Friday, January 21, 2011

False Prophets EXPOSED

"For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers... Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake." —Titus 1:10,11

FALSE PROPHETS AND TEACHERS...Benny Hinn, T.D. Jakes, Robert Schuller, Marilyn Hickey, Paul and Jan Crouch, Rod Parsley, R.W. Shambach, Carlton Pearson, John Avanzinni, Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, John Hagee, Jessie Duplantis, Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts, Kenneth Hagin Sr., Kenneth Hagin Jr., Frederick Price, Creflo Dollar, Rodney Howard Browne, Jack Van Impe, Rinehard Bonnke, Joyce Meyer, Morris Cerullo, John Kilpatrick, Clarence McClendon, Rick Joyner, Hal Lindsey, Charles Capps, Robert Tilton.

FALSE PROPHETS...Ellen G. White, Joseph Smith, Kim Clement, Mark Charonna, Juanita Bynum, Brigham Young, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Jack Van Impe, John Kilpatrick.

HERETICAL BOOKS & MOVEMENTS ... New World Translation, Kenneth Copeland Study Bible, Book of Mormon, Brownsville Revival, Azusu Street Revival, Pensacola Outpouring, Holy Laughter, Slain in the Spirit, Gospel in the Stars, Endtime Restorationism, Perpetual 5-Fold Ministry, Free Masonry.

PROBLEMATIC TEACHERS ... Pat Robertson, D. James Kennedy, Joel Osteen.

Why these men are false teachers and prophets.....

Benny Hinn is about the most sought after false prophet and teacher today. Benny Hinn falsely predicted that all the homosexuals in America would die by fire in the late 1990's. Benny Hinn has confessed that there are 9 beings within the Godhead. 3 beings (Tritheism) each having their own trinity of beings within each. Benny Hinn teaches word-faith doctrine. Benny Hinn stated on TBN that after his crusade in South America in 2002, that he was certain that he would return to America with video footage of Jesus appearing on stage during the crusades, because Jesus had told him this was going to happen. Hinn also stated that very soon people would no longer need to take their deceased loved ones to the morgue. Instead, stated Hinn, they should be placed in front of the television during the airing of TBN and they would rise from the dead. We don't have enough paper to list all of the falseness of Hinns ministry.

T.D. Jakes denies the Trinity. That makes his church a cult. Jakes has many other false teachings including word-faith, and the prosperity gospel.

Robert Schuller, is a positive thinking guru who denies essential Christian doctrine.

Marilyn Hickey is a word-faith teacher teaching false doctrine. One of her tapes recods her having a conversation with her billfold, commanding the billfold to fill itself with greenbacks.

Paul Crouch is responsible for an unending open door welcoming false teachers and prophets to his pulpit no matter how outlandish their their aberant teachings may be. Croch has publicly stated that anyone who tests the teaching of any ministers on his programs will go straight to hell. Crouch has openly stated his desire to kill Christian apologists who point out heresy preached on his stations.

Rod Parsley is a word-faith preacher who specializes in whipping up his audiences into altered states of consciousness. His outlandish style is attractive to people who get emotionally carried away by repetitive music and mantras.

R.W. Shambach is an incredible con-artist used by CBN to raise money during their telethons. With scare tactics and false teaching, Shambach surgically convinces thousands to send their money to finance the heretical TBN .

Carlton Pearson has even been attacked by false teachers like T.D. Jakes for his support of the "doctrine of exclusion." This doctrine tries to reconcile Christianity and Islam, claiming the 2 religions are completely compatible.

John Avanzinni is a name-it-and-claim-it mega-star used by TBN whenever they want to promote the hundredfold blessing. Avanzinni also promotes the heresy that God's reason for creating humanity is to duplicate himself.

Kenneth & Gloria Copeland have one of the largest false ministries and influences in America. Copeland teaches that Adam was an exact duplicate of God. Copeland teaches that Jesus became a demonic being when he was crucified and had to go to hell and be born again. The Copelands attempt to specialize in word-faith teaching. Copeland calls God, the biggest loser in the Bible, and says Jesus was not God during his earthly life.

John Hagee calls Covenant Theologians heretics, because they do not make a distinction between the church and Israel in the New Testament. Branding them as the "carriers of Hitler's annointing", Hagee divides the body of Christ on secondary issues. Hagee is also extremely dogmatic in his eschatology, failing to understand that there are many diverse interpretations acceptable within the pale of orthodoxy.

Jessie Duplantis' ministry is riddled with errors. Presenting his messages with humor, Duplantis is a typical word-faith clone of Ken Copeland, often preaching from Copeland's pulpit.

