catholicism speaks in her apparitions of end-time events as mentioned in the scripture - especially that of Revelation, in which she often uses words or similar expressions that are given by Ellen White when discussing these end-time prophecies.
I will now give you a partial list of these words and phrases used in Mary's apparitions. I will not take time to give the page references but you can obtain the book and see for yourself. As I give these worded descriptions, you will note how Satan, through Mary's voice, follows the expressions of Ellen White – that is, of course, if you are a student of the Spirit of Prophecy.
In Mary's apparitions she discusses and explains the following: The Three Angels' Messages - word for word; that Rome is to become the seat of the Antichrist; that the United States is to suffer defeat and national ruin. She often expresses a shortness of time; she mentions coming great famines and earthquakes. She tells of seeing tall buildings in New York falling down. (May I add here that this prediction was given nine years before September 11, 2001. Are you amazed? – So am I).
I continue: She tells of martyrs in the last days and of personal appearances of apostles such as Peter and Paul who will convince men of the truth. She also mentions that almost none will be ready for Christ's Second Coming, and of Satan bringing fire down from heaven, and that God's true church will be horribly persecuted. Mary tells of great miracles that will take place, of supernatural signs that cannot be explained by science, and signs in the sun, moon and stars that will be seen, and that there will also be a second Pentecost of divine power just before Jesus comes. Are you startled? – So am I.
Let me continue: Message after message stresses the need for conversion, victorious living, repentance, prayer and holiness. She speaks of the final battle between God and Satan that will be fought to the finish and that the Antichrist will be defeated. She speaks of so little time left to prepare for the final judgment and that we must keep all the commandments. Are you overwhelmed? – So am I. But there is much, much more. She speaks of the dragon, the beast with the ten horns, and the beast like a lamb and of the 666 – even of Satan appearing as Christ. She discusses the seal of God in the forehead and of the man with the writer's inkhorn in his hand found in Ezekiel the ninth chapter; and of angels of heaven who will tell God's chosen people what to do and that the angels will feed them. Do I hear you say, "This is unbelievable!" Well, I felt the same, but having read these things with my own eyes - it is absolutely true.
Now tell me, why would Satan speak through Mary of such end-time truths? – Because he intends to mislead Seventh-day Adventists by proving that the papacy is God's true church and has a prophet with divine guidance to prove it. And what is more startling, Mary has stated that she is planning on coming into your home to prove that she is the true prophet. Satan knows the scriptures more than any person on earth. I wouldn't be surprised if he could quote God's Word from Genesis to Revelation. He is planning, one of these days, to personally face us with these false interpretations which he has given through Mary concerning end-time prophecies, to disprove what God's prophet wrote as the correct meaning. I beg you, take note. We will never, never be able to resist these evil interpretations of spiritualism unless we are filled with the Holy Spirit and know what God has spoken in His Word and substantiated by the divine light in the Spirit of Prophecy.
It may come as a big surprise to some of you, as it did to me, to learn that God has warned us that in the end-time crisis Satan will bring his teachings of spiritualism into our own Seventh-day Adventist Church. In Manuscript Releases, Volume 7, p. 188 I read, "The time has come when even in the church and in our institutions, some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." At times I have been astonished to see and to learn of those who I thought were faithful members who have now left the faith. We have a tendency to shrug this off with the words, "This is the shaking time," but have we ever questioned what is the actual cause of so many departing from God's church? Inspiration tells us that it is the work of spiritualism.
