Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Devoted Mate

Read: Mark 10:1-12, Ephesians 5:22-33

What therefore God has joined together; let no man put asunder. - Mark 10:9

My sons and I were working at a farm when we noticed a beautiful pair of swans swimming leisurely and contentedly on a pond. Soon the gander (male swan) ascended skyward, circling round and round, honking earnestly, and glancing down at his mate hoping his dream would come true.

The farmer told us that the goose (female swan) was injured and could not fly. The injury healed but left her handicapped. Her spouse left her side daily to fly overhead, looking back and forth, hoping she would still one day join him in flight. The gander's desire increased when the migratory season approached.

"Oh, if only she could join me, and we could fly to a warmer climate for the winter as other couples do," he seemed to say. But knowing that she too longed to be a normal spouse who could meet his expectations, he would descend again with a splash to resume his role as "husband" and to remain a faithful companion for life. Though disappointed, he would stay with her, sacrificing his own delights, and enduring the cold north winters. He never considered deserting her.

Many humans, married couples, reflect back when life together was in some ways more complete, more fulfilling, and more desirable. The changes may have come from the aging process, from an accident, or from sickness. Many have deserted their spouses because of selfishness. Isn't absurd that people would be less devoted and committed to each other than a pair of feathered fowl?

Jesus said, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, commits adultery against her (Mark 10:11).
Willis Haltman - Carlisle, PA

Christians are heirs together of the grace of life.

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