Oral Roberts and son, Richard Roberts are both word-faith con-artists. Oral is the originator of the seed-faith doctrine. Have a need? Plant a seed. Large amounts of cash make the best seed for planting. Both men practice cultic doctrines of bringing their chorts into altered states of consciousness


More False Prophets

Jerry Falwell Disturbing evidence exposing Jerry Falwell as a wolf in sheep's clothing.
John MacArthur Denies the efficacy of Jesus' physical liquid blood. Also teaches the damnable heresy of Lordship Salvation.
R.B. Thieme Jr. Denies the efficacy of Jesus' physical liquid blood.
Billy Graham Evidence exposing Billy Graham as a loyal servant of the antichrist.
Ray Comfort Teaches the damnable heresy of Lordship Salvation.
Paul Washer Teaches the damnable heresy of Lordship Salvation.
Jack Chick Teaches the damnable heresy of Lordship Salvation.
Kenneth Copeland Satanic influence over Kenneth Copeland.
Chuck Colson Evidence from Colson's own words that he is not a Christian at all, but is really an antichristian ecumenical Romanist.
Cyrus I. Scofield Read the evidence that proves that C.I. Scofield was a fraud and a con artist who worked hand in hand with Zionist Jews to corrupt the gospel of Christ in order to further their evil ends.
Paul Stanley Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta.
Pat Robertson Wealthy host of the 700 Club.
Dr. James Dobson One of the most famous heretical "Christian" psychologists.
Mother Teresa Loyal servant of Satan and his antichrist.
Martin Luther One might find it surprising that Martin Luther should be included here, but he deserves his spot on this infamous list. He said that salvation was by faith alone, but he did not mean what he said. He added that salvation must be "through baptism!" In his catechism he taught that baptism gives the forgiveness of sins, redeems one from death, and bestows eternal salvation.
Hank Hanegraaff and CRI The "Bible Answer Man" doesn't really have the answers!
List of Traitors A list of ostensible "Christian" leaders who are leading their followers to Rome.
Funeral Home Fraud
Funerals and Rip-offs

The top link is Catholic Priest Henry Wasielewski's sworn testimony before the U.S. Senate about the pervasive fraud in the funeral home industry. Both Protestant pastors and Catholic priests know that most funeral homes engage in deceitful and unfair trade practices which fraudulently take advantage of the public. Yet most remain silent as their flocks are fleeced. The bottom link is Wasielewski's website that is chock full of evidence on funeral home rip-offs and how one can avoid being defrauded.
Ellen G. White A site that exposes the apostasy of Ellen G. White, the cofounder of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Putting White to the Test Proof that Ellen G. White was a false prophet.
7th Day Adventism Renounced D.M. Canright, was a former member of the General Conference Committee of the Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA). He was one of only three members serving on the council, along with SDA cofounder James White and one Mr. Haskell, making him one of the three highest officials in the SDA. Prior to leaving the SDA Canright was a teacher of theology in the SDA college at Battle Creek. He was writing the lessons for all their SDA Sabbath Schools throughout the world. He had the charge of some eighteen SDA churches in Michigan. He was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Sabbath School Association. He was member of the Executive Committee of the Michigan State Sabbath School Association. At the session of the general conference before he left the SDA, he was chairman of the International Sabbath School Association, and was on nine different committees, several of which were the most important committees in the general conference (e.g., the committee on distribution of laborers throughout the world, the theological committee, the committee on camp meetings, the committee on a special course of study at the SDA college, and the committee on the improvement of the SDA ministry). The SDA published over twenty different publications written by Canright. The circulation of Canrights publications reached into the hundreds of thousands. Canright ultimately came to realize the doctrinal bankruptcy of the SDA and left the organization. He became a Baptist minister and in 1914 he wrote a book (hyperlinked at left) which exposed the evils of the SDA and the apostasy of the SDA founders, Ellen G. White and her husband, James White. Canright was an insider who speaks from authority. He also proves, through a thorough review of scripture, the theological errors of the SDA.
Mormon Evil Exposed Read the undeniable evidence that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, the founders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), were pagan Freemasons. The LDS, founded in 1830 after the nationwide upheaval over the murder by Freemasons of Captain Morgan, is nothing more than Freemasonry reconstituted to appear as a Christian church. In reality it is a soul damning pagan organization, which denies Christ and worships Lucifer.
Mormonism Explained The secret cabalistic doctrines of the Mormon "church" revealed. While this website has excellent information on the evil doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon church), it contains some doctrines which are contrary to sound biblical doctrine. For example on the website it states: "Our eternal destiny (heaven or hell) is based entirely upon personal choices we make based upon our own freewill. If we end up in hell, we can only blame ourselves!" That is directly contrary to what God states in the Holy Bible. The reality is that man’s will is not free, it is enslaved to sin. Man will not serve God nor seek God, because man is spiritually dead. "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God." Romans 3:10-11. It is God’s will that is free not man's will, and by his grace we are born again. God does the choosing, not man. James 1:18. We are saved by the sovereign grace of God. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8. It is by the will of God, not by the will of man that one is saved. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." John 1:12-13.
Masons and Mormons Audio sermons on Freemasonry and Mormonism.
Judaism is Antichrist The words "Judaism is antichrist" here are being used to describe the nature of Judaism. The pope of Rome is "the" antichrist (noun). The commonly used term "Judeo-Christian tradition" is an oxymoron. There can no more be a Judeo-Christian tradition than there can be a Catholic-Christian, Islamic-Christian, or a Satanic-Christian tradition. All of those religions art antithetical to Christianity. Those religions are antichrist, and as such there can be no religious agreement between them and Christianity.
Allah the Moon god Read the excellent online bible tract that explains that Allah is actually the pagan moon god.
The Pilgrimage Read another tract that explains the eternal consequences of Islam.
Protestants No More A Protestant used to be a Christian who fearlessly preached the gospel and protested against the antichrist church of Rome. That is no longer the case. Why? Because Satan and his Roman church have actively worked to undermine the Protestant churches. This bible tract by Jack Chick (now out of print) is an excellent summary of the steps the Roman Catholic Church has taken to undermine the former Protestant churches. There is only a small remnant of true Protestants remaining; nowadays almost none of the nominal Protestant churches preach the gospel or protest against the hellish doctrines and practices of Rome.
Modern Apostasy Exposed This website of Cephas Ministry contains lots of valuable information on the false doctrines in the Mormon Church, Jehovah Witnesses, the RCC, and other antichristian organizations. In addition, the website exposes the unbiblical teachings of T.D. Jakes, Paul Crouch, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, E.V. Hill, Peter Popoff, Creflo Dollar, Bob Larson, and many other wolves in sheep's clothing.