Now I hear you ask: "How can spiritualism accomplish such results within God's church?" In Testimonies to Ministers p. 112 she reveals the shaking will commence with the introduction of false theories into the church. Somehow most of us have over looked the fact that the devil has changed his methods from that of holding intercourse with evil spirits, which are condemned by the scriptures, to what now appears to be open acceptance of Jesus and His teachings. I quote, "It is true that spiritualism is now changing its form and, veiling some of its more objectionable features, is assuming a Christian guise. Even in its present form, so far from being more worthy of toleration than formerly, it is really more dangerous, because a more subtle, deception. While it formerly denounced Christ and the Bible, it now professes to accept both. But the Bible is interpreted in a manner that is pleasing to the unrenewed heart, while its solemn and vital truths are made of no effect. Love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God, but it is degraded to a weak sentimentalism, making little distinction between good and evil. God's justice, His denunciations of sin, the requirements of His holy law, are all kept out of sight. The people are taught to regard the Decalogue as a dead letter. Pleasing, bewitching fables captivate the senses and lead men to reject the Bible as the foundation of their faith. Christ is as verily denied as before; but Satan has so blinded the eyes of the people that the deception is not discerned. There are few who have any conception of the deceptive power of spiritualism and the danger of coming under its influence." Great Controversy p. 557, 558.
In many of our churches "love preaching" is the usual weekly diet fed to the members month after month. I receive many letters telling of this and stating that the law of God is seldom, if ever, mentioned. Having been an evangelist for many years I discovered it is absolutely impossible to have a sound conversion of anyone without preaching God's law which leads to conviction and repentance. You may be surprised that it was one of God's faithful leaders who pointed out to me that this "love preaching" without the law was of spiritualism.
As I pondered this truth I began to realize that Satan is using spiritualism today by entering our homes and urging us to become curious about some "new light" that we receive in the mail. Numerous pamphlets, papers, sheets of mimeograph, even books arrive in my home each week all intended to question my belief – hoping that I will think I have been following a false doctrine. Let me tell you something, I never read such material and quickly throw it into the garbage where it belongs, for God has counseled us, "Listen not a moment to the interpretations that would loosen one pin, remove one pillar, from the platform of truth. Human interpretations, the reception of fables, will spoil your faith, confuse your understanding, and make of none effect your faith in Jesus Christ. Study diligently the third chapter of Revelation. In it is pointed out the danger of losing your hold upon the things that you have heard and learned from the Source of all light." Manuscript Release, Volume 1, p. 54, 55.
In a recent book by Colin and Russell Standish entitled Spiritism in the Seventh-day Adventist Church I would like to quote from page 28. "Our church is now experiencing an embolden attack upon the pillars of our faith, even by some men in high positions. Some are claiming that the sanctuary message and the investigative judgment are figments of the imagination of Sister White, that 1844 is a myth, that there is no actual sanctuary in heaven, and that Christ began the High Priestly ministry in AD 41. These amazing denials of Seventh-day Adventism all point to the fact that spiritism has dramatically eroded the church."
In Christian Leadership p. 62 Ellen White tells us, "When men standing in the position of leaders and teachers work under the power of spiritualistic ideas and sophistries, shall we keep silent, for fear of injuring their influence, while souls are being beguiled?" This is the reason why I could no longer preach in the churches of the Oregon Conference. I was doing my best to defend our believers from the inroads of spiritism but I learned that many of our administrators find it more important to uphold false pastors and leaders than the salvation of God's flock who are being led astray.
Let me read again from the book written by the Standish brothers on p. 29. "No matter how insignificant we may feel ourselves to be, no matter how ineffective may be our protest, God is calling on us today to do what we can to warn our fellow church members against the beguiling influence of Satan in the church. If men, claiming to be pastors, teachers and ministers of the gospel, are teaching damnable heresies, there is a solemn obligation to meet them, oppose them, and warn the flock against them. High office does not give men the right to brandish their satanic sophistries before the people. It is a false concept of loyalty that is all too common that leads men and women to remain silent in such a time of spiritual crisis."
Inspiration reveals with unmistakable clarity, "Modern spiritualism is but a revival in a new form of the witchcraft and demon worship that God condemned and prohibited of old. It is foretold in the scriptures which declare that 'in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.'
"Paul in his second letter to the Thessalonians points to the special working of Satan in spiritualism as an event to take place immediately before the second advent of Christ. Speaking of Christ's Second Coming he declares that it is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. And Peter describes the dangers to which the church was to be exposed in the last days says that as there were false prophets who led Israel into sin, so there will be false teachers, 'who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them…and many shall follow their pernicious ways.' 2 Peter 2:1,2. Here the apostle has pointed out one of the marked characteristics of spiritualistic teachers." Patriarchs and Prophets p. 686.