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Greedy Televangelists

False Doctrines

The King James Bible Defended

How to be Saved

Thursday, January 20, 2011

False Prophets

Dear Pilgrims and prayer warriors,

Mperutse gusura internet ngwa kuri terme , "False Prophets and false christs"
maze ngwa kuri information yantangaje. Mboherereje ibivugwa kuri Joel Osteen na
Benny Hinn. Ba televangelists muzi bose: Clifford Dollar, John Hagee, David
Jeremiah, Paula White ufitanye affair na Benny Hinn n'abandi benshi barimo Joyce
Meyers, Bill Graham, Cleflo Dollar, Robert Schuller, Dr Mike Murdock etc.

Maze kubona ko ukuri amaherezo kuzigararaza. Hafi yaba bose bafite personal
ministries zabo kandi bahagarariye, bavugira Yesu Kristo w'i Nazareth. Nyamara
abantu baaranga bakaboma inyuma kandi bambitswe bashyizwe ku Karubanda.

Tube maso kuko gucungurwa kwacu kuri bugufi.

Samuel Ntawiniga

Sunday, January 16, 2011


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[Rwandan_Adventist_North_America] The Nehemiah StorySunday, January 16, 2011 10:24 PM
From: "V. S. Karemera" Add sender to Contacts
To: undisclosed-recipients

The Nehemiah Story
Paying close attention at a biblical revival meeting

By Gerald A. Klingbeil

It had been a time of utter darkness for God’s people.

With Jerusalem in ashes, the Temple destroyed, and most of the people in Babylonian exile the situation seemed hopeless. But then God had done the impossible. Babylon had fallen and the new superpower of Medo-Persia allowed God’s people to return to their home—the Promised Land—in a second exodus. The Lord had “stirred up the spirit of Cyrus” (Ezra 1:1), the Persian king; and when God moves on a heart, who cannot respond in kind?

Tough Beginnings
Based on extrabiblical documents, name lists, seals, and other inscriptions, scholars estimate that the roughly 50,000 people (Ezra 2:64, 65) who returned under Zerubbabel represented only a small number of the Jews living in the Medo-Persian Empire.1 Many had settled down nicely and did not want to move. The mortgage was nearly paid off. Life under the new regime was good, their children had access to great universities, and what would they return to? A destroyed city, neglected fields, unfriendly neighbors, and a dangerous location somewhere on the fringe of the empire between Egypt and Mesopotamia.

When we read the first chapters of the book of Ezra we immediately recognize the immensity of the task and the many problems (cf. Ezra 3–7). However, a careful look at the larger picture tells us that the issue was bigger than a destroyed city and major opposition from the outside. The prophet Haggai tells us that the returnees had a spiritual problem: they struggled with warped priorities, worldliness, selfishness—and soon had to recognize that without putting first things first their efforts would not amount to anything (Haggai 1:2-11).