Did you notice from this quotation that those who are bringing such heresies into the church Ellen White speaks of them as spiritualistic teachers? How few among us - and I include myself, who somehow never envisioned this amazing fact – realize that those who teach spurious philosophies and doctrines are agents of spiritualism. Listen, "The line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church members love what the world loves and are ready to join with them, and Satan determines to unite them in one body and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of spiritualism. Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away their shield of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium." Great Controversy p. 588, 589.
There is an abundance of evidence that this ecumenical movement of today is causing many to sin like the children of Israel. This Ecumenical movement is determined that we become like the churches of Babylon. From every corner of the globe I hear that it is being preached that we can sin until Jesus comes. This is none other than the doctrine of spiritualism, which is deceiving the majority of our churches. Everyone who accepts the false teaching that Christians can sin until Jesus comes has accepted the lie of spiritualism which Satan presented to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
And what's so amazing, it is not uncommon today to hear people who believe that Christ had the power to keep His people from sinning being told that they are legalists. Let me tell you that the Bible leaves no doubt as to this divine power of God. In Jude 24 I read, "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." Revelation 14:12.
"Satan is striving to gain every advantage. He desires to secure, not only students, but teachers. He has his plans laid. Disguised as an angel of light he will walk the earth as a wonder-worker. In beautiful language he will present lofty sentiments. Good words will be spoken by him, and good deeds preformed. Christ will be personified, but (and keep this in mind) on one point there will be a marked distinction. Satan will turn the people from the law of God. Notwithstanding this, so well will he counterfeit righteousness, that if it were possible, he would deceive the very elect." Fundamentals of Christian Education p. 471, 472.
Believe me, spiritualism would become the most mighty, convincing power ever devised by the devil to captivate the whole world and force all to worship Satan as the god of this earth. Let us focus our thoughts once more on Revelation 13:13, 14. "And He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live."
Keep in mind that the devil has never forgotten the contest that he once lost with the Eternal God in the days of Elijah the prophet. Satan utterly lost the battle when God brought fire down out of a clear and cloudless sky in answer to Elijah's prayer to reveal who is the actual God and Owner of the earth, exposing every false claim of Baal worship. This divine manifestation is recorded in the book of 1 Kings of the Old Testament and described with added detail in Prophets and Kings chapters ten and eleven in which the following battle between God and Satan is revealed by divine interpretation.
Apostasy had become so universal in the days of Ahab, king of Israel, that Elijah thought himself to be the only one left who had not participated in pagan sun worship. Yet we are told that God had a faithful remnant of seven thousand who had not bowed their knee to Baal. The apostasy prevailing in Ahab's day was the result of many years of evil doing. Step by step, year after year, Israel had been departing from the right way. For generation after generation they had refused to make straight paths for their feet and at last the majority of the people had yielded themselves to the leadership of the power of darkness.
This is why God visited His people with severe judgments. The predictions of Elijah were meeting with terrible fulfillment for he had declared, "As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word." 1 Kings 17:1. For three years there had been neither dew nor rain. Mount Carmel was chosen by God for this final contest. This mountain had been a place of beauty, clothed with groves of beautiful trees and never-ending springs, with meadows filled with exquisite flowers – but now all this was under a withering curse.
The elders of Baal and Ashteroth stood under leafless, dead trees and there remained one broken-down altar of Jehovah. It was at this place that Elijah commanded King Ahab to bring all Israel, together with his army and 450 prophets of Baal. In anxious expectation the people wait for Elijah to speak. Looking first upon the broken-down altar of Jehovah and then upon the multitude Elijah cries out in clear, trumpet-line tones, "How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word." 1 Kings 18:21.
While Israel on Carmel was filled with doubt and hesitation, the voice of Elijah again breaks the silence. "I, even I only, remain a prophet of the Lord; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men. Let them therefore give us two bullocks; and let them choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord: and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God." 1 Kings 18:22 – 24. The proposal of Elijah is so reasonable that the people cannot well abate it so they find courage to answer, "It is well spoken."