Enter Nehemiah
Scripture tells us that the temple was finally rebuilt about 20 years after the return from exile and that the Jewish community celebrated their first Passover (Ezra 6:13-22). But then there is silence for many decades. We jump to the year 445 B.C., roughly 70 years after the reconstruction of the Temple, and Jerusalem is in trouble. Nehemiah, a high ranking official at the Persian court, receives bad news about Jerusalem, and in one of the great prayers of Scripture he brings his anguish before the Lord (Neh. 1:1-11). He confesses his sins and the sins of his people, but he also claims the divine promises of renewal and transformation (verses 8, 9). As he prays he seems to recognize that he is not only part of the problem (see his confession) but needs to also be part of God’s solution.

Still praying, but with trembling heart and wobbly knees, Nehemiah approaches his boss, who happens to be an absolute monarch whose simple gesture or word is enough to end one’s life in an instant. God does another miracle and Nehemiah leaves Persia, empowered by the Persian king, in an official government capacity. He now has the clout to make things happen.

Revival in Jerusalem
Jerusalem is defenseless, its walls neglected and destroyed, its hostile neighbors gloating. Nehemiah inspects the damage in a secret night operation (Neh. 2:11-16), then sets out to work. However, he realizes that this great work requires a community, and, describing God’s recent blessing at the Persian court, Nehemiah invites the leaders to join in the great work of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem (Neh. 2:17-20).

You remember his single-mindedness. Nobody and nothing is going to stop him—and, God be praised, Jerusalem’s walls were rebuilt in record time (cf. Neh. 3, 4, 6, 7). But revival and reformation is not just a matter of action. It calls us back to basics. And as we continue reading the Nehemiah story we are part of a great public assembly in Jerusalem during the seventh month.2 Ezra, the priest, reappears in the story and reads from the Torah, the law, referring most likely to the Pentateuch (Neh. 8:1-3), taking turns with other Levites. Everybody listens for hours—concentration spans must have been longer in those days.

One of the keywords of this revival meeting is the term understand, which appears six times (8:2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12) in the chapter. Men and women, young and old, understood that their lives were not in harmony with God’s Word—and they weep and mourn (Neh. 8:9), so much so that Ezra and Nehemiah need to remind them that God’s grace is all-sufficient. As a matter of fact, the joy of the Lord is their strength (and ours as well), exhorts Nehemiah (8:10).

What Can We Learn?
Something important began on that day in Jerusalem—a revival that involved the clear recognition that God and sin do not go together; and that also led to changed relations among the members of the postexilic community. Here are some key elements of biblical revival that we can glean from Nehemiah’s story:

1. Revival is not a one-time event but a constant (and conscious) decision. We read about other revivals in the postexilic community (e.g., Ezra 3 and 10), and prior to that we have numerous examples of revival in earlier periods. Revival needs to be a daily commitment.

2. Revival is Scripture-based, not focused on emotions and the right accompanying music or group dynamics. When God’s people are confronted with divine revelation, when they look into the mirror of God’s Word and recognize who they really are (yes, we are sinners!), revival happens.

3. Revival in God’s people involves a community: women and men, young and old, rich and poor—all came together to listen to the Word—and they responded as a community. While it’s true that personal revival is a daily commitment, there are key moments in the life of a church in which the momentum of personal revival leads to a corporate revival.

4. Revival is not focusing upon a revival leader. Yes, Nehemiah and Ezra were strong leaders and had a burden for Jerusalem and its troubles. But they could only move forward when others also caught the vision. They led, but they did not generate the revival.

5. Revival looks at the big picture and avoids being sidetracked by outside distractions. I am sure Jerusalem’s enemies wanted the city to focus upon its problems. However, instead, the faith community focused upon God’s Word and His message for its time.

Restore Us, O Lord
Do you feel in need of this personal renewal of your spiritual life? Is your time with Scripture and in prayer limited by too-busy schedules and too many (even helpful) appointments? Nehemiah’s story is personal and, at the same time, far-reaching. He must have often read in the Psalms about this restorer-God: “Restore us, O God; cause your face to shine, and we shall be saved!” (Ps. 80:3). God did let His face shine upon His people—and He is ready to do it again.

1 Compare the discussion in Laurie E. Pearce, “New Evidence for Judeans in Babylonia,” in Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period, Oded Lipschits and Manfred Oeming, eds. (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2006), pp. 399-412, and additional bibliography there.

2 The Old Testament seventh month, corresponding to September/October of our calendar, is important in the Jewish religious system. Three key events fall in this month, including the feast of trumpets (Lev. 23:24), the Day of Atonement (Lev. 23:27), and the festival of booths (Lev. 23:34). It is really a revival and reformation month!

Gerald A. Klingbeil is an associate editor of the Adventist World magazine and lives with his wife Chantal and their three daughters in Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.A.

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