Outwardly bold and defiant, but with terror in their guilty hearts, the false priests prepare their altar, laying on the wood and the victim and then they begin their incantations. Their shrill cries echo and re-echo through the forest and the surrounding heights as they call on the name of their god saying, "O Baal, hear us." The priests gather about their altar and with leaping and writhing and screaming, with tearing of their hair and cutting of the flesh, they beseech their god to help them. The morning passes, noon comes, and yet there is no evidence that Baal hears the cries of his deluded followers. There is no voice, no reply to their frantic prayers. The sacrifice remains unconsumed.
Finally the time of the evening sacrifice arrives and Elijah calls for the people to come near. They watch as he repairs the broken altar of the Lord. He digs the trench that is to be filled with sixteen barrels of water. Then, bowing reverently before the unseen God, he offers a simple prayer, "Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be know this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word. Here me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their hearts back again."
No sooner is the prayer of Elijah ended than flames of fire, like brilliant flashes of lightning, descend from heaven upon the upreared altar consuming the sacrifice, licking up the water in the trench, and consuming even the stones of the altar. The brilliancy of the blaze illuminates the mountain and dazzles the eyes of the multitude. The people on the mount prostrate themselves in awe before the unseen God. They dare not continue to look upon the heaven-sent fire for they fear that they themselves will be consumed. They cry out with one voice, "The Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God." 1 Kings 18:39. Thus a remarkable decision was reached. The prophets of Baal are now put to death. Satan has been defeated.
The devil has never forgotten this fire from heaven, which awakened and changed the minds of all Israel to acknowledge and obey God. Ever since that day Satan has been studying the elements of nature. He has been putting into practice his knowledge with ever-increasing power. He now awaits the moment when he, not God, will bring fire down from heaven to deceive all that he is god of this world and he will demand that all Seventh-day Adventists be destroyed.
How can Satan do this? In this end-time, just like it was in the days of Elijah, God has a small remnant in number who will publicly challenge Satan's attempt to control this world. They will fearlessly preach the Three Angels' Messages of warning and reveal to the world the falsehoods of papal teachings. With mighty conviction born of the Holy Spirit's latter rain a large number will take their place with God's people. Praise the Lord!
As this battle develops Satan will succeed in causing all religions of the world to join in his Ecumenical movement to unite against God's commandment-keeping people who are the only obstacle to his kingship of this world. The devil now decides to appear as Christ who has promised to return the second time. And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14). He bears the appearance of Christ in every particular. (Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, p. 698).
And in Great Controversy p. 624, 625 we read, "Satan himself will personate Christ….In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation. Revelation 1:13-15. The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have ever beheld. The shout of triumph rings out upon the air: 'Christ has come.'…He heals the diseases of the people….He claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and commands all to hallow the day he has blessed. He declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth." And as proof, Satan now commands fire to come down from heaven so all may believe that he has the power of divinity.
As in the day of Elijah, by calling down fire from heaven, he will command the people to accept the papal mark of authority, the mark of the beast, or be killed. Make no mistake, this fire is real. In Great Controversy p. 553 we read, "Men are deceived by miracles which Satan's agents have power to do, not what they pretend to do." This devilish fire will be a consuming fire, destroying whatever Satan chooses to destroy. The blaze of this fire will illuminate the earth for miles around. It will so dazzle the multitude surrounding the devil that the people will prostrate themselves before him proclaiming that the devil is God. With fear and trembling, the people are afraid that the fire will consume them also. Now, fully deceived by the miracle, they are ready to destroy the people of God who disbelieve. But praise the Lord, God will protect His faithful.
I ask you: Will you stand faithful? - Only if you have learned now, today, to live by faith. And this kind of faith comes only by much prayer and total obedience to God's every command; trusting that God will save you because you have totally surrendered yourself to God. Only then, will you pass the final test for, "the just shall live by faith."